Monday, October 25, 2010

Why and how dreams come true... or how to make Your Christmas Dreams come True or what is a Trans Surfing.

 Transsurfing, what is transurfing from the point of view of awareness of the principle of understandings.  Does the mind imagine its dreams?  On the one hand, dreams of events are virtual, but on the other hand, dreams look so realistic that people always accept them as reality.  It is known that sleep can be seen as not from phisical world.  In addition, it is clear that you'll phisical life in dreams principle is impossible.  If sleep is an imitation where do they come from and where are they stored, there where are all these incredible photos and stories?

 There is a hypothesis that the brain synthesizes itself while dreaming, and perceives these images before sleep, as well as in reality.  This is really nothing more than a hypothesis.  So far, no one has proven that this is the case.  Without this hipothesis, the interpretation of Transurfing is quite different: the subconscious self is nothing fancy, and is directly connected to a options, where all the information is.  This is a space functions - an information structure that stores all possible events of the scenario.  The number of possibilities is infinite, like the infinite number of possible they variants. It was, is and will be.

Humans brain can only go to a certain limited amount of data. Even as great biological systems, a humans will not be able to hold all that we can ready to play in our memory. And brain not cannot synthesize a virtual reality as perfect as a dream. And don't need to hear unconvincing arguments, faiks what a disabled brain acquires the ability to perceive an imaginary image clearly for them and other nonsense.

 If it conditionally considerthe entire human psyche as mind so subconscious mind, that the emoces is conscious, then it can be said that a dream is the flight human brain of the from all options. At the sam emoces of humans has direct access to information, where all the "script and scenery are preserved, just like a movie in the frame area. We is not to imagine your dreams - we really sees them. This is not an illusion, but a real movie about what already happened in a past or can has happen in a future.

In dreams there are all kinds of possible events, but because there is an infinite number of potentially chosen ones, then there is no guarantee that the dream has any connection with reality. In any case, what happens in real world is the physical realization of one of many options of dreamsleep. This means in the material world, there are infinite variants of movement in space, for example as a slide film, which manifests itself as a phenomenon of the question of movement in time.

 Thus, the world exists simultaneously in two forms: physical reality, which can touch, and variants of metaphysical space, which are beyond phisick perception, but no less realyte. And access to information in the place metaphysical space is in principle possible. it meand you were there from where intuitive knowledge and insight were taken. The mind in principe cannot create anything new working on a analogs. He can simply collect a new version of the old house of bricks snd all scientific discoveries and masterpieces of the mind are manifested in the page space, through the emocys.

 If you emotionally disagree with this, don’t jump to conclusions, to we consider it logically.  Look carefully at the objects, then close your eyes and try to imagine, present it.  Even if you have an fine ability to imagine, you still cannot see objects with your eyes closed as with open. Human RAM and Internal memorys have very modest abilities. The image that captures, in your opinion, is just a photo of very poor quality.  Suppose the brain stores, such as photography, as a certain state of neurons.  Then, in order to reproduce all the found pictures, the RAM and Internal memory of humans neurons, will not be enough.

 If our memories and dreams are what are written in and on neurons in reproductions, what is their volume and how many of them?  Transerfing explains this contradiction, however, that neurons do not carry bits of information as a computer.  The brain store does not have the same information as solving in kind of space information of page memory.

But there is still something in common between dream and reality?  It's hard to tell wene we are sleeping, us brain bloking a critical look at what is happening.  In addition to dreams, virtual reality simulates a somethig dimilar aquarium and despite the fact that strange things often happen there, we perceive it as something normal.  So is in a dream, events happen to a person that he cannot influence or get cannot  away from.

 Outsite dreams, consciousness dominates on metaphysical space and humans don't more as to it's a movie viewer of self life.  And at the same time, he real experienced what he saw, and this experience is transmitted as assoative, which is immediately adapted to the local opportunities, corresponding to the expectation in a reality.  It happens and so that in reality we find ourselves in places that we have already been to in a dream. So, the script changes dynamically as we go scenery and characters will instantly adapt to the scenario of changing conditions and our imagination in dreams involved only as a generator of qwestings.

