Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Plunge News, 2008. August 22, Nr. 63 'Parents Fight, Buy and Sell Children for Beer and Cigarettes'

 For the article of October 23, 2013 - Documented facts of pressure from Lithuanian state and official persons for the purpose of extortion, seizure of property of US justice veterans in Lithuania, EU.

Original documents / English

 News, 2008. August 22

Plunge News, 2008. August 22, Nr. 63
Parents Fight, Buy and Sell Children for Beer and Cigarettes

'The wife and children ran away to a young loverman. Constantine has no choice but to buy child care from his ex-wife with alcohol and cigarettes. So, Constantine wanted to show his daughter the Baltic Sea. For this opportunity, he had to pay his ex-wife no more and no less – exactly 100 euros. 

 This time  'to buy' the children ged  me' - says father's friend Algis Pečulis - 'They sold me the children cheaper: Two blocks of cigarettes and a sixs pints of kegs of beer were enough for both children. That's why now the father and children enjoy communicating for three days. This is true, what now that the eldest daughter, who is only two and a half years old, ran away from her mother and partner of mom for father herself.' So such is what Algis Pechulis from Labardziai told journalists and walk them to Constantine’s house. And indeed, on the day of our stay in Labardziai, the eldest baby was sleeping soundly at home in her father’s houm.

Zydrune Jankauskiene

All against one, one against all?

A. Piciulis constantly visits and helps his buddy K. Korenevsky, a resident of the same village, a Russian speaker and still a property of Russia. Although the latter claims that he is doing everything possible to obtain permit a permanent  of residence and work permit in Lithuania. Although the latter claims that he has a full social package in Lithuania and is doing everything possible to obtain an official residence permit and work permit in Lithuania.

Social Security Certificate from 04 January 1999 befor 2004.12.31 - full dokument;
from 2006.06.02 - Social Security Card

 However, the Russian, who arrived and has been living in Lithuania since 1992, still has not been able to fully complete all the documents. On the other hand, the slave of Russia has managed to start a family over the years, have two children, acquire real estate... but not a residence permit. Why? Konstantin Korenevsky himself believes that in this way the Rietavas administration is trying to manipulate public opinion and, in cooperation with the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia, through falsifications and fraud, send him to Russia in order to take over his property: his house, land, investments and finances.


The document was made in the Consulate General of Klaipeda, 12.07.2007.
Certificate of absence of civil bilonging of the Russian Federation.
Federal Law of 28.04.2023 N 138-FZ (as amended on 08.08.2024) "On Civil Bilonging of the Russian Federation"
Based on the above, it can be said that the public and official persons of the Rietavas self-government are an organized criminal terrorist group falsifying documents for the purpose of personal enrichment at the expense of the illegal deportation of persons on the basis of documents they have fabricated. Also, all persons and organizations mentioned in this document, including those persons and organizations contributy their criminal activity, are partners in the organized of a criminal terrorist group of public and government officials of Rietavas of the Republic of Lithuania.

Constantine does not believe that the criminal activity of the Rietava municipality is a reason and cause for a legal take over of his property, real estate, finances, merits and causing any harm. But in reality, things are completely different.

March 31, 2006 - The Family suffered from public and official person's of self-government of Rietavas

Like a bolt from the blue.

'We registered our family relationship on March 18, 2005. A couple of years ago, our daughter was born, and this year in the spring - son. As in every family, ours had minor disagreements, but this year, on May 20th, my wife called and said that she was leaving for another man on all time. For me, this news wascame as a bolt from the blue. At that time, I worked in the Kedainiai region and my wife with children managed our farm in the village of Labardjai. I only came home on weekends, and didn't know that my wife had bought herself the lover.  Afterwards as my wife called to me that she was leaving for another man the Rietavas police thereday destroyed my business in Kedanias, I was persecuted, arrested, and deported in Russia. 

