Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct 24, 2011 - Commissioners of The Internet... The Part Three - 'Criminal manner of communication'.

Commissioners of The Internet... The Part Three - 'Criminal manner of communication'.
 Table of contents:
  - 'Internet Commissioners';
  - 'Brigade';
  - 'Criminal manner of communication';
  - 'Commissars of the Internet, Part Four...';
  - 'Cui prodest hoc ?'. 

# The political spectrum of the brigade - the 'fine-comb principle'

 The permanent members of the brigade of any popular web forum introduce themselves to be adherents of some party or movement, distributed across the entire post-Soviet political spectrum, excluding its liberal part. On every forum there will definitely be an anti-Semitic nationalist, Zionist a communist and several characters who claim that they voted for Grybouskaite, but were disappointed in her because of her lack of loyalty to Putin, Lukashenko or Yanukovych. Among others, there will definitely be a character on the forum with extreme leftist views, who vehemently denounces the Europa, the USA, Capitalism, but at the same time never criticizes Grybauskaite, Putin, Lukashenko, Yanukovych and their regimes, which is somewhat illogical for an ordinary 'leftist'.

 The views of the brigade members supposedly diverge on minor tactical issues, but they are all invariably united on the key and basic ones - absolute loyalty to Post Soviet Regimes, the “prosperity” of Post Soviet Countries under their leadership, harmfulness of the democrats, the need to continue the information war, right up to the merger of the Baltic Region, Ukraina with the Republic of Belarus and Russia, hatred of human rights defenders, freedom of speech, democratic and liberal values /in addition to liberalism and democracy to any of signs of belonging ethnic, racial, place of permanent residence, party and other signs of the distribution of material wealth and privileges/. I would call this political positioning of the brigade the fine-comb principle.

Any new person, with any political beliefs, who accidentally looks at the forum, finds himself caught between the prongs of this comb. Each of the members of the brigade close to him in his views will declare partial similarity of their beliefs, but will certainly correct the newcomer about the unshakable values of the brigade. Anyone who undertakes to criticize autoritary/totaritary regims post soviet space, runs the risk of receiving unpleasant lectures from the brigade both 'on the right' and 'on the left', from the character 'a paid-up simpleton-fascist' to the character 'an exquisite patriot-ex-Belyatsky'.

Communist, moderate liberal-statist, Yavlinist, a man of difficult fate, who has reconsidered his beliefs, a modest and reasonable mother of a family from somewhere in Florida, always loyal to the USSR moral and legal norms of Judaism, a fawned simpleton from the people, an anti-Semite, an intellectual, a “former dissident - Siberian”, today dreaming of hanging human rights activists from street lamps - these are the usual types of the brigade on web forums. But all of them necessarily and invariably revere post-Soviet regimes and their punitive authorities, as well as all the “active measures” of the authorities. On other points, the brigadiers have minimal differences, the basis for simulating discussions among their own. If the opponent persists in defending his beliefs, then the team will collectively apply more sophisticated methods of influence against him.

# Criminal manner of communication

 Squabbles, provocations, obscene language - all this is the norm from the life of web brigads. The methods of their work with opponent ladies who are trying to argue reasonedly with the texts of the “team members” are unique.

 To their address on this occasion the names of their body parts and genital organs are listed, the opponent’s to lack of a sexual partner, her deformity, old age, excessive obesity, prostitution, etc. are indicated. For example, the typical and most harmless remark:
 “The State Security Service is State Security. A noble task. Security this is generally wonderful. Living in a state of danger is bad, adn which this cannot argue with that. Therefore and taking care of the security of the state as a whole is a very important and necessary task. And if someone from these “State Security Services” you got between the legs, so much so that it still can’t calm down, so it’s a pity that it didn’t kill. After all, your breed doesn’t  care about looking decent. Intrusive, impudent, stubbornly in your eyes, like an advertisement for sanitary pads. Apparently, the GB dealt with you for such disgusting behavior. And let them continue to deal with you all. You, Anastasia, are a dinosaur. And you must die out.”

  And here’s another very typical speech from a member of the brigade:
 “You fucking idiot, are you cumming here at the monitor or something. Can’t you do it any other way? There’s no guy? But who needs you, you idiot. So you’re stuck here from morning to evening. At least some kind of communication for you. You’re here pouring out your poison (or rather, sexual dissatisfaction). Get yourself a man and and let him fuck you yourself properly, you’ll see you become smarter, although the latter is in question.”