 But sometimes we understand at some point that this is sleep and in this case, the unconscious dream turns into a lucid.  In awareness dreamsleep we participates in a virtual game realizes that it is only work of us imagination. There are many books on the subject of Lucid Dreaming, and there amateurs in the who engage in this practice regularly.

 Not all people can control dreamsleep, realizing that this is just a dresm, for this you need to have abilities and train, develop them. Through lucid dreaming you can consciously and unconsciously correct real events in which you participate. For example, you want to fly and with one force do desire to fly - you fly, but you cannot know the consequences of fulfilling your desire - it can be either negative or positive, depending on the natural contradictions of your specific situation. that is, to here your desire is is a strengs for action. 

The desire itself does not do anything, you need to intentionally fulfill it, for example: you want to fly, you will don’t need think about whether it is possible or not, you just need to get into the air. Remember that the more you think about the way and possibilities of fulfilling your desire, plan the situation, the more you doom yourself to failure. Here important a wish as an effort to achieve a goal, you want  fly and you just acting.

Intention is the driving force that controls and lucid dream scenarios.  but the question is different - where do fears, anxieties, hostility, envy, hatred come from in a dream? can they be controlled ? if we don't want it, we won't get it ?But we will still get what we are trying to avoid. It turns out that we do not control the emotional basis of the external environment. Let's call this force of the external environment - external intention.

 By playing with external intentions, we can adjust reality, optimally adapt the situation in which we are in reality to external conditions and extend our influence to the outside world. The ability in a dream, as in a computer game, to play a situation until an acceptable solution is called the space of possibilities, that is, the space of acceptable solutions. This is very powerful tool for influencing the outside world.  You begin to predict the influence of external influence on your actions in a given situation and optimize your efforts in achieving a particular goal in reality. Unenlightened people this usually  associate with luck, magic, paranormal behavior, phenomena. Sometimes, if our goals do not contradict biblical moral standards, we can gain access to the outer world itself and change the conditions of the game in reality itself. With the help of this power, you can subordinate people, animals, plants to your goals, but only if your goals are only partly yours and are capabled do evolution, development of the economy, and/or science, and/or social relations. Here you must understand that people are naturally stupid and selfish, and cannot foresee the dlobal consequences of their desires - conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, therefore the positive or negative consequences of the proposed changes in the conditions of the game itself. Therefore, if we simplify the understandinges, our a desires on considering a external forces, a external world. The desire to dominate the outside world, vobinding one’s own conditions will inevitably lead to tragedy both  to you and about to close to you proples, animal and etc..

 So, try to move the pencil across the table with the force of your minding, with the effort of desire and you won’t succeed. Now try to concentrate your attention on the pencil and visually move not the pencil but the space around the pencil. And you'll see, he's moving. But in this case he moves only in your imagination, others do not see this. What needs to be done so that others see what you see ? It is correct that they concentrate their attention on the subject and begin to visually mix the space around it, or in other words, they dynamically change their point of view. Then the pencil fo them and fo them moves. Not the way you see this, but  the pencil fo them moves. In this case you take advantage opportunity of the entire space. You to see the difference.

Here, pencil on table. Now, by concentrating your attention on it and visually changing your point of view of the space around it, you place it at another point in space. You mentally record the result and change the rules for visually moving the space around the pencil. Nou we consistently materialize the pencil to new points in space while the remaining layers, including the observer’s layer, mentally for you and instuctivy for around, remain unchanged. It's not the object itself that is moving, but its visual implementation in space.  In this way you can visually moving objects contrary to all the laws of physics, and this will be see observers if you manage to unknowingly for them involve them in the process.

