Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Evil of a Forests and a Meadows.

 I have qvesting: To recognize or not to recognize a phenomenones if it does not fit into the thoughts of the traditional model?

- Can't agree!
- All solves the practical autoritary representative of the so-called social legal intellectuals.
- This recognition is dangerous and can damage career.
- But as well the facts? as well truth defense?

- Mm, that the protection of the truth? A wise man once said, 'I never wear my best pants when I goto challenge or defend.' And it's not true? and if will get hem ass kicked and then he there not acknowledges it ?

All fairies, mermaids, dwarves and others, such creatures are satisfied in the stories of peoples, precisely with such an attitude - the phenomenon is negative, because there will not be enough space for them in the narrow attitudes and worldview of people who called themselves educated persons.

The worst of these creatures is the Ortodox church - it drags everybody into helland have the function of the nature of devils (if they exist). Her role in the nature not clear, but it still seems tobe reduced by because her creating dirty tricks. But the spirits of nature, which I think are creatures called fairies and mermaids, according to folk tales, not place in a Hell, they sometimes even help a persons, and then just joke with him, that's why having them in hell, unfair and illogical. And how for the facts ? here are some eyewitness accounts:

History I

You more will not find more lyricism anywhere else in Russian areas only on like Valdai Hills. From there from Seliger the beautiful deutsche Volga River is born. Framed by hills and forestes, not very large, but beautiful as a silver mirror lake Vselutskoe and Peno. the Volga from little streams go to is turning and fullwatter flowed as a river on which rafts and barges flowed. Rusian Slaves they sang beautiful song together, and at the mountain where stand the white chapel, bathing its golden domes-onion in the blue sky of the sky, in the white clouds the swans swim , and their shadows flowing on the colorful meadows. Golden hair, strong girls slaves, with parents and brothers, drove round danceon for surface of the water, and on holidays they as a nightingales sang loudly in the church choir.  the wind was have smell grass and resin, the smell of pine needles - even the earth has a sweet spring smell.

Maybe everything was not so good, maybe it's just my young, bright eyes looking at the sky and the earth, at people, everywhere saw one positive...

And on this ancient, and the smell of ancient superstitions land, mother of my friend, joker and profesional hunter Nicephorus told me one history how she met with spirits of woods.

- This was be in the summer. When the shepherd of our village didn't bring home my two sheep.
- And you no did asking his why?
- And what, - he says -  a big herd, and I am alone - how can I everebody see ? well I and no saw...
- your sheeps did be somewhere else?
- yes, in the woods - they tell him - there where there are small meadows.
I knew the places well: there in forests is be smail forest sites with small clearings - Luzhkovo. Well, he went looking. inby the time it was already evening even and the sun had almost set.  In the first meadow, I was see grazing sheep - but not my sheeps and in the second one - I met a man. Enormous, everyhe are moss, on he head and shoulders were clothe and hat made of dried fir trees...

So I and froze ... But he keep togoing and going ... He was within three steps and I said: 'Hello, grandfather!'.

But he did not answer, as though I no were and there, and went further into the forest. I very so did afraid to go home what I forgot and about the sheep and immediately went to one woman: she helping me could see in like a water - and I saw in the water... And the woman said: 'you saw your the sheeps at the bottom of the river - you lost your sheeps...'

History II

That my granddad, father my father(EastPrussia/Easterreich) didbe not only good lord but is a fine blacksmith did rumors flow from everywhere: hes blacksmithhoum was only fifty meters from the road, which constantly did hurry pedestrians, pulls carts, bells ring and sometimes passed be carriages the local lords. This it's one do, another about a carriages of lords must be several horses and necessariny must it's a pit on the road leads directly to the blacksmith's yard. And there you canby met a curious, small-eyed, dirty, barefooted boy, his face smeared with blacksmith's soot: he wore rough canvas trousers, usually rolled up on the knee.  The boy , does not wait for a question, did informs the arrivals, while arrivals tie their horses to the rack with his teeth, that they will have to wait: the skilled worker of father was drunk yesterday, and now she gets is hangover. She in nearby tavern - but she must return soon, ar the pope at home not - he have  other matters. The boy know to all the conversations, all matters that took place between the student and his father, with the surrounding resident and with the forge of the relatives, and he even took part in the conversation between adults. This boy wasbe the my father.

