Thursday, August 30, 2012

Die Fahne hoch!

Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
SA marschiert Mit ruhig festem Schritt
Kam’raden, die Rotfront Und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier’n im Geist In unser’n Reihen mit.

Die Straße frei Den braunen Bataillonen,
Die Straße frei Dem Sturmabteilungsmann!
Es schau’n aufs Hakenkreuz Voll Hoffnung schon Millionen
Der Tag für Freiheit Und für Brot bricht an.

Zum letzten Mal Wird zum Appell geblasen!
Zum Kampfe steh’n Wir alle schon bereit.
Bald flattern Hitlerfahnen Über allen Straßen.
Die Knechtschaft dauert Nur noch kurze Zeit!

Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
SA marschiert Mit ruhig festem Schritt
Kam’raden, die Rotfront Und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier’n im Geist In unser’n Reihen mit.

GrazuteRoom - TaTu, Rammstein - "Simple Movements"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Aug 27, 2012 - Theory of Nationalism, 88 articls from David Lain.

One Nation, One State, One Faith!

88 articls from David Lain ( David Eden Lane, November 2, 1938 - May 28, 2007)

1. if a faith or science,  contradict the law of nature - this is Lies.

2. Man all time believes in God, or Gods.  In the Law of Nature, there is an apprehension of the Supreme Power, and this cannot be deny.

3. Religion and Faith - between them exist conflict, and Faith often contradicts Religion.  Nature and its rules and Faith create the Highest Power.  Religions are made for fool men, to err is human.  Religion can be useful, but so can destroit to evil for Country.

4. Only that person its sincerely united with Nature will understending its majesty and hidden infinite target in the macrocosmos.  On the one hand, you are nothing, an insignificant particle in front of Nature, but on the other hand, you are the highest jewel in the chain of common destiny, without which the chain cannot exist.  Thus all uniteging wich a honor and a dignity.  As peopls approach the harmony of Nature, people with Nature will approach Pozitiv Evoliution, Peace, and Hope on Future.

5. The feodal belonging system favors and promotion religions that teach non-resistance to predators. This kills instincts, thus religion separates the humanity of predators and their victims.

6. All history teaches people to deceive, the one who leads this, he receives the profit from it.

7. Religions are a particularly convenient form of signifying the symbolic mianings belonging to a Enic Groop and its culture. Multietnition religions in one destroys logic sistems the moral and legal norms, sense of uniqueness, exclusiveness, destroys the self-respect necessary for the survival of Country.

8. What people call supernatural or unknownural only to what a person does not want or cannot understand.

9. Conflicts in the justice system lead to dependence and loss of freedom, thus weakening the Country.

10. If the unity of the Contry, because of Multi moral and legal norms weakens, will be a Contry degradation and the Government will be forced to fill this void.

11. A Truth does not need to be explained at length, a truth and way for truth all time is undesting one must beware of long and incomprehensible explanations, demagogy.

12. A Truth not afraid a Investigations.

13. Unfounded, unreliable research of 'truth', as well as unfounded expectations, desires and aspirations, can have catastrophic consequences.

14. According to the laws of Nature, there is no more morally justified struggle as for the interests of one’s family, country, ethnic group.

15. There is no higher motivation than the laws of Nature, therefore these laws are always true and fair.

16. The ability to recognize the cause is a healthy step in social development. Dying ethnic groups, countries, civilizations, cultures and races on average pay attention only to external factors.

17. The greatest achievement of social development is the ability to recognize meaning, the ability to recognize differences, to recognize mistakes, and not to replace reality with imaginary desires.

18. Gamtos Taisyklems nera vietos, nera teises, nei privilegijoms. Kai alkanas Liutas prisiveja Elnia, jis neturi teises gyventi. Bet jis gali uzkariauti savo gyvybe musyje. Taip pat zmones neturi teises gyvenimui, laisvei, laimei. Viskas turi buti uztarnauta ir uzkariauta ji, jo seima, jo gentis. Tik taip gali buti suvokti tikras vertinimas givenimo, laisves, laimes.

19. Coutrys to those are not in their wisdom and value will be erased from the World Society.

20. It should never be forgotten that the European peoples have suffered for millennia from invaders from Asia and Africa. Attila the Hun conquered all of Europe in the fifth century. In the eighth century, the Moors conquered Spain, Portugal and southern France, and eight centuries later Genghis Khan drove the Mongols out of Italy into the Red Sea, and today there is an active, creeping occupation of resources, territory, income, technology and privilege.

21. If Europens countres allowe representatives of other cultures to live with its ethnic groups, it will die out. All the European ethnic groups today them a small part of humanity and because future can could cease to exist.

22. The ability to find a way to survive for local etnicheskih groups is a mandatory criterion for evaluating sushestvujushei deistvitelnosti. Esli one local etnish groop of Europa perestanut sushestvovat v tom ili inom regione eto privedet k degradacii vseh Evropeiskih Etnicheskih groop, chto privedet k negativnomu izmeneniju moralno pravovyh norm, sposobnostei, obrazovaniju, kachestva zhizni in All European Countres.

23. If the extinction of any European Ethnic Group occurs, the Socio-Economic Systems may be destroyed and will not be able to be restored. The able representatives of then or another ethnic group die together with its members once and for all.

24. Ethnic groups, families, and individuals cannot survive without sufficient living space for their survival, their own territory.

25. Ethnic groups, families, and people without property will die out.

26. Antipathy between representatives of different ethnic groups, families, peoples is created by nature. They must preserve individuality, ciltures and personal existence.

