Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct 24, 2011 - Commissioners of The Internet... The Part Two - 'Brigade'.

 Commissioners of The Internet... The Part Two - 'Brigade'.
 Table of contents:
  - 'Internet Commissioners';
  - 'Brigade';
  - 'Criminal manner of communication';
  - 'Commissars of the Internet, Part Four...';
  - 'Cui prodest hoc ?'. 

 # Characteristic features of the "Brigade".

 We tried to systematize the characteristic features of the activities of this “red brigade”, present on all liberal and pro-democratic open platforms of the net (as an example, and other Lithuanian, Ukaina, Belarus, Rusian internet resuers), and also in various public populiar publications read by the intelligentsia and educated segments of the population these countries. Communist, nationalist, pro-fascist media are not considered in our review.

 # There is The Red Brigade 24/7 presence on all populiar of public forums of Lithuanian, Ukraina, Belarus, Russian and others internet resurs postsoviet space.

 It jobs like this  - One of the same type of representatives of The Brigade is constantly online, always ready to repel any “attack” of a demokrat or liberal on autoritar&totaritar sistem moral ir legal norm. There is not an hour during the day when it would be possible to conduct discussions on the forum without these “curators”. Some timecharacter from the “brigade” will definitely wedge into the discussion, which is actually on duty at all significant forums day and night, periodically wandering from forum to forum with similar materials and remarks.

 # The plasticity of ideology, always coinciding with the policy of the autoritar&totaritar Regimes all postsoviet space.

 The brigade invariably ardently preaches a rather eclectic system of views and values, corresponding to the latest trends in totaritar regims state PR, in the ideology and policy of the leadership of the Republic of Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraina, Kazachstan and others. A change in government policy entails a sharp change in the views of all members of the “brigade”. If suddenly, for some reason, the tone of state of regims propaganda changes in relation to, for example, the USA or Moscow, then the same brigade character simply forever “forgets” the topic or figure whom he recently “idolized” or, on the contrary, he “branded” and begins to sharply promote what he fiercely hated yesterday, and vice versa. Moreover, today he praises as zealously as he vilified yesterday. All this is done without the slightest embarrassment or concern for one’s own reputation.

 One of the latest examples is online discussions on the problem of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. If three years ago all members of the brigade declared in unison: “not an inch of their native land for the damned Russians,” now, after closed negotiations between Putin and the Lukashenko government, the same authors, under their permanent nicknames, fully allow the construction of a nuclear power plant on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for Russian money and in exchange for massive Russian investments in Lithuania from klan Shaigu, and they deliciously describe the high level of Russian technology and the numerous advantages of such an action.

 Or, for example, during the passage through the State Duma of a bill on the disposal of radioactive waste on the territory of Belarus, members of the team on forums passionately convinced readers of the “undoubted benefits for profitability and safety regions” of turning Belarus and Lithuania into a global nuclear garbage dump rusian radioactive waste. The characters involved in this propaganda were positioned as “private individuals and patriotic emigrants,” however, they were clearly operating with information from the press service of the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy and of Millitary.

 # Boundless devotion to comrades Putin, Lukashenko, kadyrov, Yanukovych, Nazarbayev others liders of postsoviet space and they close entourage.

 Members of web teams with “promoted” nicknames known on forums invariably express their immense love for Putin and Lukashenko. They are ready to destroy anyone who expresses even the slightest doubt about the merits of the Presidents of totaritar regime as Russian and Lithuanian, Belarusian Republic. For criticizing the Dictators, they threaten opponents with trials, beatings, reprisals and murder of both the opponents themselves and their relatives. Moreover, the latter is not a one-time occurrence, but a mass phenomenon on all political web forums. Sometimes crew members are very open about the purpose of their presence on the forums. For example:
 'Let's support the President who is trying to change the course of history of our long-suffering Motherland. Let's judge him by his actions, and not by the gossip of the strawberry-loving media. Let's make constructive proposals here, so that even if (ho-ho) from State Securety is somebody present here, our Father would have a folder with the “voice of the people” on his desk, intelligently discussing the problems of “today” and where offering solutions for “tomorrow”, and not bazaar cackle'.

