Friday, January 13, 2012

Jan 13, 2012 - The extract from the forensic medical examination on the causes of death of 13 people regarding the victims of the Vilnius tragedy of January 13, 1991.

Eng / Original Text

Victims of the events of January 13, 1991:

Loreta Asanavičiūtė (р. 1967)
Virginijus Druskis (р. 1969)
Darius Gerbutavičius (р. 1973)
Rolandas Jankauskas (р. 1969)
Rimantas Juknevičius (р. 1966)
Alvydas Kanapinskas (р. 1952)
Algimantas Petras Kavoliukas (р. 1939)
Vytautas Koncevičius (р. 1941)
Vidas Maciulevičius (р. 1966)
Titas Masiulis (р. 1962)
Alvydas Matulka (р. 1956)
Apolinaras Juozas Povilaitis (р. 1937)
Ignas Šimulionis (р. 1973)
Vytautas Vaitkus (р. 1943)
Виктор Викторович Шатских (р. 1961) — лейтенант группы "А

Extract from the forensic medical examination on the causes of death of 13 people - Victims of the Vilnius Tragedy dated January 13, 1991:

Republic of Lithuania
/under this inscription is the coat of arms of the Republic of Lithuania/
Ministry of Health
Republican Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination
200001 Vilnius, st. Polotsk 6
/all inscriptions are in Lithuanian, below all text is in Russian/
№ 29
February 6, 1991.

1.  Vytautas Vaitkus  /1943 г.р./ - 1. Blind gunshot wound to the chest /entry hole on the anterior upper surface of the left shoulder, the wound channel runs from top to bottom, from left to right and somewhat from front to back through the soft tissues of the shoulder and chest with a fracture of 3 ribs along the mid-key line, through the upper lobe of the left lung with damage to 3-4 thoracic vertebrae/. 2. Through bullet wound of the chest /entry hole in the 7th intercostal space on the left along the anterior axillary line and exit hole in the 4th intercostal space on the right between the midclavicular line and anterior axillary, the course of the wound canal from bottom to top from left to right and slightly from back to front through soft tissues chest, left dome of the diaphragm, lower lobe of the left lung, heart and right lung/.

2.  Ignas Šimulionis  /1973 г.р./ - 1. Blind bullet wound of the abdomen /entry hole on the anterior abdominal wall on the left; the wound channel passes from front to back into the abdominal cavity with damage to the loops of the small intestine/. 2. A through bullet gunshot wound of the chest /entry hole along the scapular line in the upper third of the chest on the right, exit hole on the anterior surface of the left shoulder, the wound channel runs from back to front, slightly from bottom in top and from the inside out through the soft tissues/. 3. A through bullet wound of the upper third of the right thigh /entry hole on the posterior surface in the upper third, exit wound on the anterior surface, the wound channel runs from back to front from right to left and from top to bottom throughs softs/. 4. Penetrating bullet wound of the left arm /entering wound on the back surface in the upper third, exiting on the back surface of the shoulder in the lower third, the wound channel goes from bottom to top/. 5. Penetrating bullet wound of the upper third of the left forearm /entry wound on the posterior surface, exit wound on the anterior surface, the wound channel goes from back to front through soft tissues/. 6. A through bullet wound of the left forearm /an entering wound on the back surface in the middle third in extending 2.5 cm below it, the wound channel goes from top to bottom/. 7. A through bullet wound of the left forearm /entering wound on the outer surface in the upper third, exiting wound connects to one of the above mentioned wound channels/. The bones of the left forearm are in the form of many bone fragments. In addition, the victim has a traumatic brain injury (wound in the occipital region, hemorrhage in the soft tissues of the head, numerous fractures of the bones of the vault and base of the skull, ruptures of the dura mater, brain contusion and  the brain hemorrhage ). Thus, there are: 6 through bullet wounds of the limbs and chest and 1 blind bullet wound to the abdomen. The versatility of fractures of the vault and base of the skull with its flattening in the lateral directions, partial traumatic removal of the brain matter indicate that in this case there was compression of the head between two surfaces in the lateral direction. Typically, this injury occurs rolling over the wheels of a vehicle.

3.  Vidas Maciulevičius /1956 г.р./ - Blind bullet gunshot wound /entry wound on the skin of the left cheek along the arch of the lower jaw, the wound channel passes through the soft tissues of the face, the body of the lower jaw on the left, the diaphragm of the mouth, the left internal carotid artery, the upper lobe of the left lung and the body of 6-7 cervical vertebrae in spinal canal/. Thus there is one gunshot blind bullet wound.

4.  Virginijus Druskis  /1959 г.р./ - Blind bullet penetrating wound of the chest /on the right in the 2nd intercostal space along the midclavicular line, the wound channel passes from right to left, from top to bottom and from front to back through the soft tissues of the chest, the right lung, the cardiac shirt and heart, the left lung and ends in soft tissues of the chest cells/. There is one blind gunshot wound to the chest.

