Sunday, October 31, 2010

Extermination of Flies - only for aristocrats, intellectuals and estetorrs...

First - with a Flies  begins with the spread of many infectious diseases, especially intestinal worms, helminth. A flies  densely covered hairs that stick to small particles of dirt containing microorganisms and helminth eggs and other parasites harmful to humans.

Second - Diptera are eat near garbage tank, toilet and they eat every garbage and drink raw sewage.  All microbes penetrate the fly's intestine and in there can be up to 6 million harmful microbes in the body flies, and up to twinteneight million in the gut.

In garbage food may contain bacteres typhoid, dysentery, tuberculosis and many other diseases, as well microbes diseases may contain carry in egg worms. Dangerous for people microbes was be was found and in the excrement fliers, and food on whith they attended or they swim: there is a huge number of microbes in  food, dishes and equipment on there flies was landed. Diptera parasites reproduce is very fast. Each female lays 80-120 eggs at time. The favorite places are manures, yard toilets, garbage cans or food waste cans if they are open.

There are many different types of flies in nature. However, Houseflies are the most common. One fly in a rotten vegetable or food waste lays about a hundred eggs at once , which turn into larvae within a few hours. After a six days, the larvae turn into flies. The average lifespan of flies is 35-40 days.

On the bottom of each foot is a spiny sole with sticky hairs that allows the insect to move freely on smooth surfaces, walls and ceilings. Due to these sticky cushions (as, in fact, from other parts of the body) carries a large number of microorganisms. A single fly can carry several million different microbes, including pathogens what fly can cause very dangerous diseases such as dysentery, anthrax, cholera, tuberculosis and even typhoid.

The first and most important condition in the fight against flies is cleanliness. If the rooms and kitchen are clean, the floor is washed, there are no crumbs of food on the table - flies are very rare visitors.

 Second all boxes on coohen must be with tightly closed lids and closing special buckets for waste whith must be every day cleaned and disinfected with a 3-5% solution of bleach.

After removing the residues sewage and compost from trash cans, disinfect they again with a 10% bleach solution. Place storage of sewage, of compost, of manure from eggs and larvae flies should be treated with a strong 10% bleach solution or hexachloran (for  of 1 m2 in the garbage can - from 100 g of hexachloran).

External toilets must have tightly closed windows and doors and/or to closed moscit mesh. The content of cesspools external toilets should be sprinkled with bleach at the rate of 1 kg of surface 1 m2.

In order to prevent flies from flying from the yard to the room, you need to install moscit mesh (the length of the edge of the eye no more than 1.5 mm2) in a doors and a windows in the spring.

To expel naletevshih flies from the room, it is recommended to put dense curtains on the window for 10-15 minutes. Then quickly open the window, leaving all other Windows closed, aftethen flies do flying at the light and fly out of the room.

and more, you have noticed that flies are afraid of drafts, so you should ventilate more often a room. If they flies from the street, on the window should pul the moskit net.

A flies don't like keposine that's why In summer, when you washing windows and floors, you need to add it to the water.

Poisonous mixtures for flies:

1) in glass of water to drink 1 g of saccharin and 10 g of honey. Paper will absorb this composition and dry. When need to use; put the paper in a bowl and moisten with water to make it sticky.

2) in one glass of milk of powder take 40 grams of sugar, and add 40 grams of powder black pepper and this mixture impregnate the paper - fly prap ready.

3) can make mixture like this - 1 tablespoon of formalin, 5 tablespoons of sweet water and 3 tablespoons of milk. The mixture need is poured into plates, and piece of bread is placed in the middle

4) effective is hexogen powder or hexochloran is diluted with water. This liquid need wipe the walls and windows of the rooms, watter closet, external tuilet, garbage buckets. Efect with hexogen lasts up to 3 months, and hexochloran - a little less.

It is recommended to alternate drugs as the body flies of flies gets used to it he effects, and with time if are flies in the room, they will fly away.

You can also get rid of insects at home with carnivorous plants. Plants do not need special care. Drosera rotundifolia, pinguicula and calycanthaceae are especially effective when hunting flies. The one who is afraid of poisonous chemicals and thinks that Velcro is "unaesthetic", can try to get rid of unwanted guests in his home by placing pots of plant hunters on the windowsill.

Velcro of trap for flies.

You can kill flies,  yourself maked special for this the skotchs. To do this take 30 g of rosin and 20 g of castor oil and place in a put. The put to the jar in warm water and heat until the contents are completely dissolved. Add a little honey or jam to the resulting mass, and then plaster with a heavy glas paper.
Here are some recipes for glue formulas:
1. 200 g of rosin, 50 g of turpentine, 100 g of castor oil, 50 g of sugar syrup or molasses;
2. 300 g of rosin and 200 g of linseed oil, 60 g of honey;
3. 300 g of pine nuts, 150 g of linseed oil, 10 g of wax, 50 g of honey or sugar syrup;
4. 400 g of rosin, 100 g of raw honey, 200 g of castor oil or liquid paraffin, 40 g of glycerol.
All these mixtures are prepared according to one principle: melt the resin or rosin in a water bath,  add anothers components and apply it on paper using a hot method.

But am to better like to  there metod:

The glass tunnel from the form of an expanded bottle with sunken with a funnel, and with holes at the bottom of the container. Flycatcher to be on three legs, approximately 2 cm from the surface (table, chair, etc.),  on which the flycatcher stands. There is a gap at the bottom of the funel space, and inside the inverted funnel where the glass cup.

For a flies fil in soapy water to it or a slightly alkaline solution; there is a hole at the top, the jar is tightly closed. On jar, add bait, bran soaked in water or easily zakisshih, bread gira (natural) from of rye bread, sour milk, fermented molasses, etc.; this the smell of the bait attracts flies. All this swimit with a flies. From the bait, the flies fly into the light and due to the wall of glass jar the flies, to the bottom, where there are mixter of soap or a weak alkaline solution and die. Dead flies are deleted via the upper hole. It is necessary to monitor the purity of the fly and daily deleted dead flies and change the bait.


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