 This text is interesting for its ingenuous frankness, a simple and understandable presentation of the tasks of the brigade. The only interesting thing here is the information about hypothetical printouts of the “voice of the people” from forums, “put on Father’s table” as rationalization proposals, but without criticism, which could spoil the president’s mood. Here thire is as in the 1930s in Soviet Folclior there was this sarcastic epigram:
'We are for laughter, but Shchedrins we need kinder and such a Gogols so they don't touch us'.

 This verse can be used as an epigraph to the “brigade’s” coverage of the life and activities of the Presidents of  Dictators  Republic.

 # Respect and admiration for the VCHK - Cheka / KGB  / FSB - Federal Security Service / GRU.

 All members Brigads are filled with love and respect for the repressive bodies of party of soviet control in all historical guises, starting from the Cheka-OGPU and so on. The brigade calls all reincarnations of the Cheka-KGB "neo-nobility", "law enforcement" and "state-forming patriotic" bodies, the activities of which, including the Gulag, the Russian-speaking society should be proud of. Any participant in virtual discussions who does not sufficiently respect the Cheka-FSB-GRU is declared by the brigade to be “an enemy of the Republics of Postsoviet Space a Russophobe and a Traitor to the Motherland.” The brigade constantly emphasizes the “honesty, heroism and selflessness” of the security officers, “their devoted and selfless service to the Kommunist partiya Regime and the Motherland,” and the “non-corruption” of state security officers, unlike other government officials. Here the team constantly declares the following at any forum:
 'Special services have always existed, they were, are and will be in also all democratic states of the West.' or: 'The KGB is the same intelligence service as the US FBI or the Israeli Mossad or the UK Mi-6.' etc..

 Condemnation of the activities of the KGB-FSB by any of the participants in the discussions evokes genuine strong feelings in the members of the brigade. For example, the following quote is addressed to a reader who has not expressed enough respect for the KGB-FSB (am apologize for its language, but this is the original):
 'EVERY A LiCE EGG  DREAMS OF BECOMING A LOUSE. EVERY NIT ON THE FORUM DREAMS OF BEING NOTICED BY THE KGB. Screams, squirms, begs: 'Notice me, I am the biggest nit!' - and the KGB put a device on you, they are probably did NOT INTERESTED in nits. You grow to size a Louse, the bastards, maybe they'll notice.'

 Recently, the brigade has developed a tendency to separate the KGB from all its previous reincarnations and renamings, to present the organization not as the direct heir of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD, etc., (as it appears on all its official symbols), but as a kind of 'foam-born Aphrodite', supposedly appeared just yesterday, literally from Putin’s head.

 The key phrase that inevitably infuriates the brigadiers and forces them to reveal themselves in all their glory is “lustration of the KGB officers on all postsoviet space.” Not a single member of the brigade can even for a second come to terms with the thought of a peaceful, legal restriction dividends from the professional activities for former Party bosses and KGB officers. Usually, even after the most calm and innocent mention of the term “lustration,” the brigade shouts in unison about “bloody repression of democratic murderers” and “witch hunts,” after which they simply fall into a collective obscene hysteria.

# Main directions propaganda from the Red Brigada

On all Russian-language forums, brigaders systematically conduct anti-liberal, anti-American, anti-Chechen, anti-Semitic, anti-Western propaganda. As evidence of their slogans and theories, they cite arbitrary interpretations of facts and events, often completely false, forcing their opponents to scour in search of refutation links... The method is convenient and effective, so they diverting the attention opponents from heateds and from unpleasands discussions for the authorities. The favorite method of polemic among the brigade members is the abundant quotation of official and semi-official state propaganda of the Russian Federation, such as articles from the web publication or, for example, the updated Komsomolskaya Pravda. Sometimes the ideological developments of past years are used, for example, the brigade uses Yakovlev’s book “CIA against the USSR”. In addition, they make extensive use of materials such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or Hitler's Mein Kampf. Well, the “Short Course of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)” is quoted constantly (without mentioning the source). This is a collection of mythology and basic ideological values of the web brigade:

1.  Whitewashing of Stalinism, rehabilitation of Stalin with his imperial idea to make  the great Russian people. The cult of Stalin and the founder of the Cheka Dzerzhinsky. Underestimation of the number of victims of Lenin-Stalin repressions in Soviet Union Countres.
2.  Ban on discussing lustrations and crimes of the Cheka-NKVD-KGB. The absolute sanctity of this organization from the day it was founded to the present day.
3.  Constant Jewish Phobia.
4.  Loyalty to any actions and speeches of today's authorities, the cult of Putin, of Lukashenko and oters toteritars sistems liders. Stories about the economic and social prosperity of post soviet spaste under they leadership.
5.  Propaganda of war "down to the last person of a European Etnish Groups." Stories about how “Europe attacked Belarus.” Mythological stories about “hundreds of thousands of Soviet Union Civil peopls” destroyed by the Volkdeutsche in 41-45, and in the brigade's texts, the number of these victims is growing every month. If two years ago they called the figure of 20 thousand, today they call the figure of a millions killed Soviet Unions Peopls including in the former Soviet republics and zones of Soviet influence of the European Union countries. The population of all republics is less than from words of the brigade the number of there killed by in the period of time.
6.  Xenophobia of english, german, french, italian languages , racism, justifications for skinheads and pogroms.
7.  Fierce hatred of Soviet spaste immigrants as defectors and traitors the KGB.
8.  Anti-Americanism, anti-Europeanism the intensity of hatred reminiscent of the times of the Cold War.
9.  Nostalgia for the USSR as a totalitarian empire and a great power that the whole world feared.
10. Restoration of historical concepts and propaganda clichés of Soviet times, exception is only a internationalism.
11. Hatred towards the intelligentsia, especially towards imigrants from Soviet Space, who are perceived by the brigade as 'traitors to the motherland'.
12. Hatred towards dissidents and human rights activists, towards political prisoners of soviet union and oposicion journalists, both past and present.
13. Hatred of perestroika, its ideology, its figures and events. Hatred for the times of Gorbachev and for him.
14. What’s new in the brigade’s ideological baggage compared to the propaganda of the USSR is the accusation of “Russophobia” on all dissidents. This term in the mouths of the brigade members became a complete resemblance to the outdated term “anti-Soviet”, and the accusation of Russophobia began to resemble a modern analogue of Brezhnev’s Article 70 of the Criminal Code /'anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda'/.

# Ideological enemies of the brigade.

 The main enemies of the brigade are democrats /'shitcrats'/, liberals, Chechens, Europeans, Americans, Jews... A special object of hatred is the Russian and Belarusian liberal intelligentsia, nower and former dissidents, independent journalists and the human rights, movement of independent publick  as well as certain particularly hated individuals such like S. Kovalev, E. Bonner, A. Babitsky, A. Politkovskaya, G. Pasko, V. Shenderovich, V. Novodvorskaya, K. Atamanchik and other people known whith who have their own critical thinking  towards the criminal actives elements government. "Brigadniks" always advocate restricting freedom of speech in the name of the "highest interests of the state", for introducing strict censorship, even arresting wrong-thinking intellectuals, human rights activists and journalists. Journalist and ecologist Grigory Pasko is referred to by the brigade exclusively as a “spy and traitor to the motherland.” On the contrary, in the case, for example, with Colonel Yu. Budanov, the “brigade” demonstrates all his understanding and justification. Budanov appears to be either an innocent victim (of war, injury, mental breakdown, corrupt generals, liberal journalists, custom-made justice, etc.), or a 'true patriot', 'a true Russian officer', 'faithful son of the Fatherland'.

 It is paradoxical that the enemies of the brigade are also many liberal authors of publications whose articles are discussed on forums. That is, it turns out that members of the brigade, positioning themselves as honest ordinary people and private individuals, sit for years, days on end, on the forums of publications they don’t like, where they discuss authors they hate. And an even greater paradox is that the editors do not take any action against people who insult their authors, while resolutely acting against their opponents who support liberal journalists.

For example, in a reader's discussion under a small article-memoir of Viktor Shenderovich about a theater studio in the newspaper 'Moscow News' - the site administration /under obvious pressure from the forum team/ cut out all the friendly reviews about the article, but they left the statement of the 'team member' that the author articles: 'already licked Gusinsky’s ass, and now having oral sex with Berezovsky.'