27. Hatred towards other etnosam, familes or people is not constructive. But all ethnic groups, families, peoples must defend themselves with their weight and they must be restrained. Hatred should be only those who commit crimes against your ethnic group, family, personality and they betrayal.

28. The concept of a mixture of a multinational, multi-religious, multi-moral, multi-legal society, as a confederation, from Judaism and contradicts the Laws of Nature.

29. The concept of equality is contrary to the Laws of Nature. All people have different abilities, upbringing and as a consequence intelligence and education.

30. The revived instincts have a natural origin and preserve ethnic, clan, diasporic individuality.

31. Adherence to cults, symbols, desires is an instilled instinctive egoism, an unnatural instinctive preference.

32. The mixing of representatives of non-European origins of representatives of ethnic groups, clans, diasporas with European ones has always been a great danger for European ethnic groups, since it will lead to their own degradation and extinction of European rise  families and as a consequence of ethnic groups, clans, diasporas.

33. The heterogeneous demography of the European space as a mixture with representatives of ethnic groups of non-European origin is suicide for representatives of European genuses . Today, many European families cannot afford to have families, children because of due to personal responsibility, since resources and funds are distributed mostly to support families, clans, diasporas of non-European origin and regions which families, clans, diasporas of non-European origin.

34 Sexual instincts are a natural mechanism of evolution etnish groups.

35. Homosexuality kills ethnic groups, familes, klans, diarpors because same-sex relationships do not produce birst results. This can be used as a tool in the fight for the dominance of representatives of one or another ethnic group in any region, but it is a crime in relations with related ethnic groups, clans, families, or diasporas.

36. Pornography is a weapon aimed at degradation and destruction of sexual instincts, erotic art is a catalyst for sexual relations. One should distinguish one from the other and not pass off the desired sexual satisfaction by an unnatural path as a real sexual relationship.

37. Representatives of any ethnic group experience disgust and indignation if they see sexual relations between representatives of their ethnic group and representatives not related to their relative ethnic groups. Men may take this as a personal insult.

38. Sick, dying ethnic groups and civilizations treat the traditional values ​​of their people with disdain and replace them with a cult of symbols, personalities, names, calling it 'patriotism'.

39. People who ignore their own real history and replace it with myths about their own importance and greatness, who appropriate to themselves a merit of representatives of other ethnic groups, families, clans, diasporas, persons destroy the individuality of their people and its future.

40. The greatest honor and respect is deserved by the one who gives his life, time of life for the freedom and survival of his family, clan, diaspora, ethnic group.

41. A persons are part of a family, families are part of a clan, clans are part of an ethnic group, ethnic groups are part of a diaspora. Ethnic loyalty must be above geographical and personal interests publick and oficial persons. If humanity understands and accepts this, there will be no more fratricidal wars.

42. Serving the public interest is self-sacrifice and not a way to obtain personal benefits, income, or privileges for self or for self close.

43. Leaders of families, clans, ethnic groups, diasporas, and countries should not use official powers for the purpose of obtaining personal benefits, privileges, or income.

44. No Leader, public or official person should redistribute goods, incomes, privileges with the purpose of giving to someone and taking away from another. The country's leaders, public and official persons should guarantee moral and legal norms within the country, outside the country, external relations and the country's defense.

45. A parties for the implementation of nationalist leadership should not have a social focus on redefining benefits, privileges, incomes for any kind of social identity. Socialism, communism and social democracy, social liberalism are the most dangerous forms of ethnic leadership. They fight against the abilities of the individual and seek to destroy the natural system of distribution according to moral standards, abilites, educations with the aim of redistributing the country's property according to fictitious properties and qualities of social persons, clans, diasporas. They have a goal - to obtain personal powers of control over justice and the economy with the aim of obtaining personal and group benefits, privileges, incomes.

46. The self-government of the country controls the means of dissemination of information within the country by means of language censorship, and also ensures the dissemination of information outside the country by presenting wishful thinking as reality and distorting information for partners by means of translation. Therefore, the administration of such a country uses the local language to control propaganda inside and outside. The struggle for the dominance of lesser-known languages ​​within regions; the struggle for control over forms of information, propagands and thinking.

47. The propaganda of socialist ideologies is determined not by common sense, not by pragmatism, but by emotional components, which are based on the worship of cults, symbols, names without any meaning or content.

48. The highest stage of development of socialist society is war. The system cannot independently provide for the needs of its inhabitants, and it tries to preserve its right to exist by exploiting the intelligence and abilities of other, more developed countries, diasporas, ethnic groups and clans.

49. In a socially unequal system, the rules contradict the norms of morality and justice according to law social principles. A totalitarian authoritarian system cannot exist within the framework of law and order, it lives according to the understanding of dictators, passing off wishful thinking as reality, which in itself is illegal and qualifies as fraud.

50. If social dictators disappear, strong leaders in science, economics and public relations will appear. Their goal is to unite peoples and restore the high law of Nature - the distribution of social and material goods according to real moral qualities, abilities, education.

51. Members criminal sindicat of the system of social inequality will do everything possible to maintain the dominance of their family, clan, ethnic group, country.

52. A criminal group that uses the system of social distribution to satisfy its own social and material benefits cannot be eliminated except by force.

53. Under the guise of patriotism, the representatives of the dominant criminal group conceive of selfless service to their personal interests and the interests of their family, clan, and ethnic group.