* 2008.06.06 - Decision on an alternative preventive measure in the form of detention;
* 2008.06.30 - Decisions on detention at the Foreigners Registration Center;
* June 17, 2008 - Decision on the expulsion of Russian property Konstantin Korenevsky from the Republic of Lithuania.

It was only when I returned from deportation that the villagers told me how my wife had gone to live with another man, how she had “looked after” the children and where she had spent the money I had earned, which I had left for her and the children to live on. Mom and her loveman to the children often did to their fate, not fed and for them watake cared by strangers from Labardžiai with a dubious reputation. Recently /July 24/ I was convinced of this myself.  My neighbor A. Pečiulis  told me about hungry babies abandoned to their fate. Together with him we  of morning visited the apartment of the loveman, the children's mother. The door was unlocked, and only the babies were home: they were both crying because they were hungry. Took the children to his place. fed them and changed their diapers. The mother remembered about the children and came to pick them up only at about seven in the evening. Although bothout of them left with their lover the bus stop in the village of Labardziai  (I have a witness) early in the morning - around eight o'clock. Right, she only took son. Where her daughter was she didn't even ask. Caring for the son was also short-lived. Early the next morning she left her son with a neighbor and left for Klaipeda with her new boyfriend. They returned from there only two days later, on Sunday evening, - the excerpt from the divorce application of K. Korenevskis (August 1, 2008).

The publication in the press prompted me to contact... the press.

K. Korenevskis reported to the Rietavas police and the Rietavas Children's Rights Protection Service about the abandonment of minor children without supervision. Officials visited Labardjiai only on August 3. According to them, the woman was sober that day, the house was in order, and the children were under supervision. Such information was provided to everyone who had access to the police report of the incident. Administration of self-goverment of Rietavas in face mayor of Rietavas Antanas Cerneckis coment this incindent so: "Apparently, there are some disagreements between the husband and wife in the family, and the children have become a kind of scapegoat the conflict.'  One of the newspapers in Plunge district immediately picked up this news and interpreted it in its own way for its readers: 'This brief description of the Korenevskiy family'. This encouraged the man defend interests and honor his and of his children. Moreover, it prompted him to do it publicly. Therefore, on August 6, he again contacted the Child Protection Service. This time he submitted a written statement to this institution regarding the social risk for chilren fom self exwife and her boyfrends. And so that all this does not remain a secret and does not lie in the drawer of the office of the childrev and social services of the Rietavas Administration, K. Korenevsky himself decided to tell the public about incindents in a press. He brought to the editorial office a stack of official and unofficial letters, from which it is clear that the local government administration provoked the conflict and irresponsible behavior of him ex-wife, provoked it with promises of all sorts of material and financial benefits, privileges to his ex-wife and her naw husband and financed this. And along with this, the above-mentioned statement regarding the social risk of her ex-wife, her boyfriend and the administration of the Rietavas administration and its children's and social services of this administration.

The services of Rietavas self-goverment administration  does not allow to take care of their own children.

