Sunday, October 31, 2010

Extermination of Flies - only for aristocrats, intellectuals and estetorrs...

First - with a Flies  begins with the spread of many infectious diseases, especially intestinal worms, helminth. A flies  densely covered hairs that stick to small particles of dirt containing microorganisms and helminth eggs and other parasites harmful to humans.

Second - Diptera are eat near garbage tank, toilet and they eat every garbage and drink raw sewage.  All microbes penetrate the fly's intestine and in there can be up to 6 million harmful microbes in the body flies, and up to twinteneight million in the gut.

In garbage food may contain bacteres typhoid, dysentery, tuberculosis and many other diseases, as well microbes diseases may contain carry in egg worms. Dangerous for people microbes was be was found and in the excrement fliers, and food on whith they attended or they swim: there is a huge number of microbes in  food, dishes and equipment on there flies was landed. Diptera parasites reproduce is very fast. Each female lays 80-120 eggs at time. The favorite places are manures, yard toilets, garbage cans or food waste cans if they are open.

There are many different types of flies in nature. However, Houseflies are the most common. One fly in a rotten vegetable or food waste lays about a hundred eggs at once , which turn into larvae within a few hours. After a six days, the larvae turn into flies. The average lifespan of flies is 35-40 days.

On the bottom of each foot is a spiny sole with sticky hairs that allows the insect to move freely on smooth surfaces, walls and ceilings. Due to these sticky cushions (as, in fact, from other parts of the body) carries a large number of microorganisms. A single fly can carry several million different microbes, including pathogens what fly can cause very dangerous diseases such as dysentery, anthrax, cholera, tuberculosis and even typhoid.

The first and most important condition in the fight against flies is cleanliness. If the rooms and kitchen are clean, the floor is washed, there are no crumbs of food on the table - flies are very rare visitors.

 Second all boxes on coohen must be with tightly closed lids and closing special buckets for waste whith must be every day cleaned and disinfected with a 3-5% solution of bleach.

After removing the residues sewage and compost from trash cans, disinfect they again with a 10% bleach solution. Place storage of sewage, of compost, of manure from eggs and larvae flies should be treated with a strong 10% bleach solution or hexachloran (for  of 1 m2 in the garbage can - from 100 g of hexachloran).

External toilets must have tightly closed windows and doors and/or to closed moscit mesh. The content of cesspools external toilets should be sprinkled with bleach at the rate of 1 kg of surface 1 m2.

In order to prevent flies from flying from the yard to the room, you need to install moscit mesh (the length of the edge of the eye no more than 1.5 mm2) in a doors and a windows in the spring.

To expel naletevshih flies from the room, it is recommended to put dense curtains on the window for 10-15 minutes. Then quickly open the window, leaving all other Windows closed, aftethen flies do flying at the light and fly out of the room.

and more, you have noticed that flies are afraid of drafts, so you should ventilate more often a room. If they flies from the street, on the window should pul the moskit net.

A flies don't like keposine that's why In summer, when you washing windows and floors, you need to add it to the water.

Poisonous mixtures for flies:

1) in glass of water to drink 1 g of saccharin and 10 g of honey. Paper will absorb this composition and dry. When need to use; put the paper in a bowl and moisten with water to make it sticky.

2) in one glass of milk of powder take 40 grams of sugar, and add 40 grams of powder black pepper and this mixture impregnate the paper - fly prap ready.

3) can make mixture like this - 1 tablespoon of formalin, 5 tablespoons of sweet water and 3 tablespoons of milk. The mixture need is poured into plates, and piece of bread is placed in the middle

4) effective is hexogen powder or hexochloran is diluted with water. This liquid need wipe the walls and windows of the rooms, watter closet, external tuilet, garbage buckets. Efect with hexogen lasts up to 3 months, and hexochloran - a little less.

It is recommended to alternate drugs as the body flies of flies gets used to it he effects, and with time if are flies in the room, they will fly away.

You can also get rid of insects at home with carnivorous plants. Plants do not need special care. Drosera rotundifolia, pinguicula and calycanthaceae are especially effective when hunting flies. The one who is afraid of poisonous chemicals and thinks that Velcro is "unaesthetic", can try to get rid of unwanted guests in his home by placing pots of plant hunters on the windowsill.

Velcro of trap for flies.

You can kill flies,  yourself maked special for this the skotchs. To do this take 30 g of rosin and 20 g of castor oil and place in a put. The put to the jar in warm water and heat until the contents are completely dissolved. Add a little honey or jam to the resulting mass, and then plaster with a heavy glas paper.
Here are some recipes for glue formulas:
1. 200 g of rosin, 50 g of turpentine, 100 g of castor oil, 50 g of sugar syrup or molasses;
2. 300 g of rosin and 200 g of linseed oil, 60 g of honey;
3. 300 g of pine nuts, 150 g of linseed oil, 10 g of wax, 50 g of honey or sugar syrup;
4. 400 g of rosin, 100 g of raw honey, 200 g of castor oil or liquid paraffin, 40 g of glycerol.
All these mixtures are prepared according to one principle: melt the resin or rosin in a water bath,  add anothers components and apply it on paper using a hot method.

But am to better like to  there metod:

The glass tunnel from the form of an expanded bottle with sunken with a funnel, and with holes at the bottom of the container. Flycatcher to be on three legs, approximately 2 cm from the surface (table, chair, etc.),  on which the flycatcher stands. There is a gap at the bottom of the funel space, and inside the inverted funnel where the glass cup.

For a flies fil in soapy water to it or a slightly alkaline solution; there is a hole at the top, the jar is tightly closed. On jar, add bait, bran soaked in water or easily zakisshih, bread gira (natural) from of rye bread, sour milk, fermented molasses, etc.; this the smell of the bait attracts flies. All this swimit with a flies. From the bait, the flies fly into the light and due to the wall of glass jar the flies, to the bottom, where there are mixter of soap or a weak alkaline solution and die. Dead flies are deleted via the upper hole. It is necessary to monitor the purity of the fly and daily deleted dead flies and change the bait.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Evil of a Forests and a Meadows.

 I have qvesting: To recognize or not to recognize a phenomenones if it does not fit into the thoughts of the traditional model?

- Can't agree!
- All solves the practical autoritary representative of the so-called social legal intellectuals.
- This recognition is dangerous and can damage career.
- But as well the facts? as well truth defense?

- Mm, that the protection of the truth? A wise man once said, 'I never wear my best pants when I goto challenge or defend.' And it's not true? and if will get hem ass kicked and then he there not acknowledges it ?

