Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Ancient Asia


What do we know about one of the largest continents on planet earth called Asia ?  What do we know about her past and how we not knowing the past if vant prognosiring comunication with countrys, with peopls of the Asia in now and the future ? 

Now all local europian peopls one way or another  have origins, related to a representatives of central and northern Europe. And we all as descendant Vikings know how, in the course of their endless explorations and travels, the Aryans came to central and southern Europe.  We all know that the time civilized peoples of the Mediterranean looked upon our ancesor the Europeans of central and northern Europe as barbarians !

But these "The Barbarians" lived a active and healthy life, were warlike and hardworking and did caned take liderent, dominant positions throughout the European, American, Austral continents and did caned their influence over the Asian, African continents as well. But let's be critically realistic to self - we know little about Europe and almost know nothing about the continent called Asia. 

It is believed that America was discovered by Columbus, but this does not mean that there there not was toby others europian people from central and nord europa, and this not mean that to there is not was life, civilisation of other lokal american peoples.

We also know nothing about the African continent, with the exception of Egypt and the Mediterranean coast, where there were very advanced civilizations that gave flash for the development of Mesopatamia, India, and China.

Nevertheless, we know about the existence of three civilizations in ancient Asia: Assyriskan, Babylonian and Persian. We also know that each of these civilizations strives for complete and unlimited dominance in satisfying their ambitions to be exceptional and enjoy the privileges of a distribution, redistribution of merit, property, income. 

'Rich as endless wealth' - what happened that this endless wealth disappeared ? nothing in us world appears from nowhere and disappears to nowhere. 

Any a eternal wealth implies income significantly exceeding expenses as well as dependence on the income and privileges of subsequent generations who cannot provide income to cover self needs. 

Everything that is produced on the planet is drawn from the resources of the planet and her accessible environment. the more primitive a civilization is, the more dependent it is on ready-to-use resources - water, wood, earch and her natural resources - petrolium, gold, coal, iron ore and others. 

If technologies for obtaining, using, transforming resources do not develop due to insufficient abilities, upbringing, education and dependence on goods, opportunities remain, this leads to the depletion of resources and the continent turns into a lifeless desert. This is exactly what happened to Asia, people did not choose the means and ways to provide for their needs and drew more from the natural environment than it could reproduce - continent Azia. Has turned into a desert and is unable to provide a living wage without the halping of more developed civilizations capable of doing this through the use of more advanced technologies.

For example, the income of the kings of Lida, which was located in the west, Asia, seement would be was inexhaustible. dueto its favorable country location trade was general source of income. There seemeto be no connection between resources and trade. but goods produced in neighboring countries devoured Lida's resources, and dependence on wealth, the needs of the country's inhabitants greater than the possibility of environmental restoration led to the depletion of resources and made the territory itself little unsuitable for life.

Dependence on wealth and the desire to satisfy the needs of life in any way leads to the depletion of resources and makes from comfortable living environment to the territory little unsuitable for life.

'During the Empire Persia, the dependence on the endless wealth of Persia under the rule of Cyrus grew and became domenant.  There was a conflict between Cyrus and infinite wealth, and Cyrus caused endless loss of wealth.  Conquer history, and as misfortune takes pride in the endless wealth of dependence, it gains understanding and wisdom' - says the Greek writer and historian Herodotus.

Cyrus was the ruler of one of the largest empires of that time, the size of India. And his successor Darius increased the territory of Persia by annexing to her Egypt, part of Central Asia and a small part of India. In the chronicles of that time it is noted that Darius received tribute from India in gold, which had a high content of sand. Under the influence of meeting needs, the consumption of resources also increased, the climate changed, which led to a shortage of water in the region and, consequently, a reduction in the production of plant and animal food products and industrial raw materials.

In other words, dependence on wealth, the ability to satisfy the need for more than necessary led to the out of resources and made it  condiyion that vast territories were not very profitable for life.

The tribes living in Asia lost the opportunity to satisfy their expanded lusts, desires and then in Europe to satisfy their claims. 

Having turned their countrys into desert, they came to ruin other countries and so far they are coping with it successfully. In many countries of Europe and America they have a supportive majority and, taking advantage of deep corruption in all public and governing institutions, they spread the influence as more primitive over more advanced.

Migrants from the Azia depend on wealth and strive to satisfy their needs at any cost.  They must be given everything - from unskilled, low-labor-intensive and at the same time high-paid labor to well life and other material benefits at the expense of the local selfover population.  Also, migrants do not choose the method of obtaining wealth and, as a consequence of material wealth.  They bring in Europian world crime - frauds, thefts, robberys, extortions, drugs trafficking, traffickings in people and children, uncontrolled prostitutions with a lot of sexually transmitted and others diseases, etc.. but most importantly, they are gobbling up the resource and will turning Europe into the same desert from which they came to the civilized world to impose their moral and legal norms, and the last has already become too serious a problem to not realize !

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