"My wife and I have not actually lived together for about 2.5 months. She and the children moved into her boyfriend's apartment, and after all the presure, persecution and deportations, I returned to my home. Since then I have not been able to see my children or take care of them because my ex-wife, her boyfriend, with halping from children's and social services, and the police of the Rietavas municipality do not allow me to do so. The apartment where children now live is no place for them. There their rights are constantly violated, as drinking, fighting and excessive smoking occur both day and night. Children intetest ignored, are hit, abused and throw left alone, poor nutrition and often they simply starve. My ex-wife and her boyfriend don't work anywhere and together with their punks drink away all my and budget money from support of childs. With the money received, they buy (or borrow) alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and snacks from the store, but nothing take for children. Due to malnutrition, my daughter is very pale, so I am afraid that as a result of the irresponsible aggression of the Rietavas local government and them promotion of permissiveness towards me and the children of my ex-wife and her new husband, she may develop anemia. She develops serious illnesses - rickets, and other consequences of malnutrition and malcare. In the future, the girl may become disabled, as both her mother and her new husband often hit her on the head. Right, after clarifying relations with local authorities for this incindent, the situation improved slightly, but only temporarily. After everything calmed down, everything returned to its place, but it became difficult for me to see my children, since the Service for the Protection of Children's Rights and Social Welfare of the Population of the Rietava District recognized not my ex-wife and her new husband, but me and the children as an asocial family. No matter how much you feed a wolf, it will still look into the forest - this is how the administration of Retavas operates - frauders, thieves, robbers, rapists and this is innate. And this incident not exeption. The Children for them are only a source of income, moreover, pledges of open extortion with the aim of annexing my sources of income, material&financial resources, real estate. My ex-wife, her now naw husband together with the Rietavas municipal administration, hopes that after my visa expires, I will be deported from Lithuania, and they will be able to make a business with my and of property of my family , including the brick residential building in Labardzai. With the money realized from the deal with the representative from Antanas Cerneckis, my ex-wife together with her new husband are planning to return alleged debt of his- somewhere around fifteen thousand litas.  So here Antanas Chernetskis appreciated her services for appropriating my property to him and his family for further resale. But, I think that this will not be her income, since the money goes to her new husband, and the children, as a result of these cunning interventions, will end up in an orphanage, and then on the street or beyond! Because everyone here, the administration, public and official persons, and employees of the Rietava self-government bodies, want to get rich on the tears of my children. Therefore, I ask that my ex-wife be deprived of maternal rights, since she is not worth the risk that her actions can bring to the children. That's why I, as a father, want to raise these children on my own.' - K.Korenevkis says.

*2008.09.08 - Testament.

Constantine is supported by los as one hunder inhabitants of Labardziai village.

In the same statement, K. Korenevskis mentions that the residents of the village of Labardziai are better informed about what is happening in the village than the Lithuanian authorities. Therefore, they understand him better as a father and support him. To prove this, the man took the initiative and collected 100 signatures from adult residents of village of Labardziai.

*2008.07.29 - Statement to the President of Lithuania

The application with these signatures was sent to the Plungė District Court on the 29th. In it, K. Korenevsky is presented as a representative of the German-Polish ethnic group, speaking Russian, English and Lithuanian. His grandmothers were deported from East Prussia to Siberia, Krasnoyarsk region, by Lithuanian Soviet activists in 1944. from there in 1956 year  them as prisoners of war of Germani hahded GDR in from Germany all family emigrated in US. from there in 1956 year  them as prisoners of war of Germani hahded GDR in from Germany all family emigrated in US. There he grew up, finished school and received first university education. The man arrived in Lithuania in 1992 on official business. 

*2003.02.05 - Land ownership from 1992.

Helping economic of Lithuania, he invested more than 80,000 (eight thousand euros) in independent Lithuania. He  have here a documents to prove it.
In the Rietavas municipality, Labardžiai village, he have a plot of land, a garden house, a car, a personal business, Lithuania social savings insuranse, and my work seniority and of Lithuanian and from US. Therefore, he asks to be allowed to continue to live, work and raise his children here.
"I now have a Schengen visa valid until October 17 this year. Therefore, I request that my application for a residence permit in Lithuania be processed by that date. I do not have Russian citizenship and Lithuanian citizenship is also not need, but this is not a reason for pressure, persecution, extortion, violence against me and this children. Therefore, I ask you to allow me to live, work and raise these children as simple, decent, free people in a democratic EU region, the Lithuania. Please do not violate my rights to raise and educate my children. What is important is not the name of the country, not the heraldic emblem, and not even the flag, these are just symbols of the social structure - here we are talking about the social public system - another question is what it is and whether it contributes to the development of the region, science, economics, technology, social mutual relations. I am against the manipulation of symbols of public opinion for propaganda - meanness, baseness, criminal morality as conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior for obtaining benefits, privileges at the expense of the misfortunes of other people. A last shirt without pockets, and my ex-wife is a degraded woman and she needs to taken care , but since all the repressions, persecution, pressure, violence from the state and officials of the self-governing Republic of Lithuania towards me made her a whore and an alcoholic, then the children will also suffer from this, and these children will be the same as her, if she will be raise them. And this the residents of the village of Labardzhiy understand, for this support my and support me' - This is what the property of  Russian from Labardzyai writes in his statement.