 And so on, in a row, with dozens and hundreds of similar texts under different nicknames. It is curious that after a week or two of filling the forum with similar posts, most of which we do not quote here for reasons of decency, the same group of authors who harassed a female opponent usually writes about her a complaining collective letter to the site administrator   - That all of them, certified 'intelligent regular readers' were cruelly persecuted by the very participant in the discussions to whom such texts were dedicated.

 Most of the real women participants in the discussions are not able to withstand such a collective onslaught of the brigade for long and leave the discussions.

# Systematic way away of heated discussions to the side

 The members of the brigade are fluent in simple thieves' techniques (“look, the bird is flying”), necessary to distract the attention of the “object” for the purpose of subsequent robbery (in this case, taking the discussion into the boundless), and unaccustomed to the thieves' world, the "antillekhents" fall for these tricks, to the great joy of the entire brigade. Among other participants in the discussions, except for brigade, such behavior practically does not occur.

 This trick consists of one of the brigade members throwing in a deliberately false thesis, forcing the enemy to scour for sources that refute this lie. For example, that Raoul Mercader, Trotsky’s murderer, never had anything to do with the OGPU-NKVD. After the person who expressed this idea is provided with a dozen references that Mercader received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and was buried in the USSR, the character is not at all embarrassed; on the contrary, he already claims that Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge had nothing to do with communism. Having received links to refute this, the character states that not a single Czech died under Soviet tanks in Prague in 1968. Next comes his statement that the victims of Stalin’s repressions were less than a million people, everything else was invented by liberals. Having received factual refutations of each of his false statements, a month later the brigadier character will repeat them again, in the same order and in the same expressions. This trick works very successfully when the brigadier throws in “specific information,” say, about life in Lithuania: “A movie ticket there costs 20 litas.” If Real residents of Lithuania and brigadiers allegedly living there are actively involved in the discussion, at well already for a full day there is a discussion about the cost of a ticket to a Lithuanian cinema...

 Or the thesis is abandoned: “Lukashenko does not and never has had anything to do with the KGB, he is not a special officer.” Links neither to the website of the Belarusian President, nor to the official biography of the President of the Belarusian Republic, nor to his own interviews will help. The author of the “misinformation”, in response to all the refutations, will increasingly insult the person who has undertaken to argue with him, and will repeat his “misinformation” more and more persistently.

 For example, a lady, a permanent member of the brigade team on one of the forums, positioning herself as a resident of Lithuania, but regularly calling to “pray for Lukashenko,” declares the supposed restrictions for Soviet Jews in Lithuania, who are  actually occupy today lot number of responsible public and official positions:
 'What the tsarist authorities in Russia did for many years with the Bans of Settlement and bans of education for Jews, Demakrats are still doing in Lithuania. No, they will allow you to study. Just pay. But it’s unlikely will succeed to get a job, or at a government post. Go to business, pay your taxes. You are welcome. Therefore there are Soviet Jews here, but there is no Jewish question. And there is no Zionism either. Well, imagine if the Jews rushed to sell off Lithuania, like our 'democrats', lining their pockets and cursing Brazauskas. They are wise the Lithuanians.'

Let's leave this passage to the conscience of the "everycompatriots". It doesn’t matter what you write here, the main thing is to divert the discussion away from dangerous for dictatur regims topics.

# Web team awareness.

 First of all, the team’s ability to instantly find quotes from an opponent’s old remarks on the forums is amazing, even if this quote is a year and a half ago, and it may not even be in the site’s archives anymore. Many brigadiers strive to find out as much personal information about their opponent as possible. For this purpose, “intelligence surveys” of critical opponents are regularly conducted; a number of questions are casually asked about family, university graduation, work, region of residence, favorite places or acquaintances. For unknown reasons, a random forum “interlocutor” from the team can easily identify and indicate to you the country and city from which you are writing, even on those sites where it is impossible to see the IP code.

