

Friday, February 28, 2025

2008.11 - * As a result of impunity, lack of responsibility and pemissevenes of state and official persons of the Republic of Lithuania, three months with children in hospital, photo report of children from the hospital:

  The photo report for the article “new parents of the children fight, buy and sell children for beer and cigarettes” - Plunge News, 2008. August 22.

This is the true goal of the entire policy of the Republic of Lithuania: distribution of budget funds in order to obtain financial and material benefits from the misfortunes of the inhabitants of this EU region. And the epilogue: three months with children in the hospital without any financial or material support from the Child Protection Service, the Social Service, the the Self-Goverment Administration of Rietavas of Republic of Lithuania and personally Antanas Černeckis and Vytautas Dičiūnas. Their influence, control over the courts, legal bodies, justice and others, will ultimately contribute to the advancement of their criminal activities and will lead to legalization and, as a consequence, to larger-scale, brazen, mass crimes.

You may be interested in other criminal acts of the Republic of Lithuania from name EU related to this case:
1. 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3;
 2. Oct 20, 2013 - How does the Children's Rights Service of the Rietavas self government regulate communication between relatives
 3. Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
 4. Appropriation my movable and immovable property on the territory Lithuania, EU. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

12.07.2007 - The travel document of the Russian Federation with a stamp of the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the ban on entry into the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

  Original documents / English

Certificate of absence of civil bilonging of the Russian Federation;
Federal Law of 28.04.2023 N 138-FZ (as amended on 08.08.2024) "On Civil Bilonging of the Russian Federation". 

12.07.2007 - The travel document of the Russian Federation with a stamp of the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the ban on entry into the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

 Original document / English

official document number: 51Nr2758084
surname: Korenevskiy
name: Konstantin
birted: 15.04.1965
place of birth: KRASNOYARSK / USSR
sex: man
data of issue: 12.07.2007
expiration date: 12.07.12
issuing authority name: Consulate General of Russia, Klaipeda

Handwrite: This document is issued on the basis of the instruction of the consular department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 0376 /at the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania/ dated 20.04.2007.
coat of arms seal with the Heraldry of the Russian Federation and the inscription: Republic of Lithuania / Consulate General of Russia in Klaipeda

Handwrite: Obligation to leave the Republic of Lithuania by 19.07.2007.
Stamp: Senior Specialist of Migration Unit of the Rietava Police Commissioner's Office GENOVAITE RIMUTIENE,
Heraldic seal with the swastika of the Republic of Lithuania and the inscription: Republic of Lithuania / Ministry of Internal Affairs,

Customs stamp border post Kena on crossing the Lithuanian border - crossed out in cros out.

Certificate of absence of civil bilonging of the Russian Federation;
Federal Law of 28.04.2023 N 138-FZ (as amended on 08.08.2024) "On Civil Bilonging of the Russian Federation". 

2013.12.04 - Certificate of passing the Lithuanian country language exam as giving prospery of civil belonging of Republic of Lithuania in accordance with the requirements for its issuance.

   Original documents / English

2013.12.04 - Certificate of passing the Lithuanian country language exam as giving prospery of civil belonging of Republic of Lithuania in accordance with the requirements for its issuance.

  Original documents / English

At the top left corner: code 1106;

In the center is the heraldry of the Republic of Lithuania.


Self-goverment of Rietavas

The State Language Proficiency Qualification Commission notes that
 Konstantin Korenevskiy, 
born on April 15, 1965, was examined in testeng with the requirements for granting civil belonging to the Republic of Lithuania.

1. Country of Lithuanian of Republic language exam: passed;
2. Exam on the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania: passed.

Certificate issued on December 4, 2013; Registration number 3.

Chairman of the Rietavas Municipality State Language Proficiency Qualification Commission Regina Litviniene, Signature;
coat of arms seal with Lithuanian heraldry and inscription: THE REPUBLIC of LITHUANIA / GYMNASIUM of LAURYNAS IVINSKIS of RIETAVAS.

2013 - Lithuanian State Certificate of Proficiency in the Lithuanian Language.

  Original documents / English

At the top left corner: code 1105;
In the center is the heraldry of the Republic of Lithuania.


LVK Nr. 000676

Konstantin Korenevskiy
personal code 36504151894
Gymnasium  of Laurynas Ivinskis of Rietavas /code 191130830/
In 2013, he passed the state language of Republic of Lithuania proficiency exam according to the requirements of the first category /level A2 with an “excellent” grade/.

Certificate issued on July 4, 2013. Registration number 2.

Chairman of the Rietavas Municipality State Language Proficiency Qualification Commission Regina Litviniene, Signature;
coat of arms seal with Lithuanian heraldry and inscription: THE REPUBLIC of LITHUANIA / GYMNASIUM of LAURYNAS IVINSKIS of RIETAVAS.

2013 - Lithuanian State Certificate of Proficiency in the Lithuanian Language.

  Original documents / English

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

June 17, 2008 - Decision on the expulsion of Russian property Konstantin Korenevsky from the Republic of Lithuania.

2008.06.30 - Decisions on detention at the Foreigners Registration Center.

  PlungeFor the article of October 23, 2013 - Documented facts of pressure from Lithuanian state and official persons for the purpose of extortion, seizure of property of US justice veterans in Lithuania, EU.

Original documents / English

Geraldica of Republic of Lithuania

from 2008, June, day 30

Judge of Plunge District Court Irena Seskauskiene,
secretary Adelja Senkuviene,
with the participation of attorney Jovyta Piekiene,
Genovaite Rimutiene representative of Migration Service  of Police Commissariet of Rietavas,
was examined in court the request of the migration service of the Rietavas to police commissioner to detain a property of the Russian Federation Konstantin Korenevsky, established:
A representative of the Rietava Police Commissariat for Migration Issues requested a ruling on the detention of foreigner K. Korenevsky for a period of no more than 48 hours until 10 July 2008 in connection with the need to prepare documents on the expulsion of K. Korenevsky from the Republic of Lithuania, who arrived and is in the Republic of Lithuania illegally, expulsion as illegal immigrant, since he does not have a visa or a residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania.
Foreigner K.Korenevskiy admits that he does not have a visa or residence permit in Lithuania, although he has been living in the Labardziu village, municipality of Rietavas, since 1992, in other words, the establishment of Lithuanian Jurisdiction after Soviet - Lithuanian of Soviet Union ocupacia East Prussia. He  also asks satisfy  request of Genovaite Rimutienė from the Migration Service of the Rietava Police Commissariat, as he maybe cam receive appropriate legal assistance at the Foreigners Registration Centre. 
The defense supported their client's motion.
The asks to been granted.
There are grounds provided for in Part 2 of Article 113 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Legal Status of Aliens for the detention of a foreign citizen illegally staying in the Republic of Lithuania, and the foreigner himself requests this, therefore the request must be granted.
In accordance with Part 2 of Article 114 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Aliens” and Article 87 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Administrative Procedure to it, The Court to hereby decree:
satisfy the claim.
Konstantin Korenevsky, born April 15, 1965, is to be detained and held in custody at the Foreign Citizens Registration Center until July 10, 2008.
The period of detention is calculated from 16:00 on June 30, 2008.
A foreigner may appeal the decision to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania through the Foreigners' Registration Centre within 7 days from the date of its publication.

Judge: Irena SeskauskieneStamp: copy real, judge Irena Seskauskiene, 2008.06.30;

Certificate of absence of civil bilonging of the Russian Federation,
Federal Law of 28.04.2023 N 138-FZ (as amended on 08.08.2024) "On Civil Bilonging of the Russian Federation".

2008.06.06 - Decision on an alternative preventive measure in the form of detention.

   PlungeFor the article of October 23, 2013 - Documented facts of pressure from Lithuanian state and official persons for the purpose of extortion, seizure of property of US justice veterans in Lithuania, EU.

Original documents / English

 Geraldica of Republic of Lithuania


from 2008, June, day 6

 Judge of the Plunge District Court Virginijus Gedeikis,
secretary Vilija Budrikiene,
with Genovaitė Rimutiene representative of Migration Service  of Police Commissariet of Rietavas,
foreigner Konstantin Korenevsky,
translator Vladimir Tiurin,
the court considered the petition to select a preventive measure in the form of detention for property of Russia K. Korenevsky in an open court session and
the court determined:
the court received the petition from the head of the migration service of the Retava District Department of Internal Affairs, property of Russia K. Korenevsky.

 The representative of the Migration Service G. Rimutienė requested a decision to detain the applicant for a period exceeding 48 hours, since it is necessary to prepare documents for the deportation of K. Korenevsky from the Republic of Lithuania, since he arrived and is in the Republic of Lithuania illegally, since he does not have a visa and residence permit in Lithuania.

 Foreigner K. Korenevsky admitted that he does not have a visa or residence permit in Lithuania, although he has lived in the village of Labardži in the Rietava municipality since 1992. From he to opinions were expressed regarding satisfaction requested of execution of the Migration Service G. Rimutiene.

 The court's decision is subject to partial satisfaction.
 The court, taking into account the fact that the identity of the foreigner has been established, he does not pose a threat to state security and public order, therefore he cannot be simple detained, and an alternative preventive measure in the form of detention is assigned to him.
In accordance with Articles 115-117 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Aliens”, the court ruled:
the Migration Service oficial G. Rimutienė the requeste. decision is subject to partial satisfaction,
to assign Konstantin Korenevsky, born in 1965, on April 15 an alternative measure of restraint in the form of detention - to oblige him to appear at the Rietava police station for registration every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 11:00. This preventive measure will be applied until July 1, 2008 from the date of signation of the resolution.

 A foreigner may appeal the decision to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania through the Foreigners' Registration Centre within 7 days from the date of its publication.

 Judge: Virginijus Gedeikis
 Stamp: copy real, judge Virginijus Gedeikis, 2008.06.06;

Certificate of absence of civil bilonging of the Russian Federation,
Federal Law of 28.04.2023 N 138-FZ (as amended on 08.08.2024) "On Civil Bilonging of the Russian Federation".