Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct 24, 2011 - Commissioners of The Internet...

 Henchmanship, conjuncturic loyalty to an organized criminal group that has usurped regional executive, legal, and judicial systems as the essence of a persons of a Totalitarian Society.

 I offer for discussion an excellent work that comprehensively describes the virtual the Henchmanship of the regimes of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and others that have a homogeneous component of totalitarian authoritarian moral and legal norms as a natural essence.

 Table of contents:
  - 'Internet Commissioners';
  - 'Brigade';
  - 'Criminal manner of communication';
  - 'Commissars of the Internet, Part Four...';
  - 'Cui prodest hoc ?'.

  Part I. The virtual eye of the state security service system in the service of an organized criminal group that has usurped the regional legal perpower structures.
 Political forums on the Internet are a relatively new hobby of the propagandists totalitar sistems for manipulation of public opinion, for they this is a virtual global kitchen in which public opinion is cooked. Articles devoted to the review of speeches totaritarian public and official  persons at forums as one of the forms of monitoring public opinion are increasingly appearing in various print and online publications. The main note of all these articles is boundless surprise: “What is happening in country to intellectuals and intellectuals?” And today, just like everywhere else so in countries of totaritar jurisdiction they are the ones who use the Internet the most and are interested in public life and politics. and on these resources doesn't matter as lithuanian, so and belarusian, russian, ukrainian language web forums there is rampant hatred, xenophobia, racism, sionizm, nacizm, propaganda of violence, immoral rudeness and raving. A normal person, after reading such forums, feels sick. And, “These countries is falling into madness with increasing acceleration,” “The public speaking intelligentsia in totaritar juridictions as has become paralysis,” is the general note of radio commentators, web publications, and various American&European media.

 Today in a number of European and American Political Science Institutes research departments have been created on the Runet (the Russian-language part of the Internet), using political forums experts judge the mood of the thinking elite of Russia, Belarus, the Baltic countries, etc. For example, here is just one, but Very typical for such reviews, a quote from the Israeli website of the MAOF research group:
 "The comments of ordinary residents of totalitarian jurisdictions amaze readers with their ferocious unanimity. It feels like America attacked not the Arabs who showed unmotivated aggression, but countries of totalitarian jurisdictions itself. Internet users in their responses on the forum show almost the same wild anger as their Islamic clients. And, interestingly, they don’t need any imams! They themselves are so stunned with anger that, after 12 years outsite totaritarian sistem of thinking, it is sometimes unclear to me in what language the opinion is them expressed.".

 Most researchers citing speeches from russian, belorus, ukraine, lithuanian internet web forums (as an example and others) make an unambiguous conclusion that the majority residents of totalitarian jurisdictions fully and completely support leaders of these criminal terrorist groups who usurped state institutions of power, that these contries intelligentsia and youth suddenly turned into evil and aggressive “scumbags.” But here in this article we will try to rehabilitate conclusions, thinking, behavior, which expresses itself from on behalf of  hobitans of totaritar regions the Internet.

 Quite a long time ago, me had doubts whether this public opinion from inhabitans totaritar sistems is really represented so indecently on from criminally terrorist groups that usurped state governance systems in the above regions forums (as an example and others)? Are these really just “comments from ordinary Russians, Ukrains, Belarus, Lithuanian” that “strike all observers with the ferocious unanimity of the readers”?

 Without a doubt, the influence of official propaganda on public opinion in these regions is enormous; the revival of totalitarian socialists ideology is in full swing. Many temporarily forgotten ideological values of Soviet times are presented by Putin’s, Lukoshenko's, Lansberg's ideologists as know-how, and a systematic restoration of totalitarian ideas is underway. Therefore, it is not surprising that among some such participants in web forums there are sometimes radical anti-Americanists, anti-Semites, and supporters of nacizm, rasizm, sionizm. But according to our assumptions, there are much fewer of them, real people with such totalitarian views, than it appears from a quick glance at the reviews on such's forums.

