Friday, September 16, 2011

Sep 16, 2011 Part 1 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets.

Today we’ll talk about Children and why these same Children in Lithuania are dying near garbage of containers . I think the fault of mothers here is very relative. In this particular case, a young, beautiful woman, through the fault of the Lithuanian authorities, first lost her husband, then she was raped, robbed, and then the pregnant woman was simply thrown into outside. All the authorities took care of for her was 100 Euros for two people with her daughter. Without a roof over your head, without heat, without food...
 Today Lituanian more talking about how they need good treat animals, but how do they treat people ?

 The most terrible thing is that no one, no one has borne any responsibility, and on the contrary, today, they are hiding the official persons that allowed themselves to take advantage of the tragedy and cheat of trust,  as if mocking, speculating europian norms of morality and law, push to did actions that had irreversible negative consequences for The Mother and The Kid.
 It is clear that the responsibility for all this chaos lies with on the local Officials of Social Structures. It is also clear from dokumentation  that in our case all criminal actives of self goverment of Rietavas with blessing of The Self Goverment of Rietavas municipal administration and The Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

 But... But... all legal activity in Lithuania today is controlled by the  clan of Lansberges... He is a former full-time agent of The Soviet State Security Committee and, as the successor of this Soviet structure, he has all the archives and dossiers on almost all public officials and officials who held any responsible positions in Soviet Lithuania. This includes The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Prosecutor's Office, Courts and Bailiffs. Therefore, according to his instructions voiced by Kubilis, it's need to hiding crimes committed by the Lithuanian Structures of the legislative, operational, and executive powers and therefore their irresponsibility and impunity are practically legitimized confidentially. And as a consequence thim Terror, Persecution, Holodomor against everyone who, for some reason, is antipathetic to public and official persons at all levels of the Lithuanian legislative, operational and executive power at the level of intradepartmental and departmental solidarity.
 And with all this, it is customary to publicly scold allsome mythical Russians who do not exist of ethnically in nature. Thus, they provoke ethnic and racial intolerance in Lithuania as a manifestation of Nazism, racism, Zionism among some Lithuanian residents towards same others.
 This is usually manifested in the relations of former Soviet residents of all ethnic groups of today's Lithuania in relation to their fellow tribesmen, who, at the discretion of Public and Official Persons of Lithuania, are given a stamp that they are in some direct or indirect way of related to The Mythical Russian Ethnic Group. Which accordingly gives the right to commit various criminal offenses of varying degrees of severity against them and their families.
 As a rule, these 'Russians' of Polish or German ethnic groups which returned to the Vilnius or Memel Lands after Lithuania officially accepted the jurisdiction of the European Union. Those same 'Russians' who were first shot, raped, robbe, killed by the Russian-Lithuanian Soviet Commissars amid marches and fanfare, and those who were lucky enough to survive, but were not lucky enough to escape from Soviet Lithuania, those, who were forcibly sent to die in the vast expanses of Siberia from heavy unskilled labor, living conditions, hunger, cold, disease ! The same ones who, during the years of Soviet Power, were forbidden to even show their noses in Soviet Lithuania !
 At today, Soviet Lithuanians have appropriated the merits of those who fought against the Soviet occupation and at victims of crimes of all ethnic groups of the former Soviet Union of today exist in Lithuania have to maintain the criminals who have committed and are committing criminal offenses against them, against their families, and their closed ones.

 My name is Grazina Korenevskiene, I live in Labardziu village Rietavas self goverment, and I have the following problem: I will not write all my adventures, if something interests you I will tell you later, to the point. I have a small child and according to the law, my child and I are entitled to social security until the age of two, but I do not receive it. From their first answer, not I and my child is not entitled to social security.


Am wrote to them the letter:


 It seems to me that they is necessary to confess stupidity and pay back money to me. I to them, also presented the evidence from the court that on day the trial for the determination of paternity is ongoing.


and documentary evidence that to this day my situation has not changed:

And this month I will once again provide documentary evidence that my circumstances remain unchanged. I do not consider myself to blame for the fact that the free lawyer assigned to me for more than a year could not advertise in the newspaper that I was suing a defendant whose location at the current time has not been established by the trial. The reason is that the municipality or someone else refuses to pay the costs associated with publishing an announcement in the press that a defendant is wanted in a paternity case. But the trial will still be - I did give such an announcement and pay the associated expenses myself! This is from the income due to me 315 litas per month /it's less 100 euro/ with a small child in my arms. But this is not the main thing... I was deeply offended by the answer from the Rietavas municipal administration:


From their response it is impossible to understand where the material support due to me and not paid to me in the amount of about 3800 litas (more than 1000 euros) disappeared. Then I wrote another letter:


I have attached to the letter all the documents confirming my rights to social security during the past period of time, but not paid it for by the Rietavas municipality. On what I received the following response from the Rietavas municipal administration:


I don’t understand him, is this a mockery? Knowing my difficult financial situation, the Rietavas municipal administration simply appropriated the financial and material support due to me and the child and no one bears any responsibility for this to this day. You know, I will not leave this issue aside, if the Lithuanian judicial system will hush up or justify the crimes committed against me and my baby - I will raise this issue, so what  Rietavas self goverment will have to answer to me for the atrocities committed publicly. Place and time don't matter. Any crimes such as humiliation, infringement of rights and dignity should not go unpunished! Therefore, I think that if you have at least a little conscience, honor and understanding, please help me in any way you can to Establish and Promote the European Moral and Legal Norms declared by The Lithuania !

Grazina Korenevskiene
Laisves str. 1, Rietava municipality, Plunges district, Lithuania'

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