All fairies, mermaids, dwarves and others, such creatures are satisfied in the stories of peoples, precisely with such an attitude - the phenomenon is negative, because there will not be enough space for them in the narrow attitudes and worldview of people who called themselves educated persons.

The worst of these creatures is the Ortodox church - it drags everybody into helland have the function of the nature of devils (if they exist). Her role in the nature not clear, but it still seems tobe reduced by because her creating dirty tricks. But the spirits of nature, which I think are creatures called fairies and mermaids, according to folk tales, not place in a Hell, they sometimes even help a persons, and then just joke with him, that's why having them in hell, unfair and illogical. And how for the facts ? here are some eyewitness accounts:

History I

You more will not find more lyricism anywhere else in Russian areas only on like Valdai Hills. From there from Seliger the beautiful deutsche Volga River is born. Framed by hills and forestes, not very large, but beautiful as a silver mirror lake Vselutskoe and Peno. the Volga from little streams go to is turning and fullwatter flowed as a river on which rafts and barges flowed. Rusian Slaves they sang beautiful song together, and at the mountain where stand the white chapel, bathing its golden domes-onion in the blue sky of the sky, in the white clouds the swans swim , and their shadows flowing on the colorful meadows. Golden hair, strong girls slaves, with parents and brothers, drove round danceon for surface of the water, and on holidays they as a nightingales sang loudly in the church choir.  the wind was have smell grass and resin, the smell of pine needles - even the earth has a sweet spring smell.

Maybe everything was not so good, maybe it's just my young, bright eyes looking at the sky and the earth, at people, everywhere saw one positive...

And on this ancient, and the smell of ancient superstitions land, mother of my friend, joker and profesional hunter Nicephorus told me one history how she met with spirits of woods.

- This was be in the summer. When the shepherd of our village didn't bring home my two sheep.
- And you no did asking his why?
- And what, - he says -  a big herd, and I am alone - how can I everebody see ? well I and no saw...
- your sheeps did be somewhere else?
- yes, in the woods - they tell him - there where there are small meadows.
I knew the places well: there in forests is be smail forest sites with small clearings - Luzhkovo. Well, he went looking. inby the time it was already evening even and the sun had almost set.  In the first meadow, I was see grazing sheep - but not my sheeps and in the second one - I met a man. Enormous, everyhe are moss, on he head and shoulders were clothe and hat made of dried fir trees...

So I and froze ... But he keep togoing and going ... He was within three steps and I said: 'Hello, grandfather!'.

But he did not answer, as though I no were and there, and went further into the forest. I very so did afraid to go home what I forgot and about the sheep and immediately went to one woman: she helping me could see in like a water - and I saw in the water... And the woman said: 'you saw your the sheeps at the bottom of the river - you lost your sheeps...'

History II

That my granddad, father my father(EastPrussia/Easterreich) didbe not only good lord but is a fine blacksmith did rumors flow from everywhere: hes blacksmithhoum was only fifty meters from the road, which constantly did hurry pedestrians, pulls carts, bells ring and sometimes passed be carriages the local lords. This it's one do, another about a carriages of lords must be several horses and necessariny must it's a pit on the road leads directly to the blacksmith's yard. And there you canby met a curious, small-eyed, dirty, barefooted boy, his face smeared with blacksmith's soot: he wore rough canvas trousers, usually rolled up on the knee.  The boy , does not wait for a question, did informs the arrivals, while arrivals tie their horses to the rack with his teeth, that they will have to wait: the skilled worker of father was drunk yesterday, and now she gets is hangover. She in nearby tavern - but she must return soon, ar the pope at home not - he have  other matters. The boy know to all the conversations, all matters that took place between the student and his father, with the surrounding resident and with the forge of the relatives, and he even took part in the conversation between adults. This boy wasbe the my father.

Life was interesting: the whole day he was pushed to establish, and he gained some valuable information: How much dowry will give for girls-Hutoryankas, how correct ability to buy hunting rifles, but if is a war;  asks to wolkers so that I don't answer, which local farmer in Riga, is had tried to deceive they, and how that he had tried this maiking.

Onece  and heated arguments arose  among the visitors of the forge - there is hell, or it no?

Most were inclined that there is no devil - all this was invented by the priests. Then one respected master of the neighboring farm, a man, said about there argument:

- You prove that the devilth does not exist. But what if can I prove if I saw him right here with my own eye and what you will say if he's looking at you now ?  Who need should believe, you or my eyes?

And then everyone immediately fell silent, weighty argument - not every day you are see a person who has seen the devil!

Then came the questions:
- Where? How? When? ..

The venerable farmer hesitated for a moment, and then said at once:
- I was in a place where I shouldn't have been, and with ax. (Here every will immediately guess that he was in the forest, where the craftsmen cut trees for the estate.) I stood behind the tree and was listened - someone was walking. I look - a man with a green collar - mybe a forester... He passed me be and only fifty steps stopped. I stand behind the tree, motionless, and wait. Not much time has passed and the forester to variable :
the forester was emerge horns and hooves, and after he again man as men. Then did again he changed - and so at least five times before my eyes... I slowly began to move away, secretly from tree to tree, and soon I went a long way - and befor this plase I more couldn't get... And you say - Hell...

At this point I am leaving this story. Despite all the comics situation i believe the sincerity of telkinger of the story, of course - he seen Devil. Another question is what or how did he see?

To better understand this, we provide some examples.

History III

This it was be on Christmas Eve. Strictly speaking, last day Eve of Christmas move gives Ioan Berzgalu can stay at home. And the house of Ioan today was warm and smelled nice of a hot pie, stuffed with ground pork with onions and peppers. Wife Jan could do it like everyone and else folkdeutsch womans: her pie crust was thin and melted in mouth under pint beer.

But Ioan yet went to geting in forest. Why? So his soul living in the forest... and he was used to it. It was nice for him, welking about snowy forest with a gun was thrown behind his back... walked under the snow-covered trees and read a book about the footprints of lokal forest dwellers. Besides, he was a great shooter and he loved hunts white hares... becon of hares for wife is like.

Today, of course, there not can be  about huntered, no shedding of someone's blood. But yet he took some and gun and ammunition. If no ammunition, no stucer, so what is he huntsman without a gun?

He has already walked almost all the layouts, he remains approximately little grove, then in the cemetery, then you can turn to the country road and ... at home.