Life was interesting: the whole day he was pushed to establish, and he gained some valuable information: How much dowry will give for girls-Hutoryankas, how correct ability to buy hunting rifles, but if is a war;  asks to wolkers so that I don't answer, which local farmer in Riga, is had tried to deceive they, and how that he had tried this maiking.

Onece  and heated arguments arose  among the visitors of the forge - there is hell, or it no?

Most were inclined that there is no devil - all this was invented by the priests. Then one respected master of the neighboring farm, a man, said about there argument:

- You prove that the devilth does not exist. But what if can I prove if I saw him right here with my own eye and what you will say if he's looking at you now ?  Who need should believe, you or my eyes?

And then everyone immediately fell silent, weighty argument - not every day you are see a person who has seen the devil!

Then came the questions:
- Where? How? When? ..

The venerable farmer hesitated for a moment, and then said at once:
- I was in a place where I shouldn't have been, and with ax. (Here every will immediately guess that he was in the forest, where the craftsmen cut trees for the estate.) I stood behind the tree and was listened - someone was walking. I look - a man with a green collar - mybe a forester... He passed me be and only fifty steps stopped. I stand behind the tree, motionless, and wait. Not much time has passed and the forester to variable :
the forester was emerge horns and hooves, and after he again man as men. Then did again he changed - and so at least five times before my eyes... I slowly began to move away, secretly from tree to tree, and soon I went a long way - and befor this plase I more couldn't get... And you say - Hell...

At this point I am leaving this story. Despite all the comics situation i believe the sincerity of telkinger of the story, of course - he seen Devil. Another question is what or how did he see?

To better understand this, we provide some examples.

History III

This it was be on Christmas Eve. Strictly speaking, last day Eve of Christmas move gives Ioan Berzgalu can stay at home. And the house of Ioan today was warm and smelled nice of a hot pie, stuffed with ground pork with onions and peppers. Wife Jan could do it like everyone and else folkdeutsch womans: her pie crust was thin and melted in mouth under pint beer.

But Ioan yet went to geting in forest. Why? So his soul living in the forest... and he was used to it. It was nice for him, welking about snowy forest with a gun was thrown behind his back... walked under the snow-covered trees and read a book about the footprints of lokal forest dwellers. Besides, he was a great shooter and he loved hunts white hares... becon of hares for wife is like.

Today, of course, there not can be  about huntered, no shedding of someone's blood. But yet he took some and gun and ammunition. If no ammunition, no stucer, so what is he huntsman without a gun?

He has already walked almost all the layouts, he remains approximately little grove, then in the cemetery, then you can turn to the country road and ... at home.

A soft winter twilight fell upon the ground as he getting to the grove. This be It was bezwietrzny, relatively warm and quiet twilight. The sky as every time at this time in the Baltic countries of gray lead clouds as of sky thoung dark-gray ribbon with black squares is stretched, and yet, was be a special feeling of comfort and blissful peace. Soul to was quietly telking whith the sky. A pleasant thought was born in my head: he was breathing deeply the air full of the smell of forests and with a small but pleasant fatigue in the young body, he before long will geting him house, where by that time everything everything will be washed, cleaned and prepared for the holiday. his Mary, will greet him joyfully taket his head in her hands and slowly kisses his warm lips...

- Mm - kas tai? - Jis roused pats. - Neduok Dieve - kiškiai?

Tiesa: iš kapinių atėjo kiškis - nuvalo praeiti, jį į tam tikrą pusę, šimta zingsniu, mes matome medžių giraitė.

Wouldn't have been he Ioan Berzgal if he hadn't shot this hare. He didn't think about anything - the stucer is automatically up and almost at the same time, two shots rang out.

And then Ian experienced the ease: the hare is far away, and he no matter how he and was not shooting.

It was a big blow to self-esteem the shooter's, but he feld himself in comfort because, strictly speaking, it's wrong: killing an animal on Christmas Eve, this is a great sin...

he took out the empty cartridges, loaded the gun again and there he was going to throw a weapon from his belt behind his back as he saw the unimaginable: the hare did not run to the grove, he suddenly stopped and as if he have  mind, rushed back...

- Ah, mischievous..!

He muttered to myself and, he again shoting in hare er the hare ran to aside the cemetery as if nothing had happened.

- Thank you! - Said Jonas, loading the stucer again. When he finished, he again see hare and he again shoot to him...

So the hare ran back and forth and Ian shot him to the last chuck...

