Sunday, August 19, 2012

Aug 19, 2012 - The Lithuania of Ex Soviet Russia... and to after or The Lithuanian Nostalgy.

Based on materials from the information publication

·  Yes... There was a time... / 19.08.2012 12:54

'So well,  one peasant  bastshoes Samogitian  came to me to do some odd jobs, to help with the housework and I so asked him sternly - 'And do you want to go comback to Soviet Lithuania, Soviet Union, will be subject of Soviet Russia?'
And he said to me - 'No way, Your Excellency. This is sedition.'

You see, he is man uneducate bastshoes of man, but and he understands...'

·  Ponas Jonas from Kaunas / 19.08.2012 12:55
'Well, so and sayd - your Nobleness... I right moved to tears.
Here he is The Voice of The People!'

·  > Ponas Jonas from Kaunas / 19.08.2012 12:57
'Here Jonas, he that's how he says it - "Your High Honor" And what a mug - flabby, fattened on the master's food, slightly drunk, impudent.
I wish I could stick wich a fist in there, in his muging.
That's our where Russian happiness of now, Johny, for us...'

·  Ponas Jonas from Kaunas > to Your High Honor / 19.08.2012 13:03

'I'm just jealous...
And we don't even have any boyars left. Just serfs. Greedy, lying, evil eyes. They walk around with their shameless little eyes shining, but they themselves are skinny and dirty.
Why is that, Your Excellency?
Why does everyone on Lithuania to turn bad for Lithuanians?
It's just the same to me as the Jews are to blame. They need to be beaten.
And what is?
In the face with a boot and a hatchet on the top of the head, how much longer can we bow to the infidel gods? nezvannyi gost is better than the soviet Jews.
We've come - revolution after revolution, but there's still no order.
So and was carried  the lithuania tramps  around the world to seek a better fate.'

·  > Ponas Jonas from Kaunas / 19.08.2012 13:09

'Yes, old times Johny in Rus', a Lordness was an enlightener.

And now a serf reigns over a serf, that's why there is unrest, all kinds of disorder, and therefore there will be neither Russian nor Bosiatsky happiness in Lithuania... Look how it is, only Jews with Tatar infidels remain in Lithuania. They call themselves Russians, Lithuanians but they themselves turn up their noses in the prosperous overseas.
So we they left them Russia, Lithuania to left, but no - They from Rus's did maked selfone Soviet Shited's !
So let them live in the barn as pigs!

So - they left them Russia, Lithuania, they left the Faith, how much Blood there was, how much they beat their chests with their fists. But no - They from Rus's did maked selfone Soviet Shited's ! So let them and live in the barn!'

Ponas Jonas from Kaunas / 19.08.2012 13:50

- It's true, Your Excellency!

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