A soft winter twilight fell upon the ground as he getting to the grove. This be It was bezwietrzny, relatively warm and quiet twilight. The sky as every time at this time in the Baltic countries of gray lead clouds as of sky thoung dark-gray ribbon with black squares is stretched, and yet, was be a special feeling of comfort and blissful peace. Soul to was quietly telking whith the sky. A pleasant thought was born in my head: he was breathing deeply the air full of the smell of forests and with a small but pleasant fatigue in the young body, he before long will geting him house, where by that time everything everything will be washed, cleaned and prepared for the holiday. his Mary, will greet him joyfully taket his head in her hands and slowly kisses his warm lips...

- Mm - kas tai? - Jis roused pats. - Neduok Dieve - kiškiai?

Tiesa: iš kapinių atėjo kiškis - nuvalo praeiti, jį į tam tikrą pusę, šimta zingsniu, mes matome medžių giraitė.

Wouldn't have been he Ioan Berzgal if he hadn't shot this hare. He didn't think about anything - the stucer is automatically up and almost at the same time, two shots rang out.

And then Ian experienced the ease: the hare is far away, and he no matter how he and was not shooting.

It was a big blow to self-esteem the shooter's, but he feld himself in comfort because, strictly speaking, it's wrong: killing an animal on Christmas Eve, this is a great sin...

he took out the empty cartridges, loaded the gun again and there he was going to throw a weapon from his belt behind his back as he saw the unimaginable: the hare did not run to the grove, he suddenly stopped and as if he have  mind, rushed back...

- Ah, mischievous..!

He muttered to myself and, he again shoting in hare er the hare ran to aside the cemetery as if nothing had happened.

- Thank you! - Said Jonas, loading the stucer again. When he finished, he again see hare and he again shoot to him...

So the hare ran back and forth and Ian shot him to the last chuck...

When the chucks are over, the rabbit stopped, and dissape. Counting the empty cartridge cases, he came to the conclusion that he could not miss so many times so shamefully - the snow was supposed to be bloody and whippeded cotton wool...  To calm his wounded pride, he went to the firing line but there no were in the snow no hare blood, no hare tracks.

That's why he didn't kiss his wife on the home, he just took a deep breath and said:
- Oh, my dear, if you knew what happened to me..!

History IV

There in Lithuanian one cemetery (in city Rietavas) where lonely pedestrians, along  of the fence, very often encounter little kitten and this black kitten always crosses the path of a travelers in the same place. The interesting thing is that the kitten is not growing:  peopls see him many years and it is high time for him to grow into a huge cat... but  he not growing. Many a time peoples sometimes when he tried to catch this kitten, but they always disap...

History V

A barren semi-desert looks Betpak Dala, north of Lake Balkhash to the blue lake of the same name. It starts with a gray-brown plain with miserable bushes, out into small oases green grass breaks . Road It branches off into sidings, and siding, and from station to station, neither houses nor trees. Sometimes long steep hills will accompany the road where on view hundreds of miles, you might see a lone camel herding…

Steppe... and lone four horsemen on a hot day 1960 of the year. three of them are pentecostals, the fourth was a porter, guide, a local resident - Kazakh.They made their way to the mountainous areas of the Basags, which plais already grew to decline in birch and soil be suitable for cultivation. All they were experienced travelers and all are preparing carefully consider the trip, but someone something forgot to grab and everyone was richly stocked with cigarettes on the road, but forgot about the match and water in sufficient for suth of the travel quantities. All threer were looking for water and fire, but there are no be signs no water and of human habitation in this vast plain.

After some time, they was see small planting of birch trees. Rider clapped up: about the grove could be settliment-aul or water spring... When they got closer, they to see that about there is nothing desert is deserted and only play children, dressed in monotonous clothe: white shirts, red pants and of with hats of red.

Maybe - the Pioneers! - Decided by horsemen. - Maybe there should be a camp right next to the trees - where you can get drunk and make some matches...
The horsemens spurred horses, but children one after another began to run into grove and disappeared with her. This did be good seen, and neither the grove, neither play children, no a pioneer camps, and no sign of human habitation at all.

All questions were didn't find an not one answer, axcept from the guide clarifications it may possible to only one deduce that these children and this dirty place: it's The Devil...

History VI

The same place Kazakhstan, Orenburg, Naryn Sands Mahambetovsky self goverment.

On a hot July afternoon, a boy ran from the steppe to his native village. The great desert  spaces around - there was no one, who to here are they afray of.  Settlements here scattered a distances of at least six or seven kilometers and of two or three houses, at  from each other - there no rarely in the desert...

to him it was a little  before home, only round, as varnished white - steppe swamp from of sand. But when the boy saw there the policeman, he was stunned: it was full of people... Yes, who are those people and where to there, why  is the policeman from?!  such the boy to here never has never seen ... All clothed in cloth bright colors: green, red, white, blue - and all color in their clothes are mixed. Some of these was be stoodfroze are like salt in the mines, while others danced temperamentally...

-  well this is where here this peoples from and - so strange? - The guy wondered.

Who these people were, hi had doubt, especially since hi was already close to them, and they seem to have noticed his, and one told the other thing so plainly:

- Here comes the boy!

- Give him it here! - shouted another. Then the boy felt that something was wrong, he was overcome with fear, and he as fast as you can ran back. But they everybody managed have already noticed him, and  crowd of strange people decisive action to suppresed his paths.
The boy so scared what legs did fleding on theirown  - and he raced, as soon as I can on home
Exhausted, suffocating, he cam running home and outright told parents that he had seen.

In such cases in east, and in west everybody is usually said

- what you seen what, son does not exist !

But you all have in self life situations that defy simple and logical explanation. And how many of those who have seen, came across this  want to keep quiet about it, so as not to be ridiculed ? ar why isn't it better to admit that people have neighbors - the spirits of nature, and try to create good relations with them?

But really imagined, and continued to haunt thousands of people who saw and were told about it? (And how many of those who have seen, want to keep quiet about it, so as not to be ridiculed) Isn't it better to admit that people have neighbors - the spirits of nature, and try to create good relations with them?

But boy...  This the boy which saw strange people in the saltmarsh he defended today his dissertation candidate of economic sciences, and a docter of economic sciences certainly cannot be accused of simple superstition !

Cake with apple curd and cream !