When the chucks are over, the rabbit stopped, and dissape. Counting the empty cartridge cases, he came to the conclusion that he could not miss so many times so shamefully - the snow was supposed to be bloody and whippeded cotton wool...  To calm his wounded pride, he went to the firing line but there no were in the snow no hare blood, no hare tracks.

That's why he didn't kiss his wife on the home, he just took a deep breath and said:
- Oh, my dear, if you knew what happened to me..!

History IV

There in Lithuanian one cemetery (in city Rietavas) where lonely pedestrians, along  of the fence, very often encounter little kitten and this black kitten always crosses the path of a travelers in the same place. The interesting thing is that the kitten is not growing:  peopls see him many years and it is high time for him to grow into a huge cat... but  he not growing. Many a time peoples sometimes when he tried to catch this kitten, but they always disap...

History V

A barren semi-desert looks Betpak Dala, north of Lake Balkhash to the blue lake of the same name. It starts with a gray-brown plain with miserable bushes, out into small oases green grass breaks . Road It branches off into sidings, and siding, and from station to station, neither houses nor trees. Sometimes long steep hills will accompany the road where on view hundreds of miles, you might see a lone camel herding…

Steppe... and lone four horsemen on a hot day 1960 of the year. three of them are pentecostals, the fourth was a porter, guide, a local resident - Kazakh.They made their way to the mountainous areas of the Basags, which plais already grew to decline in birch and soil be suitable for cultivation. All they were experienced travelers and all are preparing carefully consider the trip, but someone something forgot to grab and everyone was richly stocked with cigarettes on the road, but forgot about the match and water in sufficient for suth of the travel quantities. All threer were looking for water and fire, but there are no be signs no water and of human habitation in this vast plain.

After some time, they was see small planting of birch trees. Rider clapped up: about the grove could be settliment-aul or water spring... When they got closer, they to see that about there is nothing desert is deserted and only play children, dressed in monotonous clothe: white shirts, red pants and of with hats of red.

Maybe - the Pioneers! - Decided by horsemen. - Maybe there should be a camp right next to the trees - where you can get drunk and make some matches...
The horsemens spurred horses, but children one after another began to run into grove and disappeared with her. This did be good seen, and neither the grove, neither play children, no a pioneer camps, and no sign of human habitation at all.

All questions were didn't find an not one answer, axcept from the guide clarifications it may possible to only one deduce that these children and this dirty place: it's The Devil...

History VI

The same place Kazakhstan, Orenburg, Naryn Sands Mahambetovsky self goverment.

On a hot July afternoon, a boy ran from the steppe to his native village. The great desert  spaces around - there was no one, who to here are they afray of.  Settlements here scattered a distances of at least six or seven kilometers and of two or three houses, at  from each other - there no rarely in the desert...

to him it was a little  before home, only round, as varnished white - steppe swamp from of sand. But when the boy saw there the policeman, he was stunned: it was full of people... Yes, who are those people and where to there, why  is the policeman from?!  such the boy to here never has never seen ... All clothed in cloth bright colors: green, red, white, blue - and all color in their clothes are mixed. Some of these was be stoodfroze are like salt in the mines, while others danced temperamentally...

-  well this is where here this peoples from and - so strange? - The guy wondered.

Who these people were, hi had doubt, especially since hi was already close to them, and they seem to have noticed his, and one told the other thing so plainly:

- Here comes the boy!

- Give him it here! - shouted another. Then the boy felt that something was wrong, he was overcome with fear, and he as fast as you can ran back. But they everybody managed have already noticed him, and  crowd of strange people decisive action to suppresed his paths.
The boy so scared what legs did fleding on theirown  - and he raced, as soon as I can on home
Exhausted, suffocating, he cam running home and outright told parents that he had seen.

In such cases in east, and in west everybody is usually said

- what you seen what, son does not exist !

But you all have in self life situations that defy simple and logical explanation. And how many of those who have seen, came across this  want to keep quiet about it, so as not to be ridiculed ? ar why isn't it better to admit that people have neighbors - the spirits of nature, and try to create good relations with them?

But really imagined, and continued to haunt thousands of people who saw and were told about it? (And how many of those who have seen, want to keep quiet about it, so as not to be ridiculed) Isn't it better to admit that people have neighbors - the spirits of nature, and try to create good relations with them?

But boy...  This the boy which saw strange people in the saltmarsh he defended today his dissertation candidate of economic sciences, and a docter of economic sciences certainly cannot be accused of simple superstition !

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