Monday, October 25, 2010

Country of Childhood

 Childhood is a country.  There everything is possible, everything is allowed.  Here, weak and helpless can be strong, brave, powerful, and boriness and uninterestess, it can seem quite interesting and fun.  In the island of childhood, anyone can overcome hostility and trouble to make the world bright, colorful and interesting.  To do this, you just need to be a child.  Children's imagination and creativity can do real wonders.  For parents, it is important to raise healthy children, to encourage the full development of their personality, to come to their aid in time, if necessary.  Children's behavior is affected by everything from the parents' desire or unwillingness to have a baby.  Psychologists have proven that even a small doubt has already left its mark on the baby.  Such children are usually more aggressive, often feel nauseous, they have no love for themselves and the whole world, so that they become hostile.  Everyone knows that children need a lot of attention.  The child's family has a particularly strong influence.  Much depends on communication with parents about what and how the child is occupied at home.  How do they live in the family?  Does it matter if he himself considers it necessary to be closest to the people with him?  Does it matter if that family was for him such a beautiful and good house, where always triese to help you in failure ?
 Based on the documented practice of relations between social services, child welfare services, and the administration of one of the Lithuanian this is European self-government bodies, I checked the analysis of their conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior and analyzed the consequences of such.
 I am interested in your opinion - can people hold important public positions if they cannot answer for their own conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, and why as in the case I considered is their obvious criminality busenes tolerated actives?

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Addendums -

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