Sunday, April 15, 2012

Apr 15, 2012 - Lithuanian of Republic as and The Metropolitanate of the Lithuanian Catholic Church is project JSC The Russian Orthodox Church - RCC limited Soviet Lithuania.

  The task of the church is to educate society with the moral and legal norms of The Bible... The Bible is the scientific work of research on the cause-and-effect relationships of persons behaviors, desirs, actions and their consequences... people should know that not all of their requests to God are legal and many that conflict with Biblical Morality will have negative consequences... here the God will satisfy all requests, but is not responsible for the consequences of getting what you want !


The 1926 Lithuanian coup d'état (Lithuanian: 1926-ųjų perversmas) was a military coup d'état in Lithuania that replaced the democratically elected government with a nationalist regime led by Antanas Smetona

Original plot the Lithuanian History 

 The Metropolitanate of the Lithuanian Catholic Church was founded in 1926 (Church Province of Lithuania). Since 1991, there have been 2 metropolitanates - Kaunas (Kaunas Ecclesiastical Province) and Vilnius (Vilnius Ecclesiastical Province).

 During the establishment of the national, socialist regime and the Soviet occupation of all religious technologies in Lithuania, as in the entire Soviet Union, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism and Orthodoxy were supervised by the provincial clerical commissions ChKa, the all-judgmental clerical commissions NKVD USSR and the state security committee KGB USSR.

 In 1991 and later in 1997, the renovations did not affect the hierarchical structure and general subardination.  The gray coordinator of the Lithuanian Catholic Church, which includes both ideology and Islam, and Buddhism, and even the Christians as Ortodox, such Catolic, is comrade Bishop of Vilnius and Lithuania - Vasiliev Valery Fedorovich.

 This is Russian Orthodox Church.

 Others words the Vilnius and Lithuanian Diocese is a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, which includes the structures of the Moscow Patriarchate on the territory of the modern Republic of Lithuania with its center in Vilnius.

 Biografia of Vasiliev Valery Fedorovich:
Born on October 9, 1947 in Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region, into a family of an employee.
After graduating from high school in 1966, he served in the Soviet Army. In 1969, he entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, after graduating from which, since 1975, he worked in various organizations (KGB).
In May 1981, he was ordained a deacon, and in August, a priest.
 From November 1981, he served in the Nikolaevsky Church in the village of Mikhailovka, Zheleznodorozhny District, Kursk Region, from May 1982 to March 1985, he worked in the Kursk diocesan administration as the head of the chancery, then as the secretary of the diocese.  In 1985 he joined the clergy of the Irkutsk diocese and served in the Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Irkutsk. From December 1985 he was a cleric, and from February 1986 he was the rector of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Khabarovsk, and simultaneously served as the dean of the Khabarovsk district. From 1988 he was the rector of the Resurrection Church in Chita and the dean of the Chita district. In 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary in absentia. From October 1990 he was the acting secretary of the board, and from March 19, 1991 he was the acting inspector of the Odessa Theological Seminary.

 The Church in the USSR was under intense surveillance by the secret services.
Konstantin Kharchev, Chairman of the Council for Religious Affairs of the USSR (1984-1989), later explained: 'No candidate for the post of bishop or other high office, whether a member of the Holy Synod, received it without the approval of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB.'
Professor Nathaniel Davis points out the following: 'If the bishops wanted to protect their people and retain their positions, they had to cooperate to some extent with the KGB, with the commissars of the Council for Religious Affairs, and with other party and government authorities.'
Patriarch Alexy II admitted that the bishops made compromises with the Soviet government, including himself, and publicly repented of in what he did had make.

 On January 15, 1992, he was tonsured a monk in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius.
 On January 19, 1992, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.
 On January 26, 1992, he was consecrated as Bishop of Khabarovsk and Blagoveshchensk.
 On July 18, 1995, he was appointed Bishop of Dmitrov, Vicar of the Moscow Diocese, and Deputy Chairman of the DECR.
 From October 11, 1996 - Bishop of Chita and Transbaikal.
 On October 5, 1999, he was appointed Bishop of Korsun.
 On February 25, 2002, he was elevated to the rank of Archbishop.

 The Presidents of the Russian Federation V. Putin and D. Medvedev repeatedly emphasized the special role of the Church as the largest and most authoritative public institution in Russia...

 Russian Orthodox Church - JSC 'ROC' - ЗАО "РПЦ"

 Activities of JSC -'ROC':

- Against individual rights:
It consists of attempts to impose a peculiarly understood morality, morally pravovye normy with the help of state power structures, the education system, and other means of spiritual and not only spiritual violence. Here everything from a sexual intercourse to a cookings. What business do have priