Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug 22, 2012 - Sovereign Terrorism Site - ''

Anotation for article: 2011/10 'Commissioners of The Internet...'

Open letter to editor Oleg Erofeev.

Eng / Ru :

'Hello Oleg,
My name is Konstantin, last name is Korenevsky, I can say that I have recently become a regular reader of your site. I especially closely monitor the comments and to be honest, they not only irritate me with their rudeness, unnormative vocabulary, but also with the incitement of national hatred, calls for terrorism, intimidation of opponents in discussions, pressure on people with democratic views, as well as people whose beliefs differ from the aggressive ones directed against USA, the European Union and, in general, all progressive democratic humanity.
 Moreover, for some reason the comments are regulated in such a way that it seems that Lithuanians are in a big conflict with the public views of the United States of America, the public consciousness of local democratic communities and are dangerous, fanatical and sick people, capable criminals, justifying any terror against them, against the residents of America, the residents of the local EU and justifying, promoting authoritarian, totalitarian regimes that carry out terror, genocide against their population.

 Let's take the article 'Lithuanian Prime Minister Rejects Lukashenko's Threats'
 As far as I was able to determine, there are not many visitors on your portal. In reality, there are seven visitors, three of which are comments from normal, adequate people marked with pluses and more than ten nicknames marked with minuses. These are just sick fanatics who, for some reason, believe that their opinion is adequate.
  But it's not about opinion, but about insults, threats and regulation of comments on your site.

Eng /

For example, 'Vovochka' writes:
- 'What kind of a goat is this, hammering out minuses here without any reason? If this is Korenevsky, then they are ALREADY on their way to him - to a well-known address. Bros - they won't screw around.... In 2 days - we'll clean it up, after checking'.
- '666th at 23.03. Yes, I stopped the boys on the site. The guys will break this goat's head on the road!!!! Home address - with relatives ---- IS HERE!!!!!!!!!'

 Checking it who blocking users your site is -  red;">MERLETN.ORG

  Look at the address:
 (VRK) [proxy:][port:30444] - (SNF:)  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1
role:           Transteleservis Admin
address:        UAB "Transteleservis"
address:        Sedulinos 18, Visaginas
address:        Lithuania

So, some "vovochka" has access to your site's software and freely, at his own discretion, regulates comments, cuts off unwanted users based on ideological grounds, etc. Or did someone endow him with such capabilities ?

As I understand it, he represents the interests of such users as EDINBURGH, Вопросик, Ржунимагу, лиза, наркот, 666, Хуууууууторрррр Загибающийся.... So?

As I understand it, this group of commentators considers itself 'adequate':
- Ржунимагу 08/22/2012 01:53 'Some are surprised by the number of minuses under adequate comments, and regulars of Galyu-Times should already be aware of where Kerinevsky's dog is buried :)'

amreading 'adequate comments':
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 03:41 'Well, almost. I'll run ahead of the lead tank and show you the houses and apartments of the flower-headed ones that need to be shot at right away. Well, so as not to waste time. And then I'll ask to be sent to some punitive-torture battalion as a trainee executioner and I'll find you. I intend to act with particular cruelty and cynicism. To begin with, you'll play the entire repertoire of Russian folk songs for me on the balalaika, then you'll dance the entire repertoire of the song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army and Navy, then, according to the old Lithuanian tradition, you'll hand over all your buddies and on this happy note I'll personally accept you into the Pioneers.'
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 03:14 'Read the whole thread, you lumpy-headed, underdeveloped moron of Lithuanian nationality. I wish women wouldn't give birth to idiots like you. Suck your a friend, take a pill and go to bed.'
- EDINBURGH 22.08.2012 01:48 'In short, I read the comments of the Klumpogolovniks and decided that when ours return, my hand will not shake'.

Klumpogolovye, this is what you have to understand as Lithuanians... In my opinion, this is the whipping up of hatred among the residents of Lithuania specifically towards the Russian diaspora. The time will come when stones will fly! And the stones may fly not at the sneering kike of soviet lithuania speaking here on behalf of the Russians, but at your mother or another close friend, relative, acquaintance.

Reading on:
-Хуууууууторрррр Загибающийся....22.08.2012 00:45 Well, well... O 'great and mighty'.... And this moral freak found a synonym - a nickname: 'THE BEHING CHEEKED of WHORE'.... Just like a nikename on the forehead of a CATTLE... or rather a BRAND...'
- Ржунимагу 22.08.2012 00:31 'Fucking hell, you're a dicked dickhead 00:21
I know that you have sclerosis and your understanding has atrophied :)))
I even not doubt that you were everytim a undesting at all :)))'
- Вопросик 22.08.2012 00:23 'Why are you downvoting so sluggishly, you bony faggot?
Have you had too many drugs and now you're slowing down?'
- Ржунимагу 22.08.2012 00:14 Here you are, a cheeky WHORE 00:03 tell these tales to your brainless granny at the cemetery :)))
In Galjun-Times, even from one IP and one browser, you can jerk off at least 1000 +-
And at the same time not leave traces in the form of 'Comments of this user'. Are you convinced, you dumb-ass?

and so on and so forth.

Apr 12, 2012 - Soviet propaganda of intolerance towards democratic moral&legal norms on the forums of Official Lithuanian Internet Publications -

This should be understood not as just insults, but as pressure on a person so that he would leave the resource, so that he would feel ashamed or uncomfortable or simply unpleasant to listen to insults addressed to him that degrade his dignity.

To Look my Article 'Internet Commissars...'.

Also striking that members of Brigada of it's  customary to hide your personal data, your company data or your place of residence. This is not normal, because people are trying to find like-minded people, and the secret services or the site administrator still see the IP and, if necessary, it is possible to turn the computer of almost any user inside out. But to use this to insult an opponent who does not share someone's opinion, excuse me, but these people are deeply sick and society needs protection from aggressive and mentally unhealthy, fanatical objects with pronounced forms of aggression based on obsessive ideas. And it doesn't matter what kind - from radical Islam to the social public of relations.

As a result, your portal acquires a shade of extremist tendencies, and subconsciously one can draw a parallel with radical idealoges. Something is painfully familiar. Many illiterate people with obsessive ideas of clearly aggressive content towards the inhabitants of the country where they live.

Read here:

I think this is too much!
And please, if possible, pass on comments with threats, including with threats terrorist attacks, to the appropriate authorities. This is, after all, the duty of any honest and decent person.

Wich Respect Constantine'

 Today - we say about the propaganda of socialists to destroy by the post-Soviet regimes all who do not agree with the doctrine of the propaganda of domination of dictatorial regimes.

 All Soviet society has turned into a pack of unreasonable dogs who destroy everything that exceeds their wretched understanding.
They destroy all artists, scientists, intellectuals - all who express a realistic opinion that cannot correspond to a desired of idiots.

 Today I don't see scientists, artists, educated intelligence on the post-Soviet space - I see people who are unable to accept the reality as such and replace it with the desired. They implement this by various ideas that do not have a real basis other than how to legalizedp the criminal activity of representatives of criminal groups that have usurped the post-Soviet space in the regions by legislative, operational, and executive of the state for personal.

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