# Relation to the USSR.

 The 'brigade'’s attitude toward the Soviet past is usually apologetic, although not always; there is some range of opinions here. Many brigadiers warmly remember the times of the USSR and idolize the Soviet past with all its attributes, from everyday to legal /often in the characteristic terminology of the Short Course in the History of the CPSU, and even if, according to the “legend” the writer is a very young man who has lived in the West for a long time/. They often publicly dream of restoring the USSR to its former, and even more preferably, to expanded borders. At the same time, there is an active whitewashing of communist leaders, such as Lenin, Stalin, Beria, Brezhnev, Andropov, and the totalitarian ideas of Soviet times. Only the idea of internationalism is completely excluded, which is replaced by intensively instilled national “patriotism”. Moreover, a false substitution is regularly made, when the concept of Motherland is associated exclusively with power, and the Fatherland with the ruling regime. Loyalty to leaders and totalitarian organizations, such as the Communist Party of The Soviet Union, is interpreted as a patriotic position, while speaking out against the regime is considered treason and Russophobia. Also by analogy with other parties in local regions of the former Soviet space as: our home is Russia, our home is Ukraine, ...Belarus, ...Kazakhstan, social national democratic parties, social liberal movements along ethnic, racial, diaspora, clan, party sign. Here we must understand that the general demographic of the entire former Soviet space is mixed, firmly connected by family, clan, diaspora, departmental and other ties

 The 'brigade' is characterized by constant attempts to positively, in a rosy light, present the entire Soviet period of the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Baltic and others region Soviet Union of history, based on propaganda cliches of the Soviet era, deliberately downplaying the number of victims of repression, blaming all the atrocities of the Bolsheviks on Jews and/or enemies due to milestone, exaltation of the imperial character of the Soviet Union.

# Low cultural level and characteristic level language

Despite the apparent diversity of the brigade members, most of them have approximately the same /very low/ cultural level. The vast majority of brigadiers have poor command of their native Russian language, making countless typical stylistic, lexical and grammatical errors, which make it very difficult for them to hide behind various pseudonyms. At the same time, many of them are fluent in ideological cliches - from Soviet to modern. For example, Comrade Zhdanov’s aphorism from fifty years ago sounds very strange on the Internet: 'To whose mill is he pouring water?'.
However, the team uses this often and seriously, without the slightest shade of parody.

By the way, brigadiers on all Runet forums /as an example have obvious problems with a sense of humor; their jokes always have a closet-barracks tone and relate exclusively to excrement, homosexuality, prostitution, pornography and other aspects of the human 'excrement instincts'. And clearly a typical departmental joke from the brigade: 'stop looking for GB under the bed!' We've seen this in various forums several dozen times already. Here is a typical example of the brigade’s 'humor' addressed to a female opponent: 'Toska, make the skirt longer, otherwise your eggs i visible.'

For many members of the brigade on liberal web forums, expressions (written without a hint of irony) such as 'длиньше', 'вследом', 'навроде', 'заместо', etc. are very typical. At analogy others language Soviet Union.

Along with the obscene language that members of the brigade use everywhere, all these distorted words and phrases clearly indicate the specific cultural and educational level of the brigade, which is not typical for the vast majority of Internet users.

# 'Foreigners' in the brigade

Many brigadiers report on forums that they constantly live or visit foreign countries - the USA, Germany, Holland, Israel, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, etc. There are also those who claim that they live on the territory of Republic of Lithuania. For the brigade, this is always an occasion to talk about “the horrors of life in America, local Europe and the advantages of the regimes of Putin, Lukashenko, Nazarbayev, Yanukovych, etc.” Some sites have the ability to determine the country in which a visitor's Internet provider is located (by the IP codes available on each computer), and the codes actually indicate the stated countries, sometimes clearly being detected as proxy servers (intermediate systems). Oddly enough, it is these “foreigners” who represent the most aggressive and consistent brigadiers, ardent supporters of the USSR, KGB, Putin, Lukashenko, etc.. These characters love to report on the “nightmarish” realities of life in such “their countres”, as like USA, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and others, about poverty and oppression in them, about violations of human rights in them and the contrasting, simply magnificent similar parameters in the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian and other at countries of the former Soviet space. In their stories they are always silent about the positive aspects of life in civilized countries and lie a lot.