'She sold and drank everything.'

K. Korenevskis has a written explanation from his ex-wife, in which she claims that she “has another husband, has no claims for material or moral damages and will not have them /therefore, she does not haved and has not will had a joint household with K. Korenevskis/.”

 The ex-wife lives not far away, nearby - maybe three hundred meters away: from the courtyard of K. Korenevskiy's house, not only the door is clearly visible, but also the windows of the apartment where the ex-wife, her new husband and children live.
 Even before the owner returned home due to persecution, expulsions in Russia by the Rietava municipality and the police, say K. Korenevsky and his friend Algis, ex-wife and new husband took everything they could from the house: laptop, iPhones, new Japanese scooter, household appliances and much more. The Rietava police no way do not react to this. This is not the first time that the Rietava police have support out criminal activities against persons undesirable to the local municipal administration. They wanted to sell and the car... 'Fortunately, Konstantinas has excellent recommendations in Labardziai. Almost everyone here supports him. Therefore, Constantine and I managed to return some of the things sold  his ex-wife - we bought them from people for the same money that one it to sold. We were unable to stop the sale of scooters in Plungė for 600 litas and new phones for 20–30 litas each in time,' says Algis Pečulis.
 K. Korenevsky explains that due to the irresponsible behavior of his ex-wife, and he, and children suffered much greater losses than stated in the statement of claim filed in court.  When we still lived as one family, I gave the defendant 500 litas to buy firewood for the winter, based on the common interests of her, the children and me. We do not receive compensation for heating, like other people, residents of the Rietavas municipality. When she wentleft to her new husband, she gave him half of the firewood from us, to demonstrate her loyalty. However, it later emerged that the manufacturer had not received payment. My wife took another 800 litas from relatives who sold us the car. But I have no complaints about this - let it be the cost from me to children. The same woman, who was his wife, also sold of the baby boy crib and children's toys of own children. Thanks to my ex-wife's relative, she returned a piece of children's furniture to me. In addition, she told me that my ex-wife and her husband are waiting for my deportation, promised by Antanas Cernecky, in order to seize the house and, together with the child welfare service and the social service, falsify documents for the house and land, sell them, and pay Antanas Cernecky and Vytavtas Diciunas (the mayer and director of the Rietavas municipality) for the services rendered in appropriating my and the children's property. The rest them planned to pay off the debts of her new husband. While I was arrested and deported for personal case Antanas Cernecki's and Klaipeda police commisariat for illegal stay in Lithuania, Algis Peciulis was pay for milk to a woman from the village for the children. Algis Peciulis paid off the past debt of my wife and her new husband for milk, and all time continued to pay money for the future. A few days after Algis paid debt of the ex-wife and her new husband,  they went to this woman and, threatening to commit violence/pressing against her from publik and legal, official persons of local self-government of Rietavas, took away some of the money he had paid for the milk ahead, and all away did drank.' - writes in a statement of claim to the court K. Korenevskiy.

 It's clear what: they have different views.

