Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sep 10, 2011 - The Lithuania: economy, economic strategy, energy resources

Today I would like to pay attention to the internal and external problems of Lithuania’s economic development. It is no secret that the Lithuanian economy is built mainly on funds received from the European Union as subsidies for solving construction, organizational, and environmental problems, which in theory should be implemented by Lithuania using internal structures and companies. Low norms  of mutual settlements and social garants for obligations to people  inhabiting the region and inappropriate quality, volumes, and the strategy of dead souls make the difference between the real cost of work and its in dokumentation cost.  This is the means of the most banal theft finanse from mistic some GDP (GDP), where the latter is an illusion that has no real roots.
The export of original Lithuanian products is very insignificant and its profitability is so low that it requires constant subsidies, investments, and quotas (look Aug 17, 2011 Lithuania - A Crime and Liability ). It is also depressing that today there is no end of this tunnel or prospects in sight. As Polish President Branislaw Komorowski correctly described the situation, Lithuania is like a goat that jumps around, gives everyone a thumbs up, but cannot and does not want to bring any benefit to the European Union. In the future, the same Greece, where the well-being of a certain layer of society is placed above public, national, every european interests. Plus an inflated sense of self-importance that is absolutely inconsistent with the intellectual level of the leaders and the population of Lithuania. Well, not about that... I'm more concerned today about Lithuania's policy towards Russia&Belarusia.

Because Russia Belarus today is not only about energy resources but and the exporting to the European Union all that crap that seems to should have produced in Lithuania.

Why the crap ?
Because these are not products that can compete in terms of price-quality ratio with similar products presented on the European market from European a similar product  manufacturers. And to be honest, as in Russia, as in Belarusia this product groups are not strategic.

What does it mean ?
This means that, for example, German product groups to such as cosmetics, instrument making, machine tools, and mechanical engineering have firmly gained their positions in Russia. And this is good! Germany receives income from the export of its goods to Russia that exceeds the cost of imports and purchases of both raw materials and energy resources from Russia. Social programs and taxation regulate the final cost of imports for consumers, and in general, no one cares how much gas or oil costs, since this is regulated by the cost of German goods presented to Russian consumers.
Today I would like to pay attention to the internal and external problems of Lithuania’s economic development. It is no secret that the Lithuanian economy is built mainly on funds received from the European Union as subsidies for solving construction, organizational, and environmental problems, which in theory should be implemented by Lithuania using internal structures and companies. Low norms  of mutual settlements and social garants for obligations to people  inhabiting the region and inappropriate quality, volumes, and the strategy of dead souls make the difference between the real cost of work and its in dokumentation cost.  This is the means of the most banal theft finanse from mistic some GDP (GDP), where the latter is an illusion that has no real roots.
The export of original Lithuanian products is very insignificant and its profitability is so low that it requires constant subsidies, investments, and quotas (look Aug 17, 2011 Lithuania - A Crime and Liability. ). It is also depressing that today there is no end of this tunnel or prospects in sight. As Polish President Branislaw Komorowski correctly described the situation, Lithuania is like a goat that jumps around, gives everyone a thumbs up, but cannot and does not want to bring any benefit to the European Union. In the future, the same Greece, where the well-being of a certain layer of society is placed above public, national, every european interests. Plus an inflated sense of self-importance that is absolutely inconsistent with the intellectual level of the leaders and the population of Lithuania. Well, not about that... I'm more concerned today about Lithuania's policy towards Russia&Belarusia.

Because Russia Belarus today is not only about energy resources but and the exporting to the European Union all that crap that seems to should have produced in Lithuania.

Why the crap ?
Because these are not products that can compete in terms of price-quality ratio with similar products presented on the European market from European a similar product  manufacturers. And to be honest, as in Russia, as in Belarusia this product groups are not strategic.

What does it mean ?
This means that, for example, German product groups to such as cosmetics, instrument making, machine tools, and mechanical engineering have firmly gained their positions in Russia. And this is good! Germany receives income from the export of its goods to Russia that exceeds the cost of imports and purchases of both raw materials and energy resources from Russia. Social programs and taxation regulate the final cost of imports for consumers, and in general, no one cares how much gas or oil costs, since this is regulated by the cost of German goods presented to Russian consumers.

What does I want to say ?
A stingy man pays twice, but with a fool, finding is worse than with a smart losing....
We must long ago come to terms with the fact that Russia is, not more as is a supplier of energy resources to the Civilisation market. And for  us, for european peopls the Russia today one the Strategic importer of energy resources and raw materials.

As the example...
There are no Nuclear Scientists in Lithuania, and perhaps there never will be. Therefore, a Lithuanian with a Nuclear Power Plant is the same as a monkey with a grenade) like and Lukashenko. And the infrastructure of Russian, American, Lokal Eropean, Japanese companies is still dependent on the economy and politics of the regions to which it belongs. Although I personally am not against 100% dependence of Lithuania’s economic, public development on American and European companies. The Rule of Law - will be more)

This is not a lyric...
But the important thing is that each country of world is focused on a specific group of offers on the world market. The Russia is energy resources, raw materials and we must come to terms with this and try to create a system where money would be returned from relations with Russia and more would be returned than is required for the production of the next generation of the product groups for presented to the market and the purchase of energy, energy resources, and raw materials. In concret case, Lithuania needs highly educated specialists who are not currently available in Lithuania, but only then Lithuania can making groops of offers that could be interesting to Russia in the future.
It’s difficult, and for Lithuanian politicians also because it takes time and there will be no cheap populism here. Lithuanian need specialists and there are none within the country! There are upstarts, but there is no competent scientific and engineering staff ! So, so far, today we can state the depressing fact that Lithuanian public officials and officials are mostly opportunistic upstarts who do not have the appropriate abilities, upbringing, education - there are no competent personnel with the appropriate moral qualities in Lithuania today.
The Lithuanian migration system cannot give Lithuania the same specialists as work in Lokal European space. Lithuania migracion tarked is focused on the Ex Soviet world or the Totalitarian, semi-developed regimes of the others country of World space. A There They aren't there Either ! )
A good scientific  engineering contingent lives only in shallow waters rich in food in West Europe, where European and American companies maintain structures working in this direction. Lithuania need a different migration policy, different conditions for educated people from America and the European region. Lithuania also need other conditions for Lithuanian citizens, and from Russia, who already live in Lithuania. People not shouldn't have to fight for existence. Their goal should be to work for the scientific and economic potential of the country, and to from hand to mouth, without fighting for their lives and the lives of their loved ones and those around them. And what kind of war is this with own citythen peopls ? And today the money is spent cutting down the resurs on which the Lithuanian economy itself is based. Stupiding !!!!
and there is no other way!!!!
Today, I do not see development prospects in modern Lithuania until there are real changes in the top echelon of the country’s leadership and locals self goverment of Lithuania. For now, this is a gang of swindlers of the smallest variety who have imagination, nor intelligence, nor internal moral standards.

Shame for you fellow Lithuanians... Shame !

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