54. The propaganda of a criminal social group that has usurped the mechanisms of justice, law and order, and the economy is always based on lies, fraud, and emotional manipulation of public opinion.

55. A criminal group always hides behind public opinion, concealing the true motives of its dominance under a political movement, a means of satisfying the desires of the masses. Politics is a means of achieving a goal, but it is not a target.

56. The criminal social group that has usurped the mechanisms of justice, law and order and the economy always uses emotional-patriotic slogans, masking its criminal activity, dictatorship and tyranny.

57. Propaganda of terrorist criminal groups requires widespread power, finance, and weapons for the fight. The fight for social privileges, material wealth, social rights as impunity, impunity and arbitrary for criminal terrorist groups that have usurped Legal Law and the Right institutions.
Elements of successful propaganda:
- Simplicity;
- Emotionality;
- Repetition;
- Impudence.
Without any realy  justification - "We do what you think, what you care about"

58. The criminal system want controling for  what you to think. Freedom teaches how need to think.

59. Beware of people who profit from demagogy. And most importantly, beware of lawyers, propagandists and public figures who deny reality and replace it with an imaginary desire, thereby manipulating public opinion.

60. Patriotism is based on the ideological mifs of a criminal group destroys the enemies of the criminal group, including relatives, close friends, and allies them members. All members of the criminal group are afraid to repeat their fate.

61. The Gods of War always dominate the Gods of Peace. Fear is a more convincing argument than moral and words.

62. Social and public relations of regions should be formed in accordance with the norms of morality and right of families, clans, diaspor and ethnic groups. Social and public relations should be formed in such a way as to preserve family, clanes, diaspor and ethnic groups of the region and make their life worthy and useful for development, science, economics and public relations themselves.

63. Anyone who allows a members criminal terrorist group to usurp justice, the right, influence the media, science, religion, art, finance, and the legal sphere will digraded and disappear.

64. Laws are based on moral and legal social relations, they do not require long explanations. The meaning of the Laws is the life experience of past generations, the consequences of breaking the laws are always inevitable.

65. Any systematically organized terrorist group is guided by emotional efficiency and reacts more sensitively to mass rallies, manifistations, and what to documented publications.

66. The foundations of justice as rights and law depend primarily on moral norms and the manifestation of the will of the inhabitants of region.

67. Pacifists who do not resist the lawlessness of crime, elevated to the level of social relations, will be slaves of an organized criminal terrorist group that has usurped the organs of justice and law and order.

68. They say words are mightier than swords. Maybe, but words can only carry a authority if they are backed real power. Only word and case.

69. A dictatorial-tyrannical system is always suturates with murky demagogy.

70. Terrorism and patriotism in a organization terrorist society have the same direction, meaning and content. By terrorism, an organized criminal group understands opposition to it, and by patriotism, terrorism.

71. Conclusions, decisions, actions, and behavior of public and official persons must be regulated by moral standards and legally substantiated life experience.

72. The desire to get rich is destructive. Leaders of developed countries have to constantly fight against it. But if material well-being is earned in a legal and morally justified way, no one can be blamed for it.

73. The moral norm of a criminal terrorist group that has usurped the organs of justice and law and order, the most important social status is financial and material well-being, while true status is given by service to family, clan, ethnic group, country.

74. the desire to gain social status by acquiring financial and material resources by any means leads to irresponsible squandering of natural resources of country and leads to their depletion.

75. Trade operations in the form of sales and exchange transactions must have progressive taxation, quotas and standards for the added value of goods.

76. Usury of financical and material leads to dependence, belonging, slavery, and is a crime.

77. People who have built their financial well-being on the misfortunes of other people always strive for Dictatorship and Tyranny.

78. Banks restrict the right to use their financial resources at their own discretion and impose taxes on monetary transactions. Banks strive to control all monetary resources and operations.

79. Usurious interest rates lead to inflation, increased taxes, belonging serfdom, slavery - the consequences are theft, fraud, others crime which is the basis for the destruction of moral and legal norms the country.

80. Easily acquired influence, social position, finanse, material things will not be used for good, only for evil.

81. There is nothing unnatural in evolution. Either society develops or degrades. Social, material status, services to society, income, privileges must be earned, not appropriated.

83. Emotionally unbalanced people, prone to unintelligent postures, are guided by emotional factors that do not correspond to real situation. Beware of restless people, for they lot negative as pozitive.

84. Self-discipline its higher culture of persons.

85. Self-control is other culture that helps to survive crises, troubles, failures.

86. A stupid person has an opinion from words, cults, slogans, symbols, names. A smart person from real factors - conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior.

87. Any conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior have consequences with some time lag. If it does not affect you, it will affect the next generations.

88. The destruction of the family, alcoholism, drug addiction, percentage slavery, tyranny, corruption, fragmentation of the population - this is a sign of the extinction of clans, ethnic groups, counties. This is a real indicator that a Leaders of families, clans, ethnic groups, diasporas, countries care only about their own interests.

You same might be interested in:
- The Political Testamentas of Adolf Hitler. 
- Die Fahne hoch! 
- The Partial List of reserve officers of the Russian State Security Committee / FSB holding today important public and official positions in Lithuania, EU, including in the justice authorities. 
- Soviet Holocaust in East Prussia.
- The Tale of the Revolution and a Personalitys - from marerials archive of cases of State security Soviet Union. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Aug 25, 2012 - The Political Testamentas of Adolf Hitler.