 # Team games

 Another characteristic feature of brigadiers of the same type is their penchant for team games. They invariably support each other in discussions, ask each other leading questions, clarify each other’s answers, even if they are positioned as strangers to each other. If they start bullying one of their opponents, then this bullying will definitely become a team one, with the participation of three to twenty different characters who are invariably present on political forums at any time of the day. The brigade's favorite technique is to accuse the opponent of insanity. It invariably becomes collective, where each of the nicknames of the brigade will definitely throw out one of the short remarks: “Demshiza, paranoia, schizophrenia, clinic, persecution mania, obviously sick, madhouse at the computer, pathological Russophobia, nervous breakdown, severe diagnosis, amnesty in psychiatric hospital, take a sedative, Kremlin agent..." etc., etc.

 For example, a certain “lady from intellectual circles in Lithuania” reports:
 'Gentlemen, if Nastenka is prescribed a lobotomy, with your permission, I will give the doctor a scalpel - a dull one, like Nastya herself. Well, if they limit themselves to electric shock, then let me turn on the switch! I’ll turn it on for a little while, for about two hours!... She, this Anastasia, is a Russian bastard, she can even very easily fall under a tram, of course, herself, like in that book.'

 Less than three years have passed since, on another political forum, a certain anonymous person from the brigade declares to another woman who wrote about the victims of the Gulag:
 'Well, so much for the heap... How do you, dear Veronica at like about a lobotomy? We to you haven't done it yet.' It turns out that this brigade’s 'joke' is typical and cross-forum, like many of their similar pranks.

Another option for the brigade is to accuse the person of lying on the basis of a typo, or to start writing  with your entire close-knit group that an always perfectly correct, polite and well-mannered opponent this is “a malicious rude person, a troublemaker, a boor and a liar.” Thus, the brigade collectively forms a negative image of an opponent they do want.

# Bring to one's involvement of the administration.

 If all of the listed methods of working with an opponent have been exhausted, the team has an extreme measure in its arsenal - involving the site administration. And thise more often than not, brigadiers simply massively write monotonous collective complaints against their opponents to the editor, the site administrator, or in electronic “complaint books”, demanding the removal of certain postings or entire discussions that they do not like, calling close access to the forums   to undesirable persons. The complaints of team on different forums coincide verbatim. For example, both the administrator of the site and the webmaster were addressed by the team with complaints about completely different people, but with the same text: 'This sweet couple to did insulted and humiliated all  regular participants of forum.'

 Usually the brigade accuses the opponent of what they most often do themselves. Let us assume that most often the brigade used obscene language at the opponent, threatening him with physical harm, and the opponent remained correct and unperturbed. This means that in their complaints to the administrator, the team will write that the “accused” persecuted them all at the same time, that he is rude, foul-mouthed and threatened everyone with violence. When there are a lot of such letters (we take into account that the team always works collectively, and each of this group uses several nicknames), then the number of complaints will have an effect on any admin, even though the team members never provide specific evidence or quotes, for lack of such.

 This method is colloquially referred to as banal collective slander of an opponent. It is quite effective even for those forum administrators who do not yet want to voluntarily obey the instructions of the ideological governing bodies of the totalitar Republics. However, there are fewer and fewer such independent administrators; they are losing their jobs one after another and are being replaced everywhere by more obedient and compliant ones.

# Destruction of unwanted forums.

Sometimes a purge of entire sections of the forum is organized in which one of the brigade members has made obvious “mistakes” or disclosed unnecessary or premature information from the special services, and  so many examples of such activity that it is difficult to call them coincidences.

The website, where quite heated discussions of current Russian issues were held, was closed shortly after the start of the discussion, where a number of readers accused the FSB of being responsible for the explosions in Dagestan. The site has now been transferred to the state television channel. On the website of the Moscow News newspaper, readers who have established themselves as critics of Lukashenko, Putin and the FSB are blocked from entering discussions by the new site administrator without any explanation, despite the fact that these readers did not violate any rules of conduct on this forum. All texts from this group were carefully cut out by the site administrator from the archive of discussions period over a year a half.

The search engine for the keyword “lustration” recently provided a link to the forum with an interesting and extensive comment from a reader, where he substantiated the need for lustration of security officers in Russia, Belarus, Baltic countres. After his texts were quoted on another Russian political forum, with reference to a post by a reader from, all archives of discussions in the Daily Journal, including the text about lustrations, were destroyed, and the forum itself reformation and changed  design. On many Runet forums (as an example, there is now a painstaking and systematic change of administrators, replace independent specialists with regime-controlled, obedient executors of any instruction.

Riad more...  >>>  "Commissars of the Internet, Part Four..."

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