Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gods of The Ancient World

      Apollo / Apollon - Son of Zeus (lat.): Jupiter assocy to Summer, twin brother of Artemis (Diana).  Apollo is tphe god of the Sun, the patron of light and enlightenment - science and art. Him Moose is a leader.  All we have heard about wonderful sculptures and images of Apollo.  The famous statue of Apollo in the Belvedere is considered a symbol of male beauty.

  Asclepius / Asclepius (Latin: Asclepius) - god of healing, son of Apollo.  Disciple of Chiron is smart centaur.  Zeus is responsible for raising the dead, but Chiron gave him immortality.  Asclepius had two daughters: Hygiene (hence the name of the science of hygiene) - the goddess of health, and Panacea (All-Healer).

  Achilles / Achilles - the legendary hero in the Trojan War, the king's dog Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis. His mother seeks to make her son immortal. The mother went to the river Styx, she lowering hi into the river, but except heel by which she held him. Therefore, the heel remained the weakest point. Hence the Latin phrase "Achilles heel", meaning  spot by which she held him.

  Dionisas / Bacchus / Dionysos (Greek Dionysus) - patron of viticulture, wine god of all vegetation and viticulture.  Attributes of Bacchus - grapes and tears, bowl and mask of Bacchus.  Are his often depicted on horses on the Panther horse, or him carriage is led by two lions.  Their naked bodies are covered with reindeer skins.  According to the myth, they can turn into lions, panthers, lynxes or tigers.

 Ceres / Demetr (Greek Demeter) - the daughter of fertility, Saturn and Rhea, goddesses of the earth, are in the area of ​​the earth.  First, the plow plowed the earth and peopls can sowed fruit in the earth world.  According to the myth, the she gave people the law, under the auspices of marriage, residency and peaceful living.

 Diana / Artemis (Greek Artemis) - goddess of the hunt, daughter of Apollo, is Jupiter and Summer, twin sister.  Props: a quiver, bow tie and a gold flashlight.  Diana have bear, deer and dog.  During the days, the hunting goddess is surrounded by dogs, and the pack of nymphs helping in the mountains and forests in pursuit of gazelles, deer.  Diana - the biutiful goddess and has no big problem with men who dare to look at her while playing poorl games.  According to legend, Actaeon, who dared to do this, turned Diana into a deer and tore her dog to pieces.

 Cupid / Amores / Erot - Latin: Cupid - God of Love.  Depicted as boy or young man wings, bows, arrows and quiver.  Is one of the oldest ancient gods in mythology.  Personification of the nature of the principle of creation, therefore chaos and heaven.  Cupid second name Eros and his  conside as the son of Mars and  goddess of love Venus (Greek Aphrodite).

 Fortuna / Tyche - goddess of happiness, pektering as luck and fortune.  Depicted with Coins above his eyes, on wheels (or a ball) there she to  syplyusched gold coins from abundance horn bandage.  Wheels and blindfolds symbolize the volatile nature of the goddess - here: "Wheel of Fortune." In ancient times,  after giving birth the goddess of fortune Fortune sacrificed , so that she to was favorable to the fate of the newborn.

 Charites / Charis / Gratiae (graikų Labdaros)- deivė. Grožio, moteriškas žavesys ir gyvenimo džiaugsmas. Malonė yra Veneros (Afroditės) kompanionai. Jie yra pateikti į Veneros, grožio deivės, suteikiant valymo tualetu. Dažnai jūs galite pamatyti juos šalia meilės Eroto dievo. Senovėje Gracas vaizduojamas kaip tryjų moterų ilgi paltai, kai stovi ranka rankon. Vėliau jie pradėjo vaizduoti, kad gražios nuogos merginos, apkabina sokiu formos.

 Hercules / Heracles (Greek: Hercules) - There is a legend according to which Hercules' real name is Alcides, and he received the nickname Hercules from the Delphic Oracle, which means “performs a feat because Hera (Latin: Juno) is persecuted him". Son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Alcmene. Songs about the exploits of Hercules and myths about his glorious exploits include elements of ancient Egyptian and Phoenician cults.

 Ikaro / Icarus (Vikare) - was the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the architect of the labyrinth of Crete. Teaches various professions, trades, directly supports progress.  Ikar the author of such inventions as the ax, the drill, he first put on a sail and taught people to swim.  According to legend, being a great sculptor, was able to render his sculptures life forms.

  Juppiter / Zeus (Greek Zeus) - the supreme god of the Roman Empire king of the gods and all mankind.  Appreciated many gods and heroes of the ancient Gods: Apollo and Diana, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, and Bacchus, "Hercules", Perseus, the beautiful Helen and Minerva.  Jupiter lives on Mount Olympus, expressing his positive attitude towards people sends on earth good weather if  wants to express his anger shakes the sky and sends to earth thunder, lighning, storms and rain.