Well said, and in my bad situation this thought is close and understandable to me - and I understand the resentment for all the evil, destruction, bullying that came not only to me, came to all my people and that persecute me and my ethnic group. Just like Adolf Hitler, I live in a place where I am persecuted, where I have no right to a decent life, to the realization of my abilities, and where the law does not protect my rights!

 'We are fighting for our existence, for the protecting of our race, and our nation. We are fighting for the food for our children, for the rights of our blood, our etnic groop, and for the independence of our living place our Fatherland. We are fighting so that our nation can fulfill its missions, living  self cultur, which the founders of our society oblige us to do.. All one of our thoughts, all of our ideas, all of our science and all of our thinking must serve only this purpose. Only from this point of view should we check our poseful actions.'

Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler

The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler:

De / Eng

Mein politisches Testament. Seit ich 1914 als Freiwilliger meine bescheidene Kraft im ersten, dem Reich aufge- zwungenen Weltkrieg einsetzte, sind nunmehr über dreissig Jahre vergangen. In diesen drei Jahrzehnten haben mich bei all meinem Denken, Handeln und Leben nur die Liebe und Treue zu meinem Volk bewegt. Sie gaben mir die Kraft, schwerste Entschlüsse zu fassen, wie sie bisher noch keinem Sterblichen gestellt worden sind. Ich habe meine Zeit, mei- ne Arbeitskraft und meine Gesundheit in diesen drei Jahrzehnten verbraucht. Es ist unwahr, dass ich oder irgend- jemand anderer in Deutschland den Krieg im Jahre

- 2 - 1939 gewollt haben. Er wurde gewollt und ange- stiftet ausschliesslich von jenen internationalen Staatsmännern, die entweder jüdischer Herkunft waren oder für jüdische Interessen arbeiteten. Ich habe zuviele Angebote zur Rüstungsbeschrän- kung und Rüstungsbegrenzung gemacht, die die Nachwelt nicht auf alle Ewigkeiten wegzuleugnen vermag, als dass die Verantwortung für den Aus- bruch dieses Krieges auf mir lasten könnte. Ich habe weiter nie gewollt, dass nach dem ersten unseligen Weltkrieg ein zweiter gegen England oder gar gegen Amerika entsteht. Es werden Jahr- hunderte vergehen, aber aus den Ruinen unserer Städte und Kunstdenkmäler wird sich der Hass ge- gen das letzten Endes verantwortliche Volk im- mer wieder erneuern, dem wir das alles zu verdan- ken haben: dem internationalen Judentum und seinen Helfern. Ich habe noch drei Tage vor Ausbruch des deutsch-polnischen Krieges dem britischen Bot- schafter in Berlin eine Lösung der deutsch-polni- schen Probleme vorgeschlagen - ähnlich der im Falle des Saargebietes unter internationaler Kontrolle. Auch dieses Angebot kann nicht weg- geleugnet werden. Es wurde nur

- 3 - verworfen, weil die massgebenden Kreise der eng- lischen Politik den Krieg wünschten, teils der erhofften Geschäfte wegen, teils getrieben durch eine, vom internationalen Judentum veranstaltete Propaganda. Ich habe aber auch keinen Zweifel darüber gelassen, dass, wenn die Völker Europas wieder nur als Aktienpakete dieser internationalen Geld- und Finanzverschwörer angesehen werden, dann auch jenes Volk mit zur Verantwortung gezogen werden wird, das der eigentlich Schuldige an diesem mör- derischen Ringen ist: Das Judentum! Ich habe wei- ter keinen darüber im Unklaren gelassen, dass die- ses Mal nicht nur Millionen Kinder von Europäern der arischen Völker verhungern werden, nicht nur Millionen erwachsener Männer den Tod erleiden und nicht nur Hunderttausende an Frauen und Kindern in den Städten verbrannt und zu Tode bombardiert werden dürften, ohne dass der eigentlich Schuldi- ge, wenn auch durch humanere Mittel, seine Schuld zu büssen hat. Nach einem sechsjährigen Kampf, der einst in die Geschichte trotz aller Rückschläge als ruhm-

- 4 - vollste und tapferste Bekundung des Lebenswillens eines Volkes eingehen wird, kann ich mich nicht von der Stadt trennen, die die Hauptstadt dieses Reiches ist. Da die Kräfte zu gering sind, um dem feindli- chen Ansturm gerade an dieser Stelle noch länger standzuhalten, der eigene Widerstand aber durch ebenso verblendete wie charakterlose Subjekte allmählich entwertet wird, möchte ich mein Schick- sal mit jenem teilen, das Millionen anderer auch auf sich genommen haben, indem ich in dieser Stadt bleibe. Außerdem will ich nicht Feinden in die Hände fallen, die zur Erlustigung ihrer verhetz- ten Massen ein neues, von Juden arrangiertes Schau- spiel benötigen. Ich hatte mich daher entschlossen, in Berlin zu bleiben und dort aus freien Stücken in dem Augenblick den Tod zu wählen, in dem ich glaube, dass der Sitz des Führers und Kanzlers selbst nicht mehr gehalten werden kann. Ich sterbe mit freudigem Herzen angesichts der mir bewussten un- ermesslichen Taten und Leistungen unserer Soldaten an der Front, unserer Frauen zuhause, den Leistun- gen unserer Bauern und Arbeiter und der in der Ge- schichte einmaligen Einsatz unserer Jugend, die meinen Namen trägt.