For this recipe you will need:
eggs - 4 pcs.
sugar - 1 cup
Milk - 1.5 cups
melted butter - 4-5 tablespoons
Flour - 2.5 cups
Yeast - 1/3 packages
salt - to taste
apples - 400-600 g
For the cream:
milk - 1 glass
egg (yolk) - 2 pcs.
sugar - 1/2 cup
starch - 1 tsp
vanilla sugar - to taste

Make dough from these ingredients, make a round cake. and place due to a large pan (or frying pan) smeared.
Put the cake in a warm place to rise, and then bake it in the oven at medium heat. Remove the finished pomace before it hardens. Spread the apple filling evenly on top. Use a pastry syringe to dispense the cream.
To prepare the cream, beat the yolks with sugar, add starch, then flour. Gradually pour the milk into the mixture, stirring constantly to avoid curdling the yolk. Put the spoon on a low heat and let it cook while stirring all the time, cook until it thickens. In addition to ostuzhenny cream, add vanilla sugar and grinding well.

 Maybe you also interested:
Apple pie of sand of dough !
Cake with apples !
Lazy cake with apples...
Apple Pie with Cheese or Cottage Cheese...
Myelin dough (fermented dough).



Friday, October 29, 2010

Cake with apples !

For this recipe you will need:
flour - 1 glass
sugar - 1/2 cup
butter - 100 g
powdered sugar - 1/2 cup
egg - 1 pc.
Apple - 1-2 pcs.
fruit jelly - 300g
orange - 1 pc.

Mix with the help of a mixer, softened butter, flour, add powdered sugar, eggs and knead the dough elastically. Grease a baking sheet, put the dough in a layer, it will cover the entire surface with thinly sliced apples, sprinkle with sugar and bake in a moderate oven until golden brown (about 30 minutes). Spread the hot, prepared fruit jelly and orange juice on the cake. You can decorate the top of the cake with orange slices.

Maybe you also interested:
Apple pie of sand of dough !
Cake with apple curd and cream !
Lazy cake with apples...
Apple Pie with Cheese or Cottage Cheese...
Myelin dough (fermented dough).

Apple pie of sand of dough !

 For this recipe you will need:
* Apple - 1 kg
* Seedless rice - 100g
* Lemons - 1 pc.
* Nuts - 100g
* Cinnamon - to taste
* Flour - 1 glass
* Butter - 100g
* Powdered sugar - 4 spoons
* Egg - 1 pc.
 First, make the filling: Peel the apples, cut them into thin slices, add raisins, grind with a meat grinder (or with a blender), lemon, cinnamon and chopped nuts.
 Dough: soften the butter and mix it with powdered sugar and eggs and add flour. Mix the dough well so that there are no balls, wrap it with a film and leave it for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator.
Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5-7 mm, cut it slightly larger than the circle of the baking dish. Then grease the mold, put an apple inside, fold the edges gently. Heat well in the oven and bake until golden brown (about 30 minutes).

 Maybe you also interested:
Cake with apples !
Cake with apple curd and cream !
Lazy cake with apples...
Apple Pie with Cheese or Cottage Cheese...
Myelin dough (fermented dough).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Missionary Notes

-"If you are really one who calls himself what who know God, to why youare afraid of death, why are you silent?"  way to God it's treasure to all.  If you silent - you are a thief, you are a keeper of a spring in a drought and you do not let anyone drink.
- "No, no. They didn't hide the water. It was really very little. It's so little will not be enough on everyone. We have theoretical knowledge. We know the formula of water: H2O. And water has very little."
- "So, you are a liar. We were told a long time ago that you are a player and your sweet words of would disturb the soul in vain. you're disturbing us only to rob us of sweet oblivion and night dreams. need  drive or kill you.  Or you use the power for weak people, building a city of light, where they will live happily. Choose:  here and the prize 'The Philosophical Stone - is a squad of The Latvian Riflemen and Chinese Volunteers are waiting command - 'open fire to kill'.  Choose!"
- "No, no. It was all there. It's dead-end roads. There must be another way. It really is, not just being. I'm only feebly guiding you through it. Give me time, bear with me. You check out quickly, very soon I with your be you'll.'
- 'seem you to want to lead us into the desert. And not in a year, but in 40 years of promises. now It doesn't work. We are not so stupid as all time repeat fall and this the world famous race. Us don't are lucky. as before a hundred years, to us can't escape a bullet, or immigrant poverty, and with you is perspektives only one grueling job with Kyle under security supervision. And now from us! We won't can ban you from ringing a bell death. can't hear him day because the noise of the city in the streets and at night because of the roar manufacturs.'

So talked two standing person in biblia world, and tolook at the ground. And they did know one other, this is the problem itself. Maybe they and  they thinks what could be would have been different - but it is error. And here is the problem - What is does poor man know about wealth? All his words of chastity heve without common sense. What would be the words of victory life over death, if they speaking a man, afraid of death, pain, loneliness, hunger, even? you want teling tu me about your friends?

Everythink what that everything will depend on me but not everything of thinking he is not right? - this is everithng am so a small and a short-lived, and there is no other without me. This is a lie, and you meanding this warms you from the inside, this something, protects you from madness and gives you the strength to live? In fact, no... Where are You, Lord?

"I am here," said the man who is always there, who walks always through the desert one step away from you and whose feet will not leave no trace in ground.

The Ancient Asia


What do we know about one of the largest continents on planet earth called Asia ?  What do we know about her past and how we not knowing the past if vant prognosiring comunication with countrys, with peopls of the Asia in now and the future ? 

Now all local europian peopls one way or another  have origins, related to a representatives of central and northern Europe. And we all as descendant Vikings know how, in the course of their endless explorations and travels, the Aryans came to central and southern Europe.  We all know that the time civilized peoples of the Mediterranean looked upon our ancesor the Europeans of central and northern Europe as barbarians !

But these "The Barbarians" lived a active and healthy life, were warlike and hardworking and did caned take liderent, dominant positions throughout the European, American, Austral continents and did caned their influence over the Asian, African continents as well. But let's be critically realistic to self - we know little about Europe and almost know nothing about the continent called Asia. 

It is believed that America was discovered by Columbus, but this does not mean that there there not was toby others europian people from central and nord europa, and this not mean that to there is not was life, civilisation of other lokal american peoples.

We also know nothing about the African continent, with the exception of Egypt and the Mediterranean coast, where there were very advanced civilizations that gave flash for the development of Mesopatamia, India, and China.

Nevertheless, we know about the existence of three civilizations in ancient Asia: Assyriskan, Babylonian and Persian. We also know that each of these civilizations strives for complete and unlimited dominance in satisfying their ambitions to be exceptional and enjoy the privileges of a distribution, redistribution of merit, property, income. 

'Rich as endless wealth' - what happened that this endless wealth disappeared ? nothing in us world appears from nowhere and disappears to nowhere. 