Not everyone succeeds, not everyone has such abilities, upbriving and, accordingly, the desire to study their possibilities, analyze and improve them. It's people can perform complex arithmetic operations in their minds and solve trigonometric equations, but others cannot. Ones people fill their heads with all sorts of crap anddeny reality as such replacing it with what they want is like and generallity constuction with most logistic construction of generally accepted dogmas - others do not. Ones people strive for spend time in a fun company, others harding avoid it. all people have different abilities and corresponding have they opportunities, possibilites.

 Everything that is connected with the external world of most people is difficult to comprehend and they adhere to generally accepted explanations do noting try to understand the essence, the pattern of what is happening. So most people cannot understand the binomial theory, the theory of relativity, even the work of helicopter propellers is difficult for many people to understand. Which speaks about more complex things. So most people do not read scientific works that are difficult for them to understand, but everyone has some kind of their own opinion built on generally accepted authoritarian dogmas, statements in most cases that are far from content this scientific works and with conflikted reality. The same with classical music, painting, philosophy, etc.. Ask your guests and acquaintances many of them know the principles of operation of a computer, mobile phone, iphone, and most will have difficulty answering. But lack of knowledge and ability, ponsibility to understand the  of what is happening does not prevent them from expressing their opinion, which in essence will be the generally accepted authoritarian dogma showinger loyalty to abcultism. Of course, they won’t burn Bill Gates at the stake, this is inaccessible to them, and to using everyday objects, the operating principles of which they do not understand, has long become a familiar, everyday thing, but only so far this not'es their psychology. Most of them have not read any works on psychology either, and of the majority of those who have read, this is not of a systematic nature, which means they do not have a general understanding of the essence. And just as in other cases, here the majority has its own opinion based on generally accepted authoritarian dogmas, far from reality and essentially being abcultism. But if to the computer technology of the most people somehow managed - computer technologes today is publicly available “pressed the button and get the result”, mass-produces psychological stimulants of consciousness are not yet available to humanity, perhaps only to some people - for now only for people can work with consciousness of people. Therefore, all what, which is not available for use by the majority, is considered, on the principle of acceptance of generally accepted authoritarian dogmas, to be mysticism, the magic, and fake. This general public opinion, like in other similar cases, does not correspond to reality and is a lie, abcultism.

 So you have a goal.  In the dynamic environment of your environment, you have worked through various variations of your opponents’ reactions to your possible conclusions, decisions, actions, and behavior. we saw what and how to adjust, that your opponent or opponents saw your target in a positive way and changed their point of view to an acceptable one. All changes made, corrections to you and your opponents’ conclusions, decisions, actions, and behavior do not happen instantly. this do happen over time, regardless of your desire, and you cannot plan, foresee how it will happen.

The ability to control dreams manifests itself as a result of a person’s awareness of the reality of reality. This is where the level of awareness lies - the reality to which he can return after awakening. Reality, in turn, is similar to similar to your awareness of the real situation your environment. But a most person cannot be consistently reproduced and make a meticulous analysis of one’s past life, and therefore does not have points of support so that one can rise to a higher level of understanding. People generally rarely remember the emotional components, the real reasons that prompted them to act.

 There are many theories that are not confirmed in practice that a person can materialize a mirror image of reality. As example a of anothere person or otheres complex biochemical or biochimicalmechanical mechanisms, components and etc., but so far these are only myths. But a person can actually bypass the intentions of another person and a conflicts with the surrounding reality without harming his goals interests and intentions.

Every day you have situations that you would like to change, and if you cannot change the environment, its perception, reaction to your goals or paths and their achievements, then you can present your desires, interests, intentions so that your opponents  perceived them as their own desires, interests, intentions, as a way to achieve some self goal. That is, here we are talking about very powerful tool for subordinating the surrounding world of reality to your intentions without any violence, domination, or conflicts.

 All these 'fantastic' ideas that they have already found its practical confirmations. Transerfing has been used for a lot years, with some success for a wide peoplship and there is no mystique of this - it is the reals !

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