- 5 - Dass ich ihnen allen meinen aus tiefstem Herzen kommenden Dank ausspreche, ist ebenso selbstverständlich wie mein Wunsch, dass sie deshalb den Kampf unter keinen Umständen aufgeben mögen, sondern, ganz gleich wo immer, ihn gegen die Feinde des Vaterlandes weiterführen, getreu den Bekenntnissen eines grossen Clausewitz. Aus dem Opfer unserer Soldaten und aus meiner eigenen Verbundenheit mit ihnen bis in den Tod, wird in der deutschen Geschichte so oder so einmal wieder der Samen aufgehen zur strahlenden Wiedergeburt der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung und damit zur Verwirklichung einer wahren Volksgemeinschaft. Viele tapferste Männer und Frauen haben sich entschlossen, ihr Leben bis zuletzt an das meine zu binden. Ich habe sie gebeten und ihnen endlich befohlen, dies nicht zu tun, sondern am weiteren Kampf der Nation teilzunehmen. Die Führer der Armeen, der Marine und der Luftwaffe bitte ich, mit äußersten Mitteln den Widerstandsgeist unse- rer Soldaten im nationalsozialistischen Sinne zu verstärken unter dem besonderen Hinweis darauf, dass auch ich selbst, als der Gründer und Schöpfer dieser Bewegung, den Tod dem feigen Absetzen oder gar einer Kapitulation vorgezogen habe.

Möge es dereinst zum Ehrbegriff des deutschen Offiziers gehören - so wie dies in unserer Marine schon der Fall ist - dass die Übergabe einer Landschaft oder einer Stadt unmöglich ist und dass vor allem die Führer hier mit leuchtendem Beispiel voranzugehen haben in treuester Pflichterfüllung bis in den Tod.

- 7 - Zweiter Teil des politischen Testaments. Ich stosse vor meinem Tode den früheren Reichsmarschall Hermann G ö r i n g aus der Partei aus und entziehe ihm alle Rechte, die sich aus dem Erlass vom 29. Juni 1941 sowie aus mei- ner Reichstagserklärung vom 1. September 1939 ergeben könnten. Ich ernenne an Stelle dessen den Großadmiral D ö n i t z zum Reichspräsiden- ten und Obersten Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht. Ich stosse vor meinem Tode den früheren Reichsführer-SS und Reichsminister des Innern, Heinrich H i m m l e r aus der Partei sowie aus allen Staatsämtern aus. Ich ernenne an sei- ner Stelle den Gauleiter Karl H a n k e zum Reichsführer-SS und Chef der deutschen Polizei und den Gauleiter Paul G i e s l e r zum Reichs- minister des Innern. Göring und Himmler haben durch geheime Ver- handlungen mit dem Feinde, die sie ohne mein Wis- sen und gegen meinen Willen abhielten, sowie durch den Versuch, entgegen dem Gesetz, die Macht im

- 8 - Staate an sich zu reissen, dem Lande und dem gesamten Volk unabsehbaren Schaden zugefügt, gänzlich abgesehen von der Treulosigkeit gegenüber meiner Person. Um dem deutschen Volk eine aus ehrenhaften Männern zusammengesetzte Regierung zu geben, die die Verpflichtung erfüllt, den Krieg mit allen Mitteln weiter fortzusetzen, ernenne ich als Führer der Nation folgende Mitglieder des neuen Kabinetts: Reichspräsident: D ö n i t z Reichskanzler: Dr. G o e b b e l s Parteiminister: B o r m a n n Aussenminister: S e y ß - I n q u a r t Innenminister: Gauleiter G i e s l e r Kriegsminister: D ö n i t z Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres: S c h ö r n e r Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine: D ö n i t z Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe: G r e i m Reichsführer-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei: Gauleiter H a n k e Wirtschaft: F u n k Landwirtschaft: B a c k e Justiz: T h i e r a c k Kultus: Dr. S c h e e l

Propaganda: Dr. N a u m a n n Finanzen: S c h w e r i n - C r o s s i g k Arbeit: Dr. H u p f a u e r Rüstung: S a u r Leiter der Deutschen Arbeitsfront und Mitglied des Reichskabinetts: Reichsminister Dr. L e y . Obwohl sich eine Anzahl dieser Männer, wie Martin Bormann, Dr. Goebbels usw. einschliesslich ihrer Frauen, aus freiem Willen zu mir gefunden haben und unter keinen Umständen die Hauptstadt des Reiches verlassen wollten, sondern bereit waren, mit mir hier unterzugehen, muss ich sie doch bitten, meiner Aufforderung zu gehorchen und in diesem Falle das Interesse der Nation über ihr eigenes Gefühl zu stellen. Sie werden mir durch ihre Arbeit und ihre Treue als Gefährten nach dem Tode ebenso nahestehen, wie ich hoffe, dass mein Geist unter ihnen wellen und sie stets begleiten wird. Mögen sie hart sein, aber niemals ungerecht, mögen sie vor allem nie die Furcht zum Ratgeber ihres Handelns erheben und die Ehre der Nation über alles stellen, was es auf Erden gibt. Mögen sie sich endlich dessen bewusst sein, dass unsere Aufgabe, des Ausbaus eines nationalsozialistischen Staates die Arbeit kommender Jahrhunderte darstellt, die

jeden einzelnen verpflichtet, immer dem gemeinsamen Interesse zu dienen und seine eigenen Vorteile dem- gegenüber zurückzustellen. Von allen Deutschen, allen Nationalsozialisten, Männern und Frauen und allen Soldaten der Wehrmacht verlange ich, daß sie der neuen Regierung und ihren Präsidenten treu und gehorsam sein werden bis in den Tod. Vor allem verpflichte ich die Führung der Nation und die Gefolgschaft zur peinlichen Ein- haltung der Rassegesetze und zum unbarmherzigen Widerstand gegen den Weltvergifter aller Völker, das internationale Judentum.