 The any Internet presupposes several at least approximate “user criteria” - a certain level of material well-being (when there is already enough for bread, housing and a computer in the house), a certain level of computer skills, a certain level of educations that allows you to operate with political and historical categories. People with marginal, Soviet-communist or national-fascist views, of course, exist, but their range of interests, as a rule, lies far from the Internet and liberal political forums. In addition, it's difficult for older people wich soviet union times who are not  to computers work on the network of online.

 Until 1998-99, Russian, Ukraina, Belarus, Lithuanian lahguages forums (as an example were quite homogeneous in terms of the sociological characteristics of users. About 70-80 percent of the audience consisted of like-minded people, people of liberal and democratic beliefs, representatives of the middle class of such sistems and Russian-speaking emigration. Now, just four years later, totalitarian opinions on such and  Russian-language forums have suddenly increased - up to 60-80% of all speeches.

 Such sharp quantitative jump does not correspond to the spectrum of public opinion and is at odds with the data of online voting on significant issues of modern life. For example, approximately 80% of authors on all web forums criticize the United States very aggressively and monotonously. But in voting on those sites where you can vote only once from one computer, 84% of such regions and Russian-speaking Internet users support the United States. A similar picture emerges with approval and disapproval of the Libyan war, with support for the policies of Gadafi, Lukashenko, Putin and their administration, etc. Everywhere the situation is identical - everywhere where voting is protected, where it is impossible to vote one person in second time - the results of the polls are diametrically opposed to the polls that are “unprotected” from repeated voting and are inversely proportional to the number of “totalitarian” speeches on the forums.

 Just three or four years ago in such net (as an example, .lt and others) the liberal group of participants was much larger than the totalitarian group. However, in recent years, the group of “guardians” on all liberal and neutral socio-political forums of such net (, lt others) has grown sharply due to the emergence of a huge number of characters of the same type, forming a kind of welded backbone of any forum. The activities of this group are so characteristic and unusual, and the members of the group are so methodologically and ideologically similar to each other, that it began to attract the attention of many regular visitors to the forums. When, during the war in Iraq, messages signed “Ramzay” began to appear on web forums, to leaking in GRU (State Intelligence Directorate of Russian) intelligence information during the course of hostilities, this already attracted the attention of even daily internet media to such participants of forums.

 What is typical for such characters - The characters from this group appear to be people of different professions, writing from different cities and countries, they, according to them, belong to different social and age groups. However, with prolonged communication and careful observation of them, you inevitably discover a number of very characteristic features and common features that are not characteristic of any other participants in the discussions.

 The aggressive, totalitarian ideology preached by these people is not the main feature here. Some members of this group even try to appear relatively liberal. But, in addition to the usual “statist” ideology (as well as xenophobia, anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism, Zionism, Nacizm, Rasizm and intolerance of dissent), these people are distinguished by a rigid attitude, group corporate morality, a common information base, clear norms of behavior and very specific methods of polemics and “working with the object” . This group has principles for processing mass consciousness, manipulations of public opinion that are common to all forums, related, first of all, to conscious and systematic lies, slander and disinformation.

 In addition, the date of the simultaneous appearance on the net (as an example of, lt and others) of this entire, clearly unified, group of similar participants in political web discussions is very characteristic - here did talking about  1999.

 The phenomenon that we will try to explore here is not the ideological or spiritual community of post-Soviet people bound by similar views, nor the aggressiveness of isolated anonymous rude people of the net. In our opinion, this is a qualitatively different phenomenon - the existence on Russian, belarus, Lithuanian, Ukraina net forums (as an example of and others) of an organized and fairly professional group of people from a single “Red Brigade”. We assume that such a “Red Brigade”, consisting of ideologically and methodologically identical characters, “works”, trying to shape the public opinion the authorities need, in almost any popular socio-political web forum that has at least several hundred visits a day.

 Read to more... >>> 'Brigade'

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