 When we spoke with K. Korenevsky /von Constantine from the Root Hut of Kronenzhutt/, he was not too categorical or hostile towards his ex-wife. He understood that the greater part of everything that had happened and the planned crimes against him and the children was and will consiquations moral, financial, material, and forceful pressure from the Rietavas municipal administration, such the employees of both the children's and social services of Rietavas, as well as the police, prosecutor's office, judicial and state security bodies of the Republic of Lithuania, who  trying to pleased this administration of Antanas Cerneckyy. The man continued to shrug his shoulders, not understanding how women could behave like that, especially mothers - responsible social workers, children's services workers, police officers, prosecutors and judges. Others a word, today the law enforcement agencies, the justice system began to perform repressive functions of organized criminal group terrorizing residents of the Retava municipality and the entire Lithuanian region, that is, it became a power agency of criminals advancing their interests through lies, fraud and terror. 'My understanding of family is different. I believe that children cannot be a source of any material, financial benefits or privileges. You can't have children just to have something to eat and drink, or for other will haved material well. They also cannot be used to terrorize parents to obtain material privileges or any material benefit by public and official persons, as well as their representatives and persons close to them. This is que of moral and law of a socety. On the contrary, one must will haved children with the purpose to living for them, living with their interests, future, and not for oneself, and society, through its moral and legal principles, must support this. Therefore, it is difficult for me to understand the moral and legal norms of a society where a mother leaves her children in the care of anyone and at any time, without leaving any diapers or food, and the child protection and social services of the local government of Rietavas support this. What should a hired nanny do if the mother does not return on time? And father and close to persons of children, due to far-fetched, fictitious reasons that do not correspond to either realibe, or biblical morality, or legal norms, was deported or repressed. How can the person, invalid take care of these children if he dont can care for self ? All this and much more is incomprehensible to me.' - spoke calmly Constantine.

 On the other hand, he does not hide that earlier, when there was only a daughter in the family, the situation was similar - deportations, moral and financial pressure from the Ritavos local government administration, a wife who "forgot" about her family responsibilities and child. Therefore, the brother and daughter often had to go to work: seven kilometers from the village to Rietavas need on foot, and from there to Klaipeda - with take a auto colleague. The same such journey awaited them back goto home. But this man did not complain then, and he does not complain now. He convinced that such walks were be good for him and his daughter: so they spent more time together in the fresh air, it brought them closer together. That is why Konstantin is confident that even now he whith the children can cope with all of life’s difficulties together. He doesn't want to hear anything about his ex-wife, from whom he is still de facto not divorced by court order. They know that this person will return - but in the family will never accept such a person for any amount of money, it can only be a business relationship up to the first crossroads. 

 And she will leave again, for the same reasons, it is only a matter of time. But she will give her new owners everything that her ex-husband buys for the well-being of the whole family (including these two children) and will try to cause both the children and Constantine as much harm as possible. Such agreements she have and will haved with the local or self-government of Rietavas, with its administration, public and official persons of criminal structure of mayer of Rietavas self-goverment of Antanas Chernetskyy /Antanas Černėtskis/. 'In the end, she did not just deceive and betrayed only me, by doing so, she cheated, betrayed her children in benefit  the self-government administration of Rietavas and self new husband. She does not understand that her current partner is not interested in her, this is simply a deal with officials of the Rietava local government to advance the personal interests of Antanas Cherneckyy /Antanas Černėtskyis/ in seizing, aproprief the property, income, and merits belonging to me and my family. Much more, her new husband, the officials of the Rietavas self-government, Antanajus Černeckis himself, directorate self-govermenf of Rietavas of Vitautas Dichiunas are not interested in her minor children. For them, they are only a source of income, hostages and a subject for financial, material, moral, physical pressure on me and my family. In the end, all these people have their own company, a couple, children, but they do not think about their honor, consience  but only about the  interests of obtaining material benefits from the trouble, evil for me, these children and my family. So are they really interested in these children? Are they really interested in the well-being of these children at the expense of distributing benefits and concerns from their own self-sacrifice of life time, resources, privileges? I don't think so. I think that my ex-wife, her new husband, and the officials of Rietavas, Antanas Cherneckyy /Atanas Černeckis/, and Vitautas Dichiunas /Vytautas Dičiūnas/ are only concerned about their own well-being at the expense of me, my family, and these little children. And if this interest is not realized or will be satisfied, they will join forces to throw my ex-wife and children out on the street. I can't allow this. So I will definitely find a way to take care of them, but this is not a my personal relationship with my ex-wife, this is just a human relationship with the mother of these children.' - explains his position for this incindent K. Korenevskis.