  Janus / Janus - the name of the ancient Roman deity probably comes from the Latin word door (janua).  At first, Janus was believed to be the god of light and sun, who opens the gates of heaven.  Janus later becomes a deity who represents all entrances and exits, time, and everything what have beganing and the end  Depicted with two faces, one of them - young, the other - old.  Janus is for January.

  Leda / Leda - according to the myth, Jupiter, impressed by the beauty of the Ice, is swimming in the form of a swan.  After that, she laid two eggs: from which Helen and Dioscuri hatched.  From this myth originated from the winged Latin expresion "with eggs, Leda", i.e., from the very beginning.

  Minerva / Palantas (Greek Palantas) - goddess, personification of wisdom.  The goddess of military intelligention, cunning and shrewdness.  Appeared from Jupiter (Zeus) head fully combat gear: helmet, with spear and shield.  According to legend, Perseus and Minerva helped Perseus kill Medusa and present themselves with a severed head.  Minerva adorns Perseus head and Gorgon's shield. Minerva goddess wisdom, owles and snakes.

  Mars / Arey (Greek Arey) - God of War, son Junono's and Jupiter.  Incarnation the horror of war.  Berserk, seyaschy death.  Mars dislikes even his father, Jupiter, saying that he inherited his stubborn nature from his mother.  Everyone knows that the love myth of Mars and Venus.  The fruit of their union, and daughter Harmony and son - the god of love Cupid.  Mars in Roman Empire, considered the father of the founders of Rome - Romulus and Remus.

  Mercury / Merkurius / Hermes (Greek Hermes) -) son of Jupiter and Maya (Earth ". Incarnation  of exchange, transition from one state to another. Gods of the bulletin, sending information to the men from gods. Mercury is the protector of trade, commerce and theft. Represented by slender young man clothed winged sandals and helmet with winged sceptre, in his hands caduceus. Hermis believed to be the inventor of the lyre.

 Neptun / Poseidon (Greek Poseidon) - one of the godof okean and main gods Mount Olympus.  Rhea's son Saturn's and Amphitry, brothers JupiterPlutoJunoCeres, wife Amphitry.  Palace of Neptune and Amphitrite on the bottom of the sea, among rocks and corals.  Their set consists of fantastic creatures: triton, nereides, gimmokampov and others hit to the rock trident and so sndcausin storms in the ocean.

  Nemesis / Rhamnousia - goddess of retribution, early antiquity represented in the future in Ancient Rome as the goddess of retribution, she punished for violating orders, includin excessive happiness and pride.  Nemesis is the goddess of justice, a symbol of fairness with her blindfold, symbolizing impartiality, balances the worth to represent fair trial.

  Orpheus - Apollo son of Calliope.  According to the myth, Orpheus invented music and the elements.  It is embodied, the admiration was caused by creative people.  Orpheus's music makes trees and plants bend to listen to his divine music, the river stops flowing and the animals become tame, and lay at his feet.  In expedition 'Argo'  The voice of Orpheus, saved the Argonauts from the sirens.  In today's world, Orpheus is  synonymous with glory musicians or singers.

 Pluto / Pluton / Hades Greek: Hades) - Sir Afterlife.  According to the idea of ​​ancient people, the souls of the dead went to Hell (Tartarus), in which rulering Pluto, ar the late righteous find eternal bliss in Elysium.

Saturn / Kronos (Greek Kronos) - one of the oldest doolimpiyskih gods - the son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth).  Uranus overthrew his father  and separed heaven and earth.  Saturn - father of JupiterJunoPlutoNeptuneCeres.

  Terpsichore and Thalia, Thalia as and other muses very beautiful ledy. Thalia daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne.  She born at the foot of Mount Olympus for hem a pure heart and a beautiful voice, she sings at the festivals of the gods and for the inspiration of poets and musikants.  If Melpomene - Muse Tragedy, Terpsichore - Dance Muse, Thalia - Muse Comedy. Muse Erato patronage Poetry, Muse Euterpe patromage Lyric Poets and Music, Polyhymnia / Polymnia - a Eloquence and Muse of Song,  Calliope - Muse Epic.  Apollon, the patron of all muses and arts, is often depicted as the support of all nine muses.

Urania and Clio - Muse of Science.  The Muses are two of The Most Important Sciences in The Ancient World.  Urania - Muse of History and Astronomy. Muse Astrology ist Clio.

Aphrodite / Venera - goddess of love.  Daughter of Jupiter and Dione Oceanides.  According to another myth, Venus arose from the foam of the sea, dyed with the blood of the murdered god Uranus, on the island of Cyprus, hence the name Kipridy.  The respected philosophers of antiquity Aphrodite 'Pandemos - god of passion and Aphrodite 'Urania - protection of perfect love to she was dedicated to dolphins, sparrows, doves and rabbits.

Vesta  - Goddess Ops daughter of Saturn.  Or cockles and fire, which are required to support all family members, as the guardians of the symbol of harmony and purity of morals.  There was a social cult of Vesta as the patroness of cities and all social gatherings.  Prytaneum - the temple of the eternal goddess at the center of the city in Rome.

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