Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6, 2011 - Belarusia, in support of K.Atamanchik's blog "A bullet to every Belarusian ?!"

According to the publication public information resurs of lithuania DELFI - K. Atamanchuk "A bullet for every Belarusian?"

2011 - One of the most high-profile trials in Belarus has ended. Two young guys were in the dock: Dmitry Konovalov, a turner by training, and Vladislav Kovalev, an electrician by training. The young guys were sentenced to death for the April terrorist attack in the Minsk metro and for a number of other explosive cases in Belarus at different times.

And today here I will once again telling about social danger of manipulating public opinion of public and oficial persons through jurisprudence and oven enforcement agencies and what lies behind it.

The "Trial" of the turner and electrician looked like a theater of the absurd from the very beginning. A large hall for the audience. A stage for the "Judges." A cage for the "Terrorists." To the turner and electrician the The prosecution incriminated almost fifty profesional maked of terroracts and others criminal episodes, and the tragicomedy began...

Recalling the terrorist attack in Minsk, few doubted who was behind it. And sociological studies prove it. Mr. Lukashenko decided to justify the repressions against people who were not loyal to his regime by means of terrorist attacks committed by his own criminal structures. After the very next day, when the criminal leader of the terrorist group who had usurped the branches of jurisprudence, law enforcement and public structures declared that they were holding a turner and an electrician in connection with the organization and implementation of the terrorist attack in the metro - all residents of Belarus were convinced that they were right in their reasoning.

And this trial performance, once proves that responsibility for the terrorist act is civilian and lies entirely with the structure of the Belarusian state security service, directly controlled by Lukashenko's criminal terrorist group! No traces of explosives on their clothes, no witnesses, no special training, edited video evidence, ignoring defense motions and many other violations convinced even the victims of this terrible terrorist attack that the guys not could have done something similar, so regime Lukashenko some of the victims of the terrorist attack did be had to be sent to a mental hospital because they did not agree with the charges.

The cordon off, the guards in black clothes, active propaganda of intolerance towards the opposition to the Lukashenko regime in the Belarusian media showed the public that for nonloyal the illegal terrorist regime of Lukashenka is expected to be met with the highest measure of punishment - execution by firing squad with subsequent prosecution of relatives, friends, acquaintances.  Here we must understand that Konovalov and Kovalev are exemplary victims who know too much about the practice of the Belarusian legal system, and have absolutely no knowledge about the organization and implementation of the terrorist act increminite to them in order to stay alive...

In general, there has been no court, justice in Belarus for a long time, civil rights and freedoms are gathering dust in collections on the shelves, and the country real has an anti-constitutional government, but, as they say, this is all "lyrics". Belarusians are not surprised by this. For Belarusians habiten this is normal from the point of view of habitans of the former Soviet space, as is normal criminal activity on the part of former Soviet public and official persons. The disappearance of products in stores is also not surprising, these are the consequences of the public, economic and scientific activity of the country under the leadership of criminal authorities of soviet publick and oficial persons, soviet activist and propagandist, soviet oficial oficial of justice of the former post-Soviet space.

Of course, I could write a serious article accusing the Belarusian leaders of consuming their power in abusive ways, but all this would be empty poetry, reality shows otherwise.  Many residents of Belarus, like other post-Soviet regions, not only support criminal actives but and indow positiv qualities and properties to by former Soviet activists, propagandists, and also actively participate as partners in the criminal activity of leaders of organized criminal groups of the post-Soviet space, who giving them the opportunity to obtain funding for their criminal activities from the full uncontrolled distribution of income for the purpose of promoting the activities of their criminal groups and influencing them internally within the countrys of soviet space, to so far beyond them limits.

Any prestupno authoritarian system is in principle simple in the social-informational sense for its understanding and appreciation. Its messages are simple and clear and this message of the death penalty is clear, and in this situation it is also very indicative. In their place there can be a every person or animal, and even a every mass of peopls or animals - this is a question of coniucture desire, sach today dominate over healthy meaning and reality.

The question is, what can the civilized world do to counter the spread of moral and legal norms that allow, through the manipulation of public opinion, to manipulate legislation, law, social relations, economics and science, thereby she turning  into a farce of alchemy?

And in the confrontation with any evil we must start from this. Do not hope, don't expect encouragement - they will not come. Today's honor, nobility, virtue, personal responsibility for self decisions, decisions, actions, behavior in simple human relationships - this example to sacrifices of personal benefit in the name of the declareds humanity social moral and legal norms, of the big blood experience of past generations.


Apr 12, 2011 Lithuania - Lukashenka and his opposition in Lithuania - https://korenevskiylt.blogspot.com/2011/04/lukasenka-ir-jo-opozicijos-lietuvoje.html?m=1;

1 comment:

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