Saturday, March 8, 2025

Vytautas Dičiūnas - 2002/2005 Director of the Retavas Municipality Administration.

  Originalone of the organizers and leaders of the criminal terrorist group based on the self-government of Rietavas of the Republic of Lithuania.

Criminal activities of the organized criminal group Self Government of Rietavas, Lithuania:

1. The Family suffered from public and official person's of self-goverment of Rietavas - Zemaitis, district newspaper of Plunge and Rietavas 2006  March 31.
2. 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3;
 3. Oct 20, 2013 - How does the Children's Rights Service of the Rietavas self government regulate communication between relatives
 4. Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
 5. Appropriation my movable and immovable property on the territory Lithuania, EU. 

  Personal Information of the lider criminal of the terrorist groupe on English / Lithuanian:

Phone: +370 448 73 202

 2005.03.08, today - Director of the Rietavas County Administration, financing of own criminal active and active of organized criminal group of criminal activity from the budget of Lithuania, accepts on personal matters on Tuesdays from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00.

 The Resume of Real Criminal Activity:

 Born in 1960. November 14 in Kaliningrad /Königsberg/, Russia in a family of Soviet activists who were engaged in executions and repressions against the local ethnic population for the sake of profit and with the aim of promoting Soviet moral and legal norms.

 In 1976, he graduated from Tauragė Secondary School No. 1, then entered the Smalin Agricultural College, where he became involved in active Komsomol activities to propaganda work on issues of intolerance towards local patriots of the against the youth who are opposed to Soviet moral and legal norms, there and joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

 1980 he entered and graduated in 1985 from the Higher Party School of the CPSU at the Lithuanian Agricultural Academy, specializing in “Soviet propaganda: propaganda and repressive methods of promoting Soviet moral and legal norms.”

 From 1986 to 1990 he worked in Rietavas teacher at as a history KPSS /kommunist parti of Soviet Union/ of Rietavas Agricultural College.

 1990–1995 – Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Rietava District.

 1995–2002 – Manager of the Retavas branch of Swedbank AB.

 From 2002 to 2007... and maybe even further, he works as the director of the administration of the Rietava municipality.

 Currently he is the deputy chairman of the Rietava branch of the Liberal Movement of the Republic of Lithuania. He works with young people, promoting liberalism as irresponsibility and impunity on ethnic, racial, diaspora and party grounds and organisation repressive conclusions, decisions and actions against opponents of the local organized crime group.

 In 1999 he was awarded the January 13 Commemorative Medal -

In 2006, on the basis of the law of the Russian Federation /first edition/ for services to Russian punitive repressive organs and by his own free will, he received Russian citizenship.

 Children – Tadas, Julius ir Vytautas / all active members of the criminal terrorist group of Rietavas/.

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