Any a eternal wealth implies income significantly exceeding expenses as well as dependence on the income and privileges of subsequent generations who cannot provide income to cover self needs. 

Everything that is produced on the planet is drawn from the resources of the planet and her accessible environment. the more primitive a civilization is, the more dependent it is on ready-to-use resources - water, wood, earch and her natural resources - petrolium, gold, coal, iron ore and others. 

If technologies for obtaining, using, transforming resources do not develop due to insufficient abilities, upbringing, education and dependence on goods, opportunities remain, this leads to the depletion of resources and the continent turns into a lifeless desert. This is exactly what happened to Asia, people did not choose the means and ways to provide for their needs and drew more from the natural environment than it could reproduce - continent Azia. Has turned into a desert and is unable to provide a living wage without the halping of more developed civilizations capable of doing this through the use of more advanced technologies.

For example, the income of the kings of Lida, which was located in the west, Asia, seement would be was inexhaustible. dueto its favorable country location trade was general source of income. There seemeto be no connection between resources and trade. but goods produced in neighboring countries devoured Lida's resources, and dependence on wealth, the needs of the country's inhabitants greater than the possibility of environmental restoration led to the depletion of resources and made the territory itself little unsuitable for life.

Dependence on wealth and the desire to satisfy the needs of life in any way leads to the depletion of resources and makes from comfortable living environment to the territory little unsuitable for life.

'During the Empire Persia, the dependence on the endless wealth of Persia under the rule of Cyrus grew and became domenant.  There was a conflict between Cyrus and infinite wealth, and Cyrus caused endless loss of wealth.  Conquer history, and as misfortune takes pride in the endless wealth of dependence, it gains understanding and wisdom' - says the Greek writer and historian Herodotus.

Cyrus was the ruler of one of the largest empires of that time, the size of India. And his successor Darius increased the territory of Persia by annexing to her Egypt, part of Central Asia and a small part of India. In the chronicles of that time it is noted that Darius received tribute from India in gold, which had a high content of sand. Under the influence of meeting needs, the consumption of resources also increased, the climate changed, which led to a shortage of water in the region and, consequently, a reduction in the production of plant and animal food products and industrial raw materials.

In other words, dependence on wealth, the ability to satisfy the need for more than necessary led to the out of resources and made it  condiyion that vast territories were not very profitable for life.

The tribes living in Asia lost the opportunity to satisfy their expanded lusts, desires and then in Europe to satisfy their claims. 

Having turned their countrys into desert, they came to ruin other countries and so far they are coping with it successfully. In many countries of Europe and America they have a supportive majority and, taking advantage of deep corruption in all public and governing institutions, they spread the influence as more primitive over more advanced.

Migrants from the Azia depend on wealth and strive to satisfy their needs at any cost.  They must be given everything - from unskilled, low-labor-intensive and at the same time high-paid labor to well life and other material benefits at the expense of the local selfover population.  Also, migrants do not choose the method of obtaining wealth and, as a consequence of material wealth.  They bring in Europian world crime - frauds, thefts, robberys, extortions, drugs trafficking, traffickings in people and children, uncontrolled prostitutions with a lot of sexually transmitted and others diseases, etc.. but most importantly, they are gobbling up the resource and will turning Europe into the same desert from which they came to the civilized world to impose their moral and legal norms, and the last has already become too serious a problem to not realize !

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gods of The Ancient World

      Apollo / Apollon - Son of Zeus (lat.): Jupiter assocy to Summer, twin brother of Artemis (Diana).  Apollo is tphe god of the Sun, the patron of light and enlightenment - science and art. Him Moose is a leader.  All we have heard about wonderful sculptures and images of Apollo.  The famous statue of Apollo in the Belvedere is considered a symbol of male beauty.

  Asclepius / Asclepius (Latin: Asclepius) - god of healing, son of Apollo.  Disciple of Chiron is smart centaur.  Zeus is responsible for raising the dead, but Chiron gave him immortality.  Asclepius had two daughters: Hygiene (hence the name of the science of hygiene) - the goddess of health, and Panacea (All-Healer).

  Achilles / Achilles - the legendary hero in the Trojan War, the king's dog Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis. His mother seeks to make her son immortal. The mother went to the river Styx, she lowering hi into the river, but except heel by which she held him. Therefore, the heel remained the weakest point. Hence the Latin phrase "Achilles heel", meaning  spot by which she held him.

  Dionisas / Bacchus / Dionysos (Greek Dionysus) - patron of viticulture, wine god of all vegetation and viticulture.  Attributes of Bacchus - grapes and tears, bowl and mask of Bacchus.  Are his often depicted on horses on the Panther horse, or him carriage is led by two lions.  Their naked bodies are covered with reindeer skins.  According to the myth, they can turn into lions, panthers, lynxes or tigers.

 Ceres / Demetr (Greek Demeter) - the daughter of fertility, Saturn and Rhea, goddesses of the earth, are in the area of ​​the earth.  First, the plow plowed the earth and peopls can sowed fruit in the earth world.  According to the myth, the she gave people the law, under the auspices of marriage, residency and peaceful living.

 Diana / Artemis (Greek Artemis) - goddess of the hunt, daughter of Apollo, is Jupiter and Summer, twin sister.  Props: a quiver, bow tie and a gold flashlight.  Diana have bear, deer and dog.  During the days, the hunting goddess is surrounded by dogs, and the pack of nymphs helping in the mountains and forests in pursuit of gazelles, deer.  Diana - the biutiful goddess and has no big problem with men who dare to look at her while playing poorl games.  According to legend, Actaeon, who dared to do this, turned Diana into a deer and tore her dog to pieces.

 Cupid / Amores / Erot - Latin: Cupid - God of Love.  Depicted as boy or young man wings, bows, arrows and quiver.  Is one of the oldest ancient gods in mythology.  Personification of the nature of the principle of creation, therefore chaos and heaven.  Cupid second name Eros and his  conside as the son of Mars and  goddess of love Venus (Greek Aphrodite).

 Fortuna / Tyche - goddess of happiness, pektering as luck and fortune.  Depicted with Coins above his eyes, on wheels (or a ball) there she to  syplyusched gold coins from abundance horn bandage.  Wheels and blindfolds symbolize the volatile nature of the goddess - here: "Wheel of Fortune." In ancient times,  after giving birth the goddess of fortune Fortune sacrificed , so that she to was favorable to the fate of the newborn.