Gegeben zu Berlin, den 29. April 1945, 4.00 Uhr. Adolf Hitler Als Zeuge: Dr. Joseph Goebbels Wilhelm Burgdorf Martin Bormann Hans Krebs.

Maybe you also interest:
Theory of Nationalism - 88 articls by Devida Leina;
- Soviet Holocaust in East Prussia;
Lithuania demands extradition to publick exicution of Jews who fought Lithuanian Nazis.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Aug 24, 2012 - The Offended Snitch.

 Anotation for article: 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

 I read today at to my address:
"they my post won't let me through, add without spaces: ru - (eng -
he is also a "snitch" read his blog - he collected all the nicknames from Delphi and wrote a letter to the editor - he presents it beautifully "offended" - he tries so hard, but they won't give him Lithuanian citizenship.

 Let us add that there was also a complaint of I to the European Court of Human Rights, read here:
EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS - APPLICATION, and there was an answer - Nov 2, 2011 - Lithuania, Rietavas - my last fight.... 

 But where did I ever ask for citizenship - a civil belonging, feudal dependence on the Lithuanian Republic?

 No, I didn’t ask and I won’t ask. I asked to give me the opportunity to live where I have a home, where close to me little people /children, where I invested money in self homelife a business. I have asked for my rights to be based on the declared moral and legal norms, because what is declared must correspond to reality.


 I asked for nothing more and I did not a parasite of Lithuania. The rest, I suppose, is on the conscience of Lithuanian officials and the European Court of Human Rights.

 I Offinded ? 

 No, I am not offended, I am used to rudeness, persecutions, baitings and I promote my views without any benefit other than moral. Moreover, I do not strive for everyone to accept them. This is a matter of morality, education, mental abilities, intellect. Nevertheless, I believe that what important is the right understanding of what happened in Lithuania, and I made assessments in accordance with my understanding of moral and legal norms. Someone close to me will live here and I do not want the country to degrade to a strict regime, rushing from one extreme to another.

  And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that I am not striving for any kind of civil belonging or feodality servitude for me.
What am I guided by? The fate of my people (Schicksalgemeinschaft), and therefore what is good for the Soviet country is death for me. Consider me kem ugodno tolko ne need associiruite s soboy and that is enough. So that there are no speculations on my name, I do not accept either Lithuanian or other, let alone Russian, doctrines of building a model of social society. All this is a repetition of totalitarianism in a single country and if we talk about Lithuania, then this model is isolated only because under the roof of the confederation European Union some unscrupulous politicians take care of their personal well-being more conveniently than under the roof wich Union Russia.

 Russia, as well as Belarus, are the basis, the very infection that gives rise to competition between oligarchs of authoritarian models of public morality, on the one hand, and the same oligarchs who grew up under the thoroughly corrupt wing of the democratic model of confideration, on the other. The basis, the same totalitarianism, authoritarianism, then are links in the usual nacizma on the basis of manipulation of public opinion by fascist methods. Any authoritarian system, if it is not controlled by public consciousness, law can take the most extreme, severe and dangerous forms for all of humanity. End dont need there is no need to reinvent the wheel here and feed everyone empty promises.

 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and I don't think that any of the existing public persons of Lithuania will be able to cut this Gardeev knot. For this, one must have strength, dedication and courage. And everything else, including the price of energy, minimal SOC packages, raider over small and medium-sized businesses, are  just defactum consequences, nothing more.

  What to do?

 Perhaps you should start with ourselves before making claims against those around us.

 As for me, I am guided by internal moral standards, which may not be understood by public persons of Lithuania and other ex-Soviet persons, but are selfless. My conscience is clear. And I don’t need civil belonging, feodality servitude, subjectivism from you, I will refuse) but I would probably agree to a permanent residence permit, if of course they give it and if Lithuania is not a subject of the moral and legal norms of the Soviet Federation.

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Sovereign Terrorism Site - ''; - anotation for article 'Commisionners of the Internet';
The Lithuania of ex Soviet Russia;
Lithuania, Emigration inside, inout;
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Soviet propaganda of intolerance towards Democratic moral&legal norms on the forums of Official Lithuanion Intenet Publications;
Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11;
'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets;
Lithuania demands extradition to publick exicution of Jews who fought Lithuanian Nazis.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug 22, 2012 - Sovereign Terrorism Site - ''

Anotation for article: 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

Open letter to editor Oleg Erofeev.

Eng / Ru :

'Hello Oleg,
My name is Konstantin, last name is Korenevsky, I can say that I have recently become a regular reader of your site. I especially closely monitor the comments and to be honest, they not only irritate me with their rudeness, unnormative vocabulary, but also with the incitement of national hatred, calls for terrorism, intimidation of opponents in discussions, pressure on people with democratic views, as well as people whose beliefs differ from the aggressive ones directed against USA, the European Union and, in general, all progressive democratic humanity.
 Moreover, for some reason the comments are regulated in such a way that it seems that Lithuanians are in a big conflict with the public views of the United States of America, the public consciousness of local democratic communities and are dangerous, fanatical and sick people, capable criminals, justifying any terror against them, against the residents of America, the residents of the local EU and justifying, promoting authoritarian, totalitarian regimes that carry out terror, genocide against their population.

