Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Aug 17, 2011 Lithuania - A Crime and Liability.

 I really like Lituanian idea of being the autoritar brother of Europe,  for economic reasons. To me, it seems like a betrayal, transfering of European technologies to authoritarian regimes of the former Soviet space.  To me like is a serious crime.
How this work?
 Initially, quotas received from Europe for various consumer goods are filled with products from authoritarian totalitarian regimes of the former Soviet space. The second stage of promoting corruption is kickbacks from the purchase of energy resources at a deliberately inflated price and resale to Lithuanian consumers. The third stage is to redirect the money received for the development of the scientific, technical, and production sector in Lithuania to territories controlled by the same authoritarian totalitarian regimes of the former Soviet space. In here we add funds from the defense industry and the development of military infrastructure in the region.

 If simpled talking as about home situation, everything looks like this:
 The economic system is a rather complex mechanism, and before the adoption in Europen Union a countries of the former Soviet zone of influence, the economy of local Europe was self-sufficient with a certain redundancy factor. Here everything is from farmers to mechanical engineering, biochemistry, knowledge-intensive service sectors, public and social relations, etc..  There was a need to distribute goods and services produced in local Europe and on them. In other words, local Europe has to support the newly-minted members of the European Union of the former socialist concentration camp as a zone of Soviet influence. Due to this to redundancy of maling of goods and services in local Europe fell, which pulled other sectors of the economy with it down to the possibility of producing these goods and services in sufficient quantities, so that the purchase price would include losses associated with maintenance of regions of former Soviet influence. In connection with this, the need arose to develop these regions so that they could independently provide themselves with the goods and services necessary for their residents, participating on an equal basis with local Europe in common scientific, technical, economic, and public spheres of generaleconomic.
 On the basis of this, funds were allocated to maintain the social sector within the acceptable limits of decent financial and material support residents and funds for the creation, development, and restructuring of the sector for the production of goods and services.
Now what happened other word  the active work of the regions of former Soviet influence with did funding allocated for their humanitarian support and development!    
 What is the current public a social structure of Lithuania?
 Firstly, this is the leadership of Lithuania itself, which, as in any authoritarian totalitarian regime, is bound by personal economic, family, social relationships at the level of the clan, diaspora and a closed joint-stock company.
 The second level is the clan, diaspora, or in other words, the service personnel of a closed joint stock company of Lithuanian leaders. That is, if the first ones make some decisions, the second level is the mechanism that ensures their work. They can go on strike, sabotage first-level decisions, but for their disloyalty to they can lose their social position, income, privileges and be blacklisted. They do not make decisions, but and just like at the persons of first level, responsibility even for their own conclusions, decisions, actions, and behavior does not extend to them.
 The third social level is the majority of the Lithuanian population, from total demography about 60/70%. They do not have any privileges except if they are if they have family ties with second-level persons. The third social level are subject to both administrative and criminal liability. This is a separate closed public organization that is in no way connected with persons of the first level, but has a material and financial dependence on persons of the second level.

  When Lithuania receives an investment package from The Local Europe, it is distributed as follows:
 Part of the funds goes to support the dependence of the third social level on the second. This is usually in the form of a demonstration package  for persons showing loyalty to municipal government administrations as maintenance in the third level persons to loyalty to municipal government administrations.
 Part for the maintenance of persons of the second social level.
 Everything else is the personal property of first-level persons and is distributed on the basis of internal family, internal economic, internal clan relation.

 Like all representatives of criminal regimes, the Lithuanian leadership is afraid of democratic social, moral and legal relations, becouse which a result of  them position as a source of distribution of financial and material resources, privileges, irresponsibility, and impunity will be unstable. therefore, they seek understanding from other regimes of the former Soviet space that do not fall within the zone of moral and legal relations of the states of European confederation and accordingly, on certain mutually beneficial conditions, they roll back most of the European investments to offshore bank accounts of representatives of various regimes of the former socialist community, including Belarus and Russia.

 The structure of any authoritarian authoritarian regime differs from a democratic one in that moral and legal relations are regulated not on the basis of legislation, as a product of positive and negative experience of social relationships, but exclusively on leader's  of these authoritarian totalitarian regimes emotional factors. This means that the leaders of the authoritarian totalitarian regimes of the former Soviet space are essentially dictators as an analogues of the dictatorship of the communist party of the Soviet regime. It follows from this that in their conclusions, decisions, actions, and behavior they will not be guided by common sense based on the experience of generations as the moral and legal norms of civilized humanity, but solely on the basis of personal emotional conclusions. it follows that any investments in such region have  risk of being irretrievably lost, and any negotiations will be a reason for even larger infusions as accordingly, a reason for blackmail for larger investments. Using the example of the relationship between Lithuanian public and official persons  with authoritative representatives of others authoritarian totalitarian regimes, it is clearly seen that the fear of losing resources,  as non-fulfillment or dishonest fulfillment of undertaken obligations, in the form of goods and services intended for sale on the European and American markets, as  own, led Lithuanian public and official persons and  to deep dependence on other authoritarian totalitarian regimes such as Russia , Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. And they, in turn, through dishonesty, as a rule, of middle-level officials of the European administration and misunderstanding of the responsible persons of the general trend of such relationships, turned Europe into a cash cow for the authoritarian regimes of former Soviet union.  

 That is, until legal order is established in the European regions of the former Soviet influence at the level of personal criminal liability of high-ranking public figures and officials for their own conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, it is pointless to talk about the development of such regions in as of positive expectations from they !

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