

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Genealogy of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania.

  English / Original Text, annotations

 In the year 6830 (1322), one certain prince named Vityanets, from the line of Smolensk princes, captured by the godless Batu, escaped from captivity and settled in the Samogitian land at one beekeeper.

 And after die he, his wife took as her cohabitant him slave, a hostler's named Gedmenik.

 And she gave birth to seven sons from him: the first - Narimantik, the second - Evnutik, the third - Olgerdik, the fourth - Keistutik, the fifth - Skirigailik, the sixth - Koriadik, the seventh - Mantonik.

 In the year 6825 (1317), the Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich and the Tver prince Mikhail Yaroslavich went to the Horde to sort out a dispute over the great reign of Vladimir and the Tver prince Mikhail Yaroslavich was killed in the Horde.

 Wher Prince Yuri Danilovich came from the Horde, having received the great reign, he seeing many cities deserted and the small number of people, he was overcome with sadness. After the murder of Prince Mikhail of Chernigov, the Ishmaelites scattered throughout the Russian land, like a flock of birds and robing it. And, to a Christian's - some were killed with swords, others were taken captive, and those who survived were dying of want and hunger. Here such a disaster befell Rus' because of sins Rus' peopls.
 Then The Great Duke began to send his people to cities and villages to gather the surviving people. He also sent, and Gedimenik to the Wallachian and Kievan lands and on this side of Minsk to restore order in the captured cities and villages and to collect royal tribute from the surviving inhabitants. And with him he sent a certain glorious man named Boreik and many others. This same Hedeminek ot name from the Grand Duke began to collect tribute from people for himself and to search for hidden greatly enriched. He also recruited many people into the own troops, generously gave them everything they needed, and began to own a lot of land. He also recruited many people into the own troops, generously gave them everything they needed, and began to own a lot of land. And his people began to call him the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas the First without the consent of the Grand Dukes Prusian&Norway Kingdom in Russiadom, Chtistian Charch and at their own discretion. In the same year, Gediminas I, the self-proclaimed Grand Duke of Lithuania, went, but to in the Bible Land. After him, his eldest son Narimant sat on the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. And he had a battle with the guny, and he was captured by them. At that time, the Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich was arrive to the Horde, and the Grand Duke bought Narimanta from the Tatars and sent him to Lithuania. He, Narimant, according to the vow given to Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich, before reaching own patrimony, was baptized, and was named Gleb in holy baptism. Because of this, his brothers ignored him. His brothers removed him from the inheritance privileges and his brother Olgerd took over the duchy, and Narimant, his brother, went to Veliky Novgorod, while Evnut settled where Vilna is now, and Skirigailo and his brother Keistut settled at lake twenty versts from Vilna. And Skirigailo rose up against his brother Keistut and killed him. Keistut's son Vitovt fled to the Prussia and, having gathered many friends there, came from there and killed his uncle Skirigailo and his two sons. He settled in the place of his father and his uncle, and called this place "Trokai", and made an alliance with his uncle Olgerd. This Olgerd did not drink wine and was endowed with intelligence,  power and possessed power.

 In the year 6858 (1350), the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd were sented his ambassadors to the Grand Duke Semyon Ivanovich in Moscow with many gifts, asking for peace and life for own, his brothers. Grand Duke Semyon honored Olgerd with peace and sent him brothers , Coriad and others, to him. And again Olgerd sent an embassy to the Grand Duke Semyon Ivanovich, asking for sister-in-law, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Alexander Mikhailovich, to marry him.

 And the Grand Prince Semyon, with the blessing of his spiritual father Feognost, Metropolitan of all Rus' and the Roman Christian Church, gave him his relative, the Grand Duchess Ulyana. And seven  desedents were born from her: the first - Andrei Polotsky, the second - Vladimir Belsky, the third - Ivan Ostrozhsky, the fourth - Yakov, the fifth - Lugveny Volynsky, the sixth - Vasily Chertorizhsky, the seventh - Olelko Kyiv, and Olgerd then received the official title of Count.

 After a considerable time, Prince Olgerd fell into a serious illness, and he began to distribute lands among his sons: he loved his son Jacob more than anyone else and gave him the principaliting of the city of Vilnius, and he established appanages for the rest of his sons. The faithful Grand Duchess Ulyana, seeing her husband Olgerd at his last breath and concerned about his salvation, called her sons and summoned her spiritual father, the Archimandrite of the Caves. And she persuaded her husband with good advice to renounce eritics cults and, with God's help, to accept Holy Baptism. And he was called Alexander what as rank of Legendary Pruss Kingdom and first Roma Emperor in holy baptism. After this hi accepted  the great monastic rank and was adorned with the holy schema - the great angelic image and instead of Alexander he was called Alexei; after a few days he died, and his body was buried in Vilna, in the Church of the Holy Mother of God, which he himself had built. After hi die, his wife, the faithful princess Ulyana, having lived for a short time, passed away, and her body was buried in the same church.

 Yakov, the son of Olgerd, fell into the great heresy - he became Jagiello, and from the dynasty guny of the Grand Duke of Lithuania, and he was an advisor and friend of Mamai, who was defeated beyond the Don by the faithful Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich. And Vitovt Kestutovich did  made an alliance with Jagiello. After this Jagiello was called to Krakow, and he was crowned in Krakow as the Polish King, and in Vilnius he installed his brother Vitovt.

 Thus the Lithuanian tribes became slaves  of slaves, and from oficial of kingsdomranges table befor today do so are. This is what is known about them.

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