 Let's take the article 'Lithuanian Prime Minister Rejects Lukashenko's Threats'
 As far as I was able to determine, there are not many visitors on your portal. In reality, there are seven visitors, three of which are comments from normal, adequate people marked with pluses and more than ten nicknames marked with minuses. These are just sick fanatics who, for some reason, believe that their opinion is adequate.
  But it's not about opinion, but about insults, threats and regulation of comments on your site.

Eng /

For example, 'Vovochka' writes:
- 'What kind of a goat is this, hammering out minuses here without any reason? If this is Korenevsky, then they are ALREADY on their way to him - to a well-known address. Bros - they won't screw around.... In 2 days - we'll clean it up, after checking'.
- '666th at 23.03. Yes, I stopped the boys on the site. The guys will break this goat's head on the road!!!! Home address - with relatives ---- IS HERE!!!!!!!!!'

 Checking it who blocking users your site is -  red;">MERLETN.ORG

  Look at the address:
 (VRK) [proxy:][port:30444] - (SNF:)  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1
role:           Transteleservis Admin
address:        UAB "Transteleservis"
address:        Sedulinos 18, Visaginas
address:        Lithuania

So, some "vovochka" has access to your site's software and freely, at his own discretion, regulates comments, cuts off unwanted users based on ideological grounds, etc. Or did someone endow him with such capabilities ?

As I understand it, he represents the interests of such users as EDINBURGH, Вопросик, Ржунимагу, лиза, наркот, 666, Хуууууууторрррр Загибающийся.... So?

As I understand it, this group of commentators considers itself 'adequate':
- Ржунимагу 08/22/2012 01:53 'Some are surprised by the number of minuses under adequate comments, and regulars of Galyu-Times should already be aware of where Kerinevsky's dog is buried :)'

amreading 'adequate comments':
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 03:41 'Well, almost. I'll run ahead of the lead tank and show you the houses and apartments of the flower-headed ones that need to be shot at right away. Well, so as not to waste time. And then I'll ask to be sent to some punitive-torture battalion as a trainee executioner and I'll find you. I intend to act with particular cruelty and cynicism. To begin with, you'll play the entire repertoire of Russian folk songs for me on the balalaika, then you'll dance the entire repertoire of the song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army and Navy, then, according to the old Lithuanian tradition, you'll hand over all your buddies and on this happy note I'll personally accept you into the Pioneers.'
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 03:14 'Read the whole thread, you lumpy-headed, underdeveloped moron of Lithuanian nationality. I wish women wouldn't give birth to idiots like you. Suck your a friend, take a pill and go to bed.'
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 01:48 'In short, I read the comments of the Klumpogolovniks and decided that when ours return, my hand will not shake'.

Klumpogolovye, this is what you have to understand as Lithuanians... In my opinion, this is the whipping up of hatred among the residents of Lithuania specifically towards the Russian diaspora. The time will come when stones will fly! And the stones may fly not at the sneering kike of soviet lithuania speaking here on behalf of the Russians, but at your mother or another close friend, relative, acquaintance.

Reading on:
-Хуууууууторрррр Загибающийся....22.08.2012 00:45 Well, well... O 'great and mighty'.... And this moral freak found a synonym - a nickname: 'THE BEHING CHEEKED of WHORE'.... Just like a nikename on the forehead of a CATTLE... or rather a BRAND...'
- Ржунимагу 22.08.2012 00:31 'Fucking hell, you're a dicked dickhead 00:21
I know that you have sclerosis and your understanding has atrophied :)))
I even not doubt that you were everytim a undesting at all :)))'
- Вопросик 22.08.2012 00:23 'Why are you downvoting so sluggishly, you bony faggot?
Have you had too many drugs and now you're slowing down?'
- Ржунимагу 22.08.2012 00:14 Here you are, a cheeky WHORE 00:03 tell these tales to your brainless granny at the cemetery :)))
In Galjun-Times, even from one IP and one browser, you can jerk off at least 1000 +-
And at the same time not leave traces in the form of 'Comments of this user'. Are you convinced, you dumb-ass?

and so on and so forth.

Apr 12, 2012 - Soviet propaganda of intolerance towards democratic moral&legal norms on the forums of Official Lithuanian Internet Publications -

This should be understood not as just insults, but as pressure on a person so that he would leave the resource, so that he would feel ashamed or uncomfortable or simply unpleasant to listen to insults addressed to him that degrade his dignity.

To Look my Article 'Internet Commissars...'.

Also striking that members of Brigada of it's  customary to hide your personal data, your company data or your place of residence. This is not normal, because people are trying to find like-minded people, and the secret services or the site administrator still see the IP and, if necessary, it is possible to turn the computer of almost any user inside out. But to use this to insult an opponent who does not share someone's opinion, excuse me, but these people are deeply sick and society needs protection from aggressive and mentally unhealthy, fanatical objects with pronounced forms of aggression based on obsessive ideas. And it doesn't matter what kind - from radical Islam to the social public of relations.

As a result, your portal acquires a shade of extremist tendencies, and subconsciously one can draw a parallel with radical idealoges. Something is painfully familiar. Many illiterate people with obsessive ideas of clearly aggressive content towards the inhabitants of the country where they live.

Read here:

I think this is too much!
And please, if possible, pass on comments with threats, including with threats terrorist attacks, to the appropriate authorities. This is, after all, the duty of any honest and decent person.