Opinion from the outside.

 As we have already mentioned, on August 1, K. Korenevskis filed a divorce application with the Plunge District Court. In addition, the man filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office about his unwillingness to cooperate with him the  Child Rights Protection Service Rietavas in interest children. 
 Aiste Kuzminskyte, the specialist at the Child Rights Protection Service, claims that by acting in this way, K. Korenevsky not only proved that he was wrong, but also broke the law – he gave false testimony. 'This family was recently included in the list of families at social risk. Until the court decides where the children will live (which will be done during the same trial, when the family is separated), we cannot say anything specific. One thing is known: the biggest problem in this family is drug addiction. On the other hand, it is very unpleasant that parents, while solving personal problems and conflicts between themselves, try to manipulate minors and children. When assessing living conditions, it is also difficult to clearly determine the place of residence of children. At present, the mother and children live with another man in a two-room apartment, and we help them, and K. Korenevsky, who complains and actively demands parental care, lives in his own unfinished house. Therefore, the court should decide with whom and in what place it is better and safer for children to live,' - A. Kuzminskyte is convinced.

 However, it should be noted that we to was examined this term “family included in the list of families at social risk” mentioned by A. Kuzminskyte. The editorial team was assisted in this by Virginija Norveliene, a social worker appointed by the Child Protection Service.  It turns out that 'Family' this is 'Cohabitants' with whom the children are currently living. And inclusion in the 'list of families at risk' in this case occurred precisely at the request of K. Korenevsky himself. The family was blacklisted on the same day, August 6, when the father of the minors filed a complaint with the Retavas Child Protection Service.
 But K. Korenevsky says that he did not make such a request; moreover, at that time his ex-wife was living with a new man, Gedrius Pundinas, and the children were with them. Second, K. Korenevsky does not have an alcohol or drug addiction; no one has ever seen him under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Then why do his ex-wife Grazina Korenevskiene and her new husband Giedrius Pundinas suffer from alcohol addiction, officially the children currently live with them and this to aboad initiative the Child Protection Service and personal Virginija Norveliene - but not they, is on the blacklist K. Korenevsky with children? 
 Yes, K. Korenevsky was subjected to violence by the Rietav police commissioner: financical, material, fizine ptessing yes, K. Korenevsky was subjected to unjustified forced deportation more than once, yes, K. Korenevsky did not receive any benefits for himself or his children, including compensation for heating - but is this a reason to include him and his children in the "list of families at social risk"?

The mayor of the Rietavas municipality came to our aid.