For example, disputes about the cost of goods and services in the same city in which both a brigadier and a local resident from this city live look quite anecdotal. One gets the impression that people live not only in different cities, but also on different planets.

# Individual work with opponents.

As soon as a dissident liberal gets onto the forum, with a clear position as an “ideological opponent,” he is immediately taken into consideration and a collective “active event” is held with him by the entire united web team. Usually the opponent is insulted to unprovoked, or a killer “argument” is given, to which an ordinary person cannot always react adequately. As a result, the liberal either responds sharply, causing a scandal and being branded a “rude” by the entire brigade, or begins to make arguments against the obvious absurdity, to which his opponents do not pay attention, ridiculing him and putting forward other similar arguments. This action takes place exactly according to the scenario of Shukshin’s famous story “Cut!”

The brigade always and invariably organizes collective harassment for a stubborn liberal on the forums, in which, for example, one member of the brigade writes about the ideological inaccuracy and mistakes of a newcomer, a second uses obscene language against a dissident, a third to accuses a liberale of madness, a fourth threatens him with reprisals and murder, etc. d. The fifth one writes complaints to the site administration about any sharp attacks of the bullied person, completely not noticing that these are just emotional breakdowns due to massive collective bullying. It seems that the goal of the brigade is to immediately drive away the new liberal, discouraging him from speaking at this forum. If a liberal persists and does not leave, a specific arsenal of means is used against him, up to collective complaints of the entire team to the site administration, or even behind-the-scenes pressure on it, in order to block the dissident from entering the forum. During these periods, also massive virus attacks on the computer of a stubborn liberal are possible.

# Accusing opponents of working for 'a enemies of fatherland'.

In cases where opponents of the brigade on forums criticize liders of diktature regime, condemn the suppression of freedom of speech and democracy in trritory of dictature regime, or show disloyalty to state security agencies of regimes, the brigade immediately begins to accuse them of working for money for the CIA, Mossad, Saudi Arabia, Zionists, Freemasons, Movladi Udugov and etc. The brigadiers present the matter in such a way that any critic of the autoritare/totalitare regimes politics is an enemy of the countres, a “Russophobe,” an agent of the Kremlin, and the only incentive for his participation in political discussions is to earn the enemy’s salary. An option for compromising an opponent is the monotonous angry invective of the 'brigade' against 'emigrants who are traitors to the motherland, teaching true  patriots from abroad for dirty money.'

According to this logic, all of humanity is overcome by such a stormy love for the Cheka from Soviet regime from Post Soviet Union Regions, what people this can extinguish this powerful feeling in themselves only for huge vere amounts of money. However, logic is rarely present in the texts of the brigade members. Rather, their obsessive accusations of opponents in working off their salaries speak about the “team members” themselves, about the incentives and motives of their stay on the Internet, among an intelligent public alien to them, on liberal forums that are disgusting to them.
# Frequent change of pseudonyms (nicknames).

Brigadiers tend to frequently change pseudonyms (nicknames). The same “authors” often write on the forum under many pseudonyms, imitating dialogues with themselves, expressing support for themselves and the “mass character” of their point of view. In case of a nickname change, the author calls himself a different person, sometimes even a different gender, despite the mirror-like vocabulary, phraseology, level of Russian language proficiency, ideological position and arguments. Due to the low cultural level and the tendency to speech cliches, it is not difficult to determine the affiliation of several “brigade” nicknames to one author.

# Information noise and forgery nicknames

On unmoderated forums, the brigade uses such a method of destroying heated unpleasant for their owners discussions that  to the  as posting huge quantities of meaningless texts on extraneous topics, which are called “flooding”. Often these are texts of a pornographic or anti-Semitic nature, repeated tens or hundreds of times in a row. Sometimes a team, on behalf of an opponent with a liberal reputation, under his nickname and address, writes offensive and obscene texts en masse. In the forum, this practice was called cloning, and fake texts were called clones. It is worth noting that this method is almost never used against the brigade itself, that is, liberal opponents do not consider it possible for themselves to steal and writinged from other people’s names and addresses.
Read to more... >>> 'Criminal manner of communication'

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