5.  Darius Gerbutavičius /1973 г.р./ - 1. A through gunshot bullet wound of the chest /entry hole in the supraclavicular region on the left, exit on the back surface of the chest on the right, the wound channel runs from front to back, from left to right and from top to bottom through the soft tissues of the chest, the left lung and the 9th thoracic vertebra/. 2. Penetrating gunshot wound of the right thigh /entry hole on the outer surface, exit on the inside and damage to soft tissues, femoral artery and vein/. 3. A through gunshot wound of the right shin /entry hole on the outer surface, exit hole on the inner surface, the wound channels of these wounds run from right to left /from bottom to top - according to the court case/ with damage to the bones of the right leg/. 4. A through gunshot bullet wound of the right forearm /entry hole on the outer surface, exit hole on the inner surface at the same level, the wound channel runs from right to left through the soft tissue/. 5. Penetrating gunshot wound of 2-3 fingers of the left hand with damage to soft tissues and bones. Thus, there are 5 gunshot wounds /chest, right thigh, right shin, right forearm, and left hand/.

6.  Rimantas Juknevičius /1968 г.р./ - Blind bullet gunshot wound of the right thigh /entry hole on the anterior surface of the right thigh, the wound channel goes from front to back with damage to the femoral artery, deep femoral arteries and vein and a fracture of the right femoral neck/. There is one gunshot wound.

7. Виктор Викторович Шатских /1969 г.р./ - blind gunshot wound of the chest / entry hole on the back in the 7th intercostal space along the paravertebral line, the wound canal goes from bottom to top and slightly from left to right with damage to the 7th rib, lower and the upper lobe of the right lung/. There is one blind gunshot wound to the chest.

8. Apolinaras Juozas Povilaitis /1937 г.р./ - 1. Penetrating gunshot wound of the chest /entry hole on the left, exit hole on the right axillary line, wound channel goes from left to right with damage to the 2nd rib on the left, left lung, large vessels of the heart and rightlung/. 2. Tangential gunshot wound to the right half of the chest /skin/. 3. Penetrating gunshot wound of the left forearm /entry hole on the outer surface, exit hole on the inner surface, the muscles of the forearm are damaged/. There are 3 gunshot wounds /2 through the chest and left forearm, 1 tangent to the chest/.

9. Titas Masiulis  /1962 г.р./ - 1. A through gunshot wound of the chest /entry hole in the right half of the chest, exit hole in the left half, the wound channel runs from right to left with damage to the soft tissues of the chest, a fracture of the sternum in the lower third, damage to the anterior edges of both lungs, the cardiac shirt and the heart. 2. A through gunshot bullet wound of the chest /entry hole in the middle part of the back, exit hole on the left lateral surface at the level of 8-10 ribs, the wound channel goes from back to front, right to left with damage to the soft tissues of the back, damage to the lower lobe of the left lung /. Thus: there are 2 penetrating gunshot wounds to the chest.

10. Alvydas Kanapinskas /1962 г.р./ - damage by an explosive device - laceration and contusion wound of the right lateral surface of the chest /crushing of 4-10 ribs on the right with damage to the intercostal muscles and parietal pleura, crushing of the middle and lower lobes of the right lung /. There is 1 explosive damage.

11. Algimantas Petras Kavoliukas /1939 г.р./ - bruised head wounds, abrasions of the head, torso and extremities, hemorrhage into the soft tissues of the head, torso and extremities: dislocation of 1-3 ribs on the left from the spine, fracture of 2-5 ribs on the right along the midclavicular line, fracture of the spine between 11-12 vertebrae with spinal damage brain, rupture of the pubic symphysis in both sacroiliac joints, complete dislocation of the bones in the left ankle joint, fracture of both bones of the right shin in the middle third of the victim were formed when the protruding parts of a moving vehicle were hit in the back surface of the body of the victim, who was in a vertical position, or close to vertical position, followed by throwing the body and rolling the wheel via the body of Mr. K. A. Y.  /rus.- К. А. Ю./.

12. Rolandas Jankauskas /1969 г.р./ - compression of the body between hard objects - bruised head wounds, hemorrhage into the soft tissues of the head, abrasions of the head, numerous fractures of the bones of the base vault and facial skull, compression of the brain with hemorrhages under the soft membrane  cerebellum, right occipital lobe. Multiple abrasions and hemorrhages of the chest, back, abdomen and limbs, fracture of the right collarbone, right scapula; fracture of 2-7 ribs on the right along the anterior axillary line, 2-7 ribs on the right along the paraspinal line, fracture of 2-5 ribs on the left along the midclavicular line and 4-5 ribs on the left along the paraspinal line with damage to the intercostal muscles and parietal pleura, hemorrhages in the gates of the right kidney and spleen - in Mr. Ya. R. B. arose from the action /compression/ of blunt hard objects, which could be the wheels of a vehicle.

13. Loreta Asanavičiūtė /1967 г.р./ - severe compression of the pelvis, both thighs and right lower leg: abrasions of the lower abdomen, pubic area and both thighs; subcutaneous hemorrhages on the anterior surface of the right leg and the posterior surfaces of both thighs, perineal rupture, hemorrhage with skin detachment in the sacrolumbar region, hemorrhage into the soft tissues of the abdominal wall and pelvis, into the left perinephric tissue with peritoneal rupture, hemorrhage into the walls of the bladder, ruptures pubic symphysis and right sacroiliac, fracture of the sacrum, hemorrhage in the muscles of the anterior surface of the pelvis and thighs, pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin of the face and chest, as well as neck of Ms. Asanavichyute L.S. arose /further in the typed text of the certificate there is a line break and the line below is written - ed./ from the action of blunt, hard objects, which could be parts of a moving vehicle, for example the caterpillar of moving mechanism.

Head of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine A. Garmus. (signature)
Round official seal with text in Lithuanian: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.
Republican Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination.
Acting S. Kozlovsky.

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