This article was prepared for publication a week ago. However, it was not published for an obvious reason: the other side of the conflict – K. Korenevsky’s ex-wife Grazhina and her new husband – were not listene. We knocked on her door probably five times. But either they did not open, or they were opened by a drunken a neighbor who care with son of the parents and was also included in the list of social risk groups.
Social worker V. Norviliene assures that she wants to establish warm relations with this foster family for the children. Social worker V. Norviliene assures that she wants to establish warm relations with this foster family for the children, so she is not taking  risks: she does not give consent for us to communicate with this family of the former woman K. Korenevsky and her new husband and does not have their phone numbers. That same day, the door was opened by Virginija Norveliene's friend, Audrone Celediniene - the phone numbers of this new family home for the children /their mother and their new husband/ are unknown. Incidentally, the condition the nanny of Virginija Norviliene raised suspicions as to whether she was drunk? Social worker Virginia Norveliene answered this question - when a neighbor or other boyfriends, mothers of children, take care of these young children, Virginia Norveliene buys them beer!
In other words, during the interview it was revealed that Virginia Norvilienė, in agreement with the administration of Antanas Černeckis and personally the director of this administration Vytautas Dičiūnas, fraudulently purchases alcoholic beverages from the budget funds of the Rietavas local government, including and from children subsidies to finance the obviously illegal criminal activities of this administration. Thus, the Child Rights Protection Service, the Social Service of the Rietavas Municipality of the Republic of Lithuania does not ensure the safety and social, financial, legal, physical protection of these children, but on the contrary contributes to causing them harm fraudulently by means of financing and promoting socially dangerous public relations.
However, neither Virginija Norveliene nor the Child Protection Service doubt the correctness of their conclusions, decisions, actions and behaviour. However, when they saw K. Korenevsky, together with his daughter, drivers to Rietavas for food, they immediately contacted the local police department with a request to forcibly take the child away from him. Social workers and the Rietavas District Children's Rights Protection Service are convinced that K. Korenevsky thus violated the requirements of the migration group of the Rietovas District Police Commissariat, traveled with the girl by car and was not at his place of residence, as prescribed by Senior specialist Genovaite Rimutiene of the migration service  of the Rietavas District Police Commissariat.
The question arises as to who takes better care of children and provides them with protection: ex-wife with her new husband and with the help and services of the district child protection service and the social support service of Lithuania, which to mired  in debauchery, permissiveness and hopeless drunkenness, a fun and corruption including the mayor and his board of directors or the non-drinking, independent and responsible K. Korenevskiy? We such asked this question to V. Norveliene. She seems to be adamant that children are better off growing up unsupervised or under the supervision of a drunk, insane adult. Therefore, that same evening she came to K. Korenevsky’s house with employees of the Retava District Children’s Rights Protection Service to pick up her daughter and hand her over to the care of her mother and his husband.

  As far as we know, Constantine refused to satisfy their demands. The police commissioner of Rietavas /the only one who could reduce the problem and resort to forceful methods/ said that in the coming days he would be so busy that he would not have time to take us to the scene of the incident in Labardziai.