 Charites / Charis / Gratiae (graikų Labdaros)- deivė. Grožio, moteriškas žavesys ir gyvenimo džiaugsmas. Malonė yra Veneros (Afroditės) kompanionai. Jie yra pateikti į Veneros, grožio deivės, suteikiant valymo tualetu. Dažnai jūs galite pamatyti juos šalia meilės Eroto dievo. Senovėje Gracas vaizduojamas kaip tryjų moterų ilgi paltai, kai stovi ranka rankon. Vėliau jie pradėjo vaizduoti, kad gražios nuogos merginos, apkabina sokiu formos.

 Hercules / Heracles (Greek: Hercules) - There is a legend according to which Hercules' real name is Alcides, and he received the nickname Hercules from the Delphic Oracle, which means “performs a feat because Hera (Latin: Juno) is persecuted him". Son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Alcmene. Songs about the exploits of Hercules and myths about his glorious exploits include elements of ancient Egyptian and Phoenician cults.

 Ikaro / Icarus (Vikare) - was the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the architect of the labyrinth of Crete. Teaches various professions, trades, directly supports progress.  Ikar the author of such inventions as the ax, the drill, he first put on a sail and taught people to swim.  According to legend, being a great sculptor, was able to render his sculptures life forms.

  Juppiter / Zeus (Greek Zeus) - the supreme god of the Roman Empire king of the gods and all mankind.  Appreciated many gods and heroes of the ancient Gods: Apollo and Diana, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, and Bacchus, "Hercules", Perseus, the beautiful Helen and Minerva.  Jupiter lives on Mount Olympus, expressing his positive attitude towards people sends on earth good weather if  wants to express his anger shakes the sky and sends to earth thunder, lighning, storms and rain.

  Janus / Janus - the name of the ancient Roman deity probably comes from the Latin word door (janua).  At first, Janus was believed to be the god of light and sun, who opens the gates of heaven.  Janus later becomes a deity who represents all entrances and exits, time, and everything what have beganing and the end  Depicted with two faces, one of them - young, the other - old.  Janus is for January.

  Leda / Leda - according to the myth, Jupiter, impressed by the beauty of the Ice, is swimming in the form of a swan.  After that, she laid two eggs: from which Helen and Dioscuri hatched.  From this myth originated from the winged Latin expresion "with eggs, Leda", i.e., from the very beginning.

  Minerva / Palantas (Greek Palantas) - goddess, personification of wisdom.  The goddess of military intelligention, cunning and shrewdness.  Appeared from Jupiter (Zeus) head fully combat gear: helmet, with spear and shield.  According to legend, Perseus and Minerva helped Perseus kill Medusa and present themselves with a severed head.  Minerva adorns Perseus head and Gorgon's shield. Minerva goddess wisdom, owles and snakes.

  Mars / Arey (Greek Arey) - God of War, son Junono's and Jupiter.  Incarnation the horror of war.  Berserk, seyaschy death.  Mars dislikes even his father, Jupiter, saying that he inherited his stubborn nature from his mother.  Everyone knows that the love myth of Mars and Venus.  The fruit of their union, and daughter Harmony and son - the god of love Cupid.  Mars in Roman Empire, considered the father of the founders of Rome - Romulus and Remus.

  Mercury / Merkurius / Hermes (Greek Hermes) -) son of Jupiter and Maya (Earth ". Incarnation  of exchange, transition from one state to another. Gods of the bulletin, sending information to the men from gods. Mercury is the protector of trade, commerce and theft. Represented by slender young man clothed winged sandals and helmet with winged sceptre, in his hands caduceus. Hermis believed to be the inventor of the lyre.

 Neptun / Poseidon (Greek Poseidon) - one of the godof okean and main gods Mount Olympus.  Rhea's son Saturn's and Amphitry, brothers JupiterPlutoJunoCeres, wife Amphitry.  Palace of Neptune and Amphitrite on the bottom of the sea, among rocks and corals.  Their set consists of fantastic creatures: triton, nereides, gimmokampov and others hit to the rock trident and so sndcausin storms in the ocean.

  Nemesis / Rhamnousia - goddess of retribution, early antiquity represented in the future in Ancient Rome as the goddess of retribution, she punished for violating orders, includin excessive happiness and pride.  Nemesis is the goddess of justice, a symbol of fairness with her blindfold, symbolizing impartiality, balances the worth to represent fair trial.

  Orpheus - Apollo son of Calliope.  According to the myth, Orpheus invented music and the elements.  It is embodied, the admiration was caused by creative people.  Orpheus's music makes trees and plants bend to listen to his divine music, the river stops flowing and the animals become tame, and lay at his feet.  In expedition 'Argo'  The voice of Orpheus, saved the Argonauts from the sirens.  In today's world, Orpheus is  synonymous with glory musicians or singers.

 Pluto / Pluton / Hades Greek: Hades) - Sir Afterlife.  According to the idea of ​​ancient people, the souls of the dead went to Hell (Tartarus), in which rulering Pluto, ar the late righteous find eternal bliss in Elysium.

Saturn / Kronos (Greek Kronos) - one of the oldest doolimpiyskih gods - the son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth).  Uranus overthrew his father  and separed heaven and earth.  Saturn - father of JupiterJunoPlutoNeptuneCeres.

  Terpsichore and Thalia, Thalia as and other muses very beautiful ledy. Thalia daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne.  She born at the foot of Mount Olympus for hem a pure heart and a beautiful voice, she sings at the festivals of the gods and for the inspiration of poets and musikants.  If Melpomene - Muse Tragedy, Terpsichore - Dance Muse, Thalia - Muse Comedy. Muse Erato patronage Poetry, Muse Euterpe patromage Lyric Poets and Music, Polyhymnia / Polymnia - a Eloquence and Muse of Song,  Calliope - Muse Epic.  Apollon, the patron of all muses and arts, is often depicted as the support of all nine muses.

Urania and Clio - Muse of Science.  The Muses are two of The Most Important Sciences in The Ancient World.  Urania - Muse of History and Astronomy. Muse Astrology ist Clio.

Aphrodite / Venera - goddess of love.  Daughter of Jupiter and Dione Oceanides.  According to another myth, Venus arose from the foam of the sea, dyed with the blood of the murdered god Uranus, on the island of Cyprus, hence the name Kipridy.  The respected philosophers of antiquity Aphrodite 'Pandemos - god of passion and Aphrodite 'Urania - protection of perfect love to she was dedicated to dolphins, sparrows, doves and rabbits.