Wich Respect Constantine'

 Today - we say about the propaganda of socialists to destroy by the post-Soviet regimes all who do not agree with the doctrine of the propaganda of domination of dictatorial regimes.

 All Soviet society has turned into a pack of unreasonable dogs who destroy everything that exceeds their wretched understanding.
They destroy all artists, scientists, intellectuals - all who express a realistic opinion that cannot correspond to a desired of idiots.

 Today I don't see scientists, artists, educated intelligence on the post-Soviet space - I see people who are unable to accept the reality as such and replace it with the desired. They implement this by various ideas that do not have a real basis other than how to legalizedp the criminal activity of representatives of criminal groups that have usurped the post-Soviet space in the regions by legislative, operational, and executive of the state for personal.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aug 21, 2012 -, Anotation for article 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

Anotation for article: 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

21.08.2012 23:17

666th at 23.03. Yes, I stopped the boys on the site. The guys will break this goat's head on the road!!!! Home address - with relatives ---- IS THERE!!!!!!!!!!

Comments from this user.

21.08.2012 23:14

наркот wrote:
Yes, I would be happy to, but first I need to find out which countries' citizens are allowed by Lithuanian border guards to cross the Lithuanian-Belarusian border without visas..............., but otherwise cane...

there is 1 reply
Don't be afraid - we to be friends!!!!:)))

Comments from this user.

21.08.2012 23:04

Yes, I would be happy to, but first we need to find out which countries' citizens are allowed by Lithuanian border guards across the Lithuanian-Belarusian border without visas..............., otherwise we might end up, as Gavrila writes, like the Georgians (Adamkus' friends) in a pre-trial detention center........, and we're not even Dali's friends, so we might end up in jail for good............

Comments from this user.

there is 1 reply

21.08.2012 23:03

вовочка wrote:
Yeah, what kind of asshole is he, hammering out minuses here without any reason? If this is Korenevsky, then they are ALREADY on their way to him - to a well-known address. Bros - they won't screw around... In 2 days - we'll clean it up, after p...

there is 1 reply

21.08.2012 22:51
Yeah, what kind of a goat is he, hammering out minuses here without any reason? If it's Korenevsky, then they're ALREADY on their way to him - to a well-known address. Bros - they won't screw around.... In 2 days - after checking we'll clean it up.

21.08.2012 22:37

наркот wrote:
Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius stressed on August 21 that the "bear landing" that angered Belarus was a private initiative of Swedish activists.

there are 2 replies

How about we buy a glider and flayding off to Bulbyandia? We won't be dumping anything, of course, but we might also buy something:)...

Comments from this user.

Site -

вовочка, лиза, наркот он же Хутор Исчезающий /  Anotation for article - 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet'

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Aug 19, 2012 - The Lithuania of Ex Soviet Russia... and to after or The Lithuanian Nostalgy.

Based on materials from the information publication

·  Yes... There was a time... / 19.08.2012 12:54

'So well,  one peasant  bastshoes Samogitian  came to me to do some odd jobs, to help with the housework and I so asked him sternly - 'And do you want to go comback to Soviet Lithuania, Soviet Union, will be subject of Soviet Russia?'
And he said to me - 'No way, Your Excellency. This is sedition.'

You see, he is man uneducate bastshoes of man, but and he understands...'

·  Ponas Jonas from Kaunas / 19.08.2012 12:55
'Well, so and sayd - your Nobleness... I right moved to tears.
Here he is The Voice of The People!'

·  > Ponas Jonas from Kaunas / 19.08.2012 12:57
'Here Jonas, he that's how he says it - "Your High Honor" And what a mug - flabby, fattened on the master's food, slightly drunk, impudent.
I wish I could stick wich a fist in there, in his muging.
That's our where Russian happiness of now, Johny, for us...'

·  Ponas Jonas from Kaunas > to Your High Honor / 19.08.2012 13:03

'I'm just jealous...
And we don't even have any boyars left. Just serfs. Greedy, lying, evil eyes. They walk around with their shameless little eyes shining, but they themselves are skinny and dirty.
Why is that, Your Excellency?
Why does everyone on Lithuania to turn bad for Lithuanians?
It's just the same to me as the Jews are to blame. They need to be beaten.
And what is?
In the face with a boot and a hatchet on the top of the head, how much longer can we bow to the infidel gods? nezvannyi gost is better than the soviet Jews.
We've come - revolution after revolution, but there's still no order.
So and was carried  the lithuania tramps  around the world to seek a better fate.'

·  > Ponas Jonas from Kaunas / 19.08.2012 13:09

'Yes, old times Johny in Rus', a Lordness was an enlightener.

And now a serf reigns over a serf, that's why there is unrest, all kinds of disorder, and therefore there will be neither Russian nor Bosiatsky happiness in Lithuania... Look how it is, only Jews with Tatar infidels remain in Lithuania. They call themselves Russians, Lithuanians but they themselves turn up their noses in the prosperous overseas.
So we they left them Russia, Lithuania to left, but no - They from Rus's did maked selfone Soviet Shited's !
So let them live in the barn as pigs!

So - they left them Russia, Lithuania, they left the Faith, how much Blood there was, how much they beat their chests with their fists. But no - They from Rus's did maked selfone Soviet Shited's ! So let them and live in the barn!'

Ponas Jonas from Kaunas / 19.08.2012 13:50

- It's true, Your Excellency!