Seeing that the situation for us, journalists, is becoming increasingly unbearable /we cannot meet with K. Korenevskiy's ex-wife and her new husband/, we turned for help to the mayor of Rietavas, who is the organizer of all this vachanalia eviling, Antanas Cerneckis. Realizing the consequences for him and his immediate circle if all these actions and  his participation in obviously criminal activity were made public, he immediately organized a meeting in his office. The meeting was attended by the head of the Social Services Centre Danutė Stončuviene, her subordinate V. Norviliene and the specialist of the Child Rights Protection Service A. Kuzmenskyte.
To the mayor's question about the affairs: A. Kuzmenskite suggested that the children would grow up better with... mother and her new husband, because it is impossible to agree with K. Korenevskiy so that he would move out of the house and sell it for a small amount of money, and it will be very difficult to expel K. Korenevskiy with the children in his arms from Lithuania and take possession of his house, outbuildings, garden, land. Because, although Grazina Korenevskiene /ex-wife of Constantine/ i drinks, she gains sometimet sober from time to time, and it is generally impossible to talk to K. Korenevskiy because of his oddities and incomprehensible character. As a reason for handing over children to their mother, the specialist finds repair work at home, which is carried out by K. Korenevskiy and this may be concern for children health and even life: children can fall from the stairs, drown in the pool, etc.. /wonder why similar questions A.Kuzmenskyte do not arise to other people, families who are improving their home, apartment and raising children?/. By the way, she herself assured that K. Korenevskiy's appeal to the financial risk services to include the family on the risk list has no basis, K. Korenevskiy is not an alcoholic, does not use drugs and did not make such a questions regarding himself and his children - this was done before K. Korenevskiy returned from another deportation, which neither the Migration Service, nor the Child Rights Protection Service, nor the Social Service had counted on. And again a lie: all the services of the Retava local government, including public and official persons of the administration of this local government, shamelessly lie and fraude! Social worker Virginia Norvelene claims that she has been looking after this family since August 6 /it is not clear fo who, what family/, and what tellking of from the Child Protection Services? A. Kuzmenskite also raised the issue of the mental state of “K. Korenevskiy’s guard” Algis Pečiulius and expressed doubts regarding the legality of the public letter in support of K. Korenevskiy - 'K. Korenevskiy's statement was signed by people who do not know either him or his ex-wife, since they live on the other side of the village and can only judge the problems of this family by hearsay. And K. Korenevskiy is wrong, because he took his daughter without asking either the mother or her new husband - “he attacked and took her.” Therefore, these people are forced to live behind closed doors and not let anyone in /This was probably the hint as to why journalists were not allowed through the door/.' Mayor Antanas Cerneckis asked the specialist of the Children's Rights Protection Service, A. Kuzmenskyte, to accompany the author of these lines to Labardžiai and help her meet with his ex-wife of K. Korenevskiy, and her new husband. By the way, at this meeting we were immediately informed that both the children’s mother and her new husband would be at home and were prepared to meet with journalists /how do we understand “they will be ready and will be waiting”?/, but only befor noon! Arrived in Labardzai. And indeed, we found the door completely open: the baby’s mother claimed that they had just woken up /although she smelled of alcohol/, her new husband /was quite drunk/ and demanded to pick up the girl away from K. Korenevskiy. The children's mother herself, by the way, immediately and categorically refused to talk to the journalist, stating that she did not want to answer any questions, and advised us to contact the organizers of the pressure on K. Korenevskiy, Antanas Chernetskis and Vytautas Diciunas. Mother childrens assured us that she and her husband Gedrius Pundinas didn’t drink either yesterday or today. At the same time, the family /Grazina Korenevskiene and her new husband Giedrius Pundinas/ agreed to meet in Garzdai with relatives Genovaite Rimutene /Genovaite Rimutene - the Senior specialist of the migration group of the Rietavas police commissionerate/ on a mobile phone. This afternoon they are going to draiving to the birthday of the grandmother of her husband Giedrius Pundinas, who lives there, and ask her to accept them to stay with them for a while - Because the couple was “fucking sick it” by frequent visits from representatives of various government agencies to their homes. Moreover, according to the head of the family himself,  because his does not work  that  anywhere and grandmother is his source of incomes. And Tomorrow, Thursday, August 21, K. Korenevskiy's ex-wife confirmed that she will contact a lawyer in Rietavas to discuss the divorce and the lawsuit filed by her ex-husband. Then the same social worker Virginia Norvelene again graundlessly report to us,  informing us that K. Korenevskiy intends to take his daughter to Germany. For some reason, the woman's husband, Gedrius Pundinas especially felt to unfair disatvanted after his child was taken away, his source of new inspiration and income for alhogolism: 'I give you three days. If K. Korenevskiy doesn't give us the girl, I'll rip his head off myself, I'll hold a trial here'. A specialist from the Child Protection Service tried to calm his passions. She said that the court would decide everything and determine the children’s place of residence. In the meantime, she invites them to her offis and will help the children’s mother and the new parent prepare documents for the court.

And the epilogue: three months with children in the hospital without any financial or material support from the Child Protection Service, the Social Service, the the Self-Goverment Administration of Rietavas of Republic of Lithuania and personally Antanas Černeckis and Vytautas Dičiūnas. Their influence, control over the courts, legal bodies, justice and others, will ultimately contribute to the advancement of their criminal activities and will lead to legalization and, as a consequence, to larger-scale, brazen, mass crimes.

The photo report for the article “new parents of the children fight, buy and sell children for beer and cigarettes” - Plunge News, 2008. August 22.

You may be interested in other criminal acts of the Republic of Lithuania from name EU related to this case:
1. 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3;
 2. Oct 20, 2013 - How does the Children's Rights Service of the Rietavas self government regulate communication between relatives
 3. Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
 4. Appropriation my movable and immovable property on the territory Lithuania, EU. 

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