Vesta  - Goddess Ops daughter of Saturn.  Or cockles and fire, which are required to support all family members, as the guardians of the symbol of harmony and purity of morals.  There was a social cult of Vesta as the patroness of cities and all social gatherings.  Prytaneum - the temple of the eternal goddess at the center of the city in Rome.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Country of Childhood

 Childhood is a country.  There everything is possible, everything is allowed.  Here, weak and helpless can be strong, brave, powerful, and boriness and uninterestess, it can seem quite interesting and fun.  In the island of childhood, anyone can overcome hostility and trouble to make the world bright, colorful and interesting.  To do this, you just need to be a child.  Children's imagination and creativity can do real wonders.  For parents, it is important to raise healthy children, to encourage the full development of their personality, to come to their aid in time, if necessary.  Children's behavior is affected by everything from the parents' desire or unwillingness to have a baby.  Psychologists have proven that even a small doubt has already left its mark on the baby.  Such children are usually more aggressive, often feel nauseous, they have no love for themselves and the whole world, so that they become hostile.  Everyone knows that children need a lot of attention.  The child's family has a particularly strong influence.  Much depends on communication with parents about what and how the child is occupied at home.  How do they live in the family?  Does it matter if he himself considers it necessary to be closest to the people with him?  Does it matter if that family was for him such a beautiful and good house, where always triese to help you in failure ?
 Based on the documented practice of relations between social services, child welfare services, and the administration of one of the Lithuanian this is European self-government bodies, I checked the analysis of their conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior and analyzed the consequences of such.
 I am interested in your opinion - can people hold important public positions if they cannot answer for their own conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, and why as in the case I considered is their obvious criminality busenes tolerated actives?

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Addendums -

Why and how dreams come true... or how to make Your Christmas Dreams come True or what is a Trans Surfing.

 Transsurfing, what is transurfing from the point of view of awareness of the principle of understandings.  Does the mind imagine its dreams?  On the one hand, dreams of events are virtual, but on the other hand, dreams look so realistic that people always accept them as reality.  It is known that sleep can be seen as not from phisical world.  In addition, it is clear that you'll phisical life in dreams principle is impossible.  If sleep is an imitation where do they come from and where are they stored, there where are all these incredible photos and stories?

 There is a hypothesis that the brain synthesizes itself while dreaming, and perceives these images before sleep, as well as in reality.  This is really nothing more than a hypothesis.  So far, no one has proven that this is the case.  Without this hipothesis, the interpretation of Transurfing is quite different: the subconscious self is nothing fancy, and is directly connected to a options, where all the information is.  This is a space functions - an information structure that stores all possible events of the scenario.  The number of possibilities is infinite, like the infinite number of possible they variants. It was, is and will be.

Humans brain can only go to a certain limited amount of data. Even as great biological systems, a humans will not be able to hold all that we can ready to play in our memory. And brain not cannot synthesize a virtual reality as perfect as a dream. And don't need to hear unconvincing arguments, faiks what a disabled brain acquires the ability to perceive an imaginary image clearly for them and other nonsense.

 If it conditionally considerthe entire human psyche as mind so subconscious mind, that the emoces is conscious, then it can be said that a dream is the flight human brain of the from all options. At the sam emoces of humans has direct access to information, where all the "script and scenery are preserved, just like a movie in the frame area. We is not to imagine your dreams - we really sees them. This is not an illusion, but a real movie about what already happened in a past or can has happen in a future.

In dreams there are all kinds of possible events, but because there is an infinite number of potentially chosen ones, then there is no guarantee that the dream has any connection with reality. In any case, what happens in real world is the physical realization of one of many options of dreamsleep. This means in the material world, there are infinite variants of movement in space, for example as a slide film, which manifests itself as a phenomenon of the question of movement in time.

 Thus, the world exists simultaneously in two forms: physical reality, which can touch, and variants of metaphysical space, which are beyond phisick perception, but no less realyte. And access to information in the place metaphysical space is in principle possible. it meand you were there from where intuitive knowledge and insight were taken. The mind in principe cannot create anything new working on a analogs. He can simply collect a new version of the old house of bricks snd all scientific discoveries and masterpieces of the mind are manifested in the page space, through the emocys.

 If you emotionally disagree with this, don’t jump to conclusions, to we consider it logically.  Look carefully at the objects, then close your eyes and try to imagine, present it.  Even if you have an fine ability to imagine, you still cannot see objects with your eyes closed as with open. Human RAM and Internal memorys have very modest abilities. The image that captures, in your opinion, is just a photo of very poor quality.  Suppose the brain stores, such as photography, as a certain state of neurons.  Then, in order to reproduce all the found pictures, the RAM and Internal memory of humans neurons, will not be enough.

 If our memories and dreams are what are written in and on neurons in reproductions, what is their volume and how many of them?  Transerfing explains this contradiction, however, that neurons do not carry bits of information as a computer.  The brain store does not have the same information as solving in kind of space information of page memory.

But there is still something in common between dream and reality?  It's hard to tell wene we are sleeping, us brain bloking a critical look at what is happening.  In addition to dreams, virtual reality simulates a somethig dimilar aquarium and despite the fact that strange things often happen there, we perceive it as something normal.  So is in a dream, events happen to a person that he cannot influence or get cannot  away from.

 Outsite dreams, consciousness dominates on metaphysical space and humans don't more as to it's a movie viewer of self life.  And at the same time, he real experienced what he saw, and this experience is transmitted as assoative, which is immediately adapted to the local opportunities, corresponding to the expectation in a reality.  It happens and so that in reality we find ourselves in places that we have already been to in a dream. So, the script changes dynamically as we go scenery and characters will instantly adapt to the scenario of changing conditions and our imagination in dreams involved only as a generator of qwestings.

 But sometimes we understand at some point that this is sleep and in this case, the unconscious dream turns into a lucid.  In awareness dreamsleep we participates in a virtual game realizes that it is only work of us imagination. There are many books on the subject of Lucid Dreaming, and there amateurs in the who engage in this practice regularly.

 Not all people can control dreamsleep, realizing that this is just a dresm, for this you need to have abilities and train, develop them. Through lucid dreaming you can consciously and unconsciously correct real events in which you participate. For example, you want to fly and with one force do desire to fly - you fly, but you cannot know the consequences of fulfilling your desire - it can be either negative or positive, depending on the natural contradictions of your specific situation. that is, to here your desire is is a strengs for action. 

The desire itself does not do anything, you need to intentionally fulfill it, for example: you want to fly, you will don’t need think about whether it is possible or not, you just need to get into the air. Remember that the more you think about the way and possibilities of fulfilling your desire, plan the situation, the more you doom yourself to failure. Here important a wish as an effort to achieve a goal, you want  fly and you just acting.

Intention is the driving force that controls and lucid dream scenarios.  but the question is different - where do fears, anxieties, hostility, envy, hatred come from in a dream? can they be controlled ? if we don't want it, we won't get it ?But we will still get what we are trying to avoid. It turns out that we do not control the emotional basis of the external environment. Let's call this force of the external environment - external intention.

 By playing with external intentions, we can adjust reality, optimally adapt the situation in which we are in reality to external conditions and extend our influence to the outside world. The ability in a dream, as in a computer game, to play a situation until an acceptable solution is called the space of possibilities, that is, the space of acceptable solutions. This is very powerful tool for influencing the outside world.  You begin to predict the influence of external influence on your actions in a given situation and optimize your efforts in achieving a particular goal in reality. Unenlightened people this usually  associate with luck, magic, paranormal behavior, phenomena. Sometimes, if our goals do not contradict biblical moral standards, we can gain access to the outer world itself and change the conditions of the game in reality itself. With the help of this power, you can subordinate people, animals, plants to your goals, but only if your goals are only partly yours and are capabled do evolution, development of the economy, and/or science, and/or social relations. Here you must understand that people are naturally stupid and selfish, and cannot foresee the dlobal consequences of their desires - conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, therefore the positive or negative consequences of the proposed changes in the conditions of the game itself. Therefore, if we simplify the understandinges, our a desires on considering a external forces, a external world. The desire to dominate the outside world, vobinding one’s own conditions will inevitably lead to tragedy both  to you and about to close to you proples, animal and etc..

 So, try to move the pencil across the table with the force of your minding, with the effort of desire and you won’t succeed. Now try to concentrate your attention on the pencil and visually move not the pencil but the space around the pencil. And you'll see, he's moving. But in this case he moves only in your imagination, others do not see this. What needs to be done so that others see what you see ? It is correct that they concentrate their attention on the subject and begin to visually mix the space around it, or in other words, they dynamically change their point of view. Then the pencil fo them and fo them moves. Not the way you see this, but  the pencil fo them moves. In this case you take advantage opportunity of the entire space. You to see the difference.

Here, pencil on table. Now, by concentrating your attention on it and visually changing your point of view of the space around it, you place it at another point in space. You mentally record the result and change the rules for visually moving the space around the pencil. Nou we consistently materialize the pencil to new points in space while the remaining layers, including the observer’s layer, mentally for you and instuctivy for around, remain unchanged. It's not the object itself that is moving, but its visual implementation in space.  In this way you can visually moving objects contrary to all the laws of physics, and this will be see observers if you manage to unknowingly for them involve them in the process.

Not everyone succeeds, not everyone has such abilities, upbriving and, accordingly, the desire to study their possibilities, analyze and improve them. It's people can perform complex arithmetic operations in their minds and solve trigonometric equations, but others cannot. Ones people fill their heads with all sorts of crap anddeny reality as such replacing it with what they want is like and generallity constuction with most logistic construction of generally accepted dogmas - others do not. Ones people strive for spend time in a fun company, others harding avoid it. all people have different abilities and corresponding have they opportunities, possibilites.

 Everything that is connected with the external world of most people is difficult to comprehend and they adhere to generally accepted explanations do noting try to understand the essence, the pattern of what is happening. So most people cannot understand the binomial theory, the theory of relativity, even the work of helicopter propellers is difficult for many people to understand. Which speaks about more complex things. So most people do not read scientific works that are difficult for them to understand, but everyone has some kind of their own opinion built on generally accepted authoritarian dogmas, statements in most cases that are far from content this scientific works and with conflikted reality. The same with classical music, painting, philosophy, etc.. Ask your guests and acquaintances many of them know the principles of operation of a computer, mobile phone, iphone, and most will have difficulty answering. But lack of knowledge and ability, ponsibility to understand the  of what is happening does not prevent them from expressing their opinion, which in essence will be the generally accepted authoritarian dogma showinger loyalty to abcultism. Of course, they won’t burn Bill Gates at the stake, this is inaccessible to them, and to using everyday objects, the operating principles of which they do not understand, has long become a familiar, everyday thing, but only so far this not'es their psychology. Most of them have not read any works on psychology either, and of the majority of those who have read, this is not of a systematic nature, which means they do not have a general understanding of the essence. And just as in other cases, here the majority has its own opinion based on generally accepted authoritarian dogmas, far from reality and essentially being abcultism. But if to the computer technology of the most people somehow managed - computer technologes today is publicly available “pressed the button and get the result”, mass-produces psychological stimulants of consciousness are not yet available to humanity, perhaps only to some people - for now only for people can work with consciousness of people. Therefore, all what, which is not available for use by the majority, is considered, on the principle of acceptance of generally accepted authoritarian dogmas, to be mysticism, the magic, and fake. This general public opinion, like in other similar cases, does not correspond to reality and is a lie, abcultism.

 So you have a goal.  In the dynamic environment of your environment, you have worked through various variations of your opponents’ reactions to your possible conclusions, decisions, actions, and behavior. we saw what and how to adjust, that your opponent or opponents saw your target in a positive way and changed their point of view to an acceptable one. All changes made, corrections to you and your opponents’ conclusions, decisions, actions, and behavior do not happen instantly. this do happen over time, regardless of your desire, and you cannot plan, foresee how it will happen.

The ability to control dreams manifests itself as a result of a person’s awareness of the reality of reality. This is where the level of awareness lies - the reality to which he can return after awakening. Reality, in turn, is similar to similar to your awareness of the real situation your environment. But a most person cannot be consistently reproduced and make a meticulous analysis of one’s past life, and therefore does not have points of support so that one can rise to a higher level of understanding. People generally rarely remember the emotional components, the real reasons that prompted them to act.

 There are many theories that are not confirmed in practice that a person can materialize a mirror image of reality. As example a of anothere person or otheres complex biochemical or biochimicalmechanical mechanisms, components and etc., but so far these are only myths. But a person can actually bypass the intentions of another person and a conflicts with the surrounding reality without harming his goals interests and intentions.

Every day you have situations that you would like to change, and if you cannot change the environment, its perception, reaction to your goals or paths and their achievements, then you can present your desires, interests, intentions so that your opponents  perceived them as their own desires, interests, intentions, as a way to achieve some self goal. That is, here we are talking about very powerful tool for subordinating the surrounding world of reality to your intentions without any violence, domination, or conflicts.

 All these 'fantastic' ideas that they have already found its practical confirmations. Transerfing has been used for a lot years, with some success for a wide peoplship and there is no mystique of this - it is the reals !