Monday, January 23, 2012

Jan 23, 2012 - Lithuania demands extradition to publick exicution of Jews who fought Lithuanian Nazis.

 Lithuanian prosecutor's office are persecuting Jews who fought against Soviet Nazis during World War II. Seeking 'justice', the Lithuanian Ministry of Justice has demanded that Israel extradite some of its citizens living in this country.

 The problem of persecution of Jews of non-Soviet origin in the Baltic countries has existed for a long time, and it is not the first time that Israel has fought off such from absurd accusations. And they really do sound strange.  The official document literally states the following: 'These people are suspected of criminal acts that they may have committed during their service in the German Wehrmacht during the Second World War on the territory of Soviet Lithuania. Their activities are classified as a crime against humanity'.

 The little bit of real history:
 Lithuanian units of the Cheka, later the NKVD, began to persecute and kill residents of Jewish origin, as well as half-Jews and quarter-Jews, with the aim of plundering and appropriate their property from 1924/25. story is about revolutionary socialist transformations in the newly created Lithuanian jurisdiction from 1918-1920. Original plot of Lithuanian History based on materials from the archive of the State Security of the Soviet Union.  After 1939, this became systematic. Original plot Lithuanian History. After 1940-1941, long before the arrival of German troops, this happened chaotically, with justification and thus legitimization of crimes against people of Jewish origin. And only from July 1941, Einsatzgruppen were formed, consisting mainly of Lithuanians, who already killed Jews in Lithuania, before German jurisdiction.

 This raises a host of questions. First, what were the Jews who survived the Soviet Holocaust doing in the Wehrmacht? Second, how can the word 'possibly,' which implies uncertainty, be combined with such a harsh sentence? After all, Lithuania must have had good reasons to prosecute the criminals abroad. And how can we understand that the European justice authorities are facilitating and promoting this absurdity? This is not the first case of such absurd accusations, persecution, pressure, which the European law enforcement agencies ignore, keep silent about and shift the blame onto the victims, as in my case. The only difference is that I worked on former Soviet territory as a specialist for an American company, and these people served the Wehrmaht.
1. Part 1
2. Part 2
3. Part 3
4. Addendums

 In my case, it is also specing to add Lithuania's grab of embezzlement of my social security package, social savings, assets, loss of children, raider seizures, seizure of my property and much more. The EU, Franch's Justice not only ignores this, but also helps organizad criminal grup of Lithuania, thereby promoting the criminal activity of Lithuanian public and official persons, and the EU Parliament finances the criminal activity of the organized criminal group of usurp the organs of the Lithuanian Justice, legislative, operational and executive power. Am think the Izraels, for their part, could not only have been offended, but also, according to lawyers, have taken more decisive measures. For example, they could have officially expressed their protest to the Lithuanian mission in Israel. However, the reaction of the Israeli authorities was surprisingly weak.

 For example, a few days ago, Israeli investigators descended on the Tel Aviv office of 86-year-old lawyer Joseph Melamed, a former prisoner of the Kaunas ghetto, and one of the leaders of the Association of Lithuanian Immigrants. They explained that, at the request of the Lithuanian prosecutor's office, the elderly lawyer needed to be interrogated, as he was suspected of slandering nine Lithuanian citizens executed for collaborating with the Soviet Nazis from Soviet Committee for State Security /NKVD/. In addition, Melamed is accused of being a war criminal for participating in the fight against Lithuanian collaborators and separatists. As it turned out later, the police's visit to Melamed was not coordinated with the Israeli Ministry of Justice. Information about the "police abuse" immediately hit the press and caused a storm of indignation, as evidenced by screaming headlines like 'Israeli Police in the Service of Lithuanian Neo-Nazis?'

 To understand, let's look into the archives again. In Lithuania itself, there is obviously no such data, since it contradicts the official Lithuanian history from Lansberges. But still, it is there, it exists. At the time of the formation of the Republic of Lithuania as a jurisdiction in 1918, 220,000 Jews lived in Lithuania. In June 1941, the day before, 40,000 Jews lived on the territory of Soviet Lithuania. The day after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, even before the German army entered the areas where Jews lived, the Lithuanians began pogroms and murders. That same year, the gates of the ghetto in Kaunas and other cities of Lithuania were closed. Few managed to escape from this hell (only those who fled to the forest or joined the Wehrmacht were saved). It is enough to name the figures: by the beginning of World War II, there were only about 40,000 Jews left in all of Lithuania, of whom only 8,000 returned to Lithuania after Germany's capitulation.
Of these 8,000, 6,000 were sent to Soviet concentration camps as traitors to the motherland, traitors and war criminals. The rest of the ethnically local Jews dispersed - the USA, Israel, Austria, Germany and others. Today, other Jewish population lives in Lithuania, these are people from different regions of the Soviet space loyal to the Soviet regime and resettled on the territory of Soviet Lithuania.
All these are historical facts.

 According to eyewitnesses, the Jews had virtually no choice: either go to the place of execution or fight the enemy. The nemnogie and one of them, Melamed, have survived to this day. In 1999, he sent a document to the Lithuanian prosecutor's office entitled "Lithuania: Criminal and Punishment," in which he provided lists of thousands of Lithuanians who, during the war, collaborated with both the German and Soviet sides and killed Jews en masse. In his request to the Lithuanian authorities, he demanded that a criminal investigation be opened against the executioners. But the unpredictable happened: after 13 years of silence, Lithuania opened a criminal case against the author of the document himself.  The blacklist also included the former director of the Yad Vashem memorial complex, Dr. Yitzhak Arad, but in 2009, following the intervention of official Jerusalem, Vilnius dropped these charges.

 After the visit of the Israeli police, Melamed revealed some details in an interview with journalists. According to him, nine people from that very list were proclaimed national heroes by the current Lithuanian government – ​​‘fighters against fascists’, but judging by the documents, they are ordinary murderers. ‘My work is very disturbing to them, so they took advantage of the fact that an agreement was signed between our countries, according to which the parties undertake to share information, and decided to take the archive away from me,’ the lawyer explains.'

 He emphasized that some of the testimonies were collected in the archives of Russia and Germany. 'When we were just collecting information, I asked the Lithuanian side to open their archives. They refused, and today I refuse. But some of their ‘heroes’ were still alive back then, as were witnesses to their terrible crimes. Over the past years, almost all of them have died, so the materials we collected are the only thing that prevents the Lithuanian authorities from calmly putting bloody bandits on a pedestal,' Melamed told us.

 The old partisan has no complaints about the Israeli police - everyone does their job and because of this misunderstanding, he believes, such a painful topic has once again received publicity. Perhaps now the Lithuanian authorities are thinking about whether it is necessary to rewrite the history of World War II, amnestying criminal activity and thereby legalizing Nazism and racism as a way of obtaining income, benefits, and privileges. In fact, by persecuting Israeli citizens, Vilnius, consciously or not, has drawn into its confrontation with Moscow not only the Jewish diaspora and Jerusalem, but also others EU country, which has not yet realized the danger of the Socialism as criminal doctrine of redistribution of property, income, privileges, etc. on any basis - ethnic, racial, diaspora, clan, etc..

Since today the Lithuanian Republic did voluntarily stend the jurisprudence of the European Society and voluntarily declares the moral and legal norms of the European Union - so that for its criminal actions  the entire European Society, including the justice offices of Strasbourg, Germany and France, shall bear responsibility.

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