PlungeFor the article of October 23, 2013 - Documented facts of pressure from Lithuanian state and official persons for the purpose of extortion, seizure of property of US justice veterans in Lithuania, EU.
Original documents / English
Geraldica of Republic of Lithuania
from 2008, June, day 6
Judge of the Plunge District Court Virginijus Gedeikis,
secretary Vilija Budrikiene,
with Genovaitė Rimutiene representative of Migration Service of Police Commissariet of Rietavas,
foreigner Konstantin Korenevsky,
translator Vladimir Tiurin,
the court considered the petition to select a preventive measure in the form of detention for property of Russia K. Korenevsky in an open court session and
the court determined:
the court received the petition from the head of the migration service of the Retava District Department of Internal Affairs, property of Russia K. Korenevsky.
The representative of the Migration Service G. Rimutienė requested a decision to detain the applicant for a period exceeding 48 hours, since it is necessary to prepare documents for the deportation of K. Korenevsky from the Republic of Lithuania, since he arrived and is in the Republic of Lithuania illegally, since he does not have a visa and residence permit in Lithuania.
Foreigner K. Korenevsky admitted that he does not have a visa or residence permit in Lithuania, although he has lived in the village of Labardži in the Rietava municipality since 1992. From he to opinions were expressed regarding satisfaction requested of execution of the Migration Service G. Rimutiene.
The court's decision is subject to partial satisfaction.
The court, taking into account the fact that the identity of the foreigner has been established, he does not pose a threat to state security and public order, therefore he cannot be simple detained, and an alternative preventive measure in the form of detention is assigned to him.
In accordance with Articles 115-117 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Aliens”, the court ruled:
the Migration Service oficial G. Rimutienė the requeste. decision is subject to partial satisfaction,
to assign Konstantin Korenevsky, born in 1965, on April 15 an alternative measure of restraint in the form of detention - to oblige him to appear at the Rietava police station for registration every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 11:00. This preventive measure will be applied until July 1, 2008 from the date of signation of the resolution.
A foreigner may appeal the decision to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania through the Foreigners' Registration Centre within 7 days from the date of its publication.
Judge: Virginijus Gedeikis
Stamp: copy real, judge Virginijus Gedeikis, 2008.06.06;
Certificate of absence of civil bilonging of the Russian Federation,
Federal Law of 28.04.2023 N 138-FZ (as amended on 08.08.2024) "On Civil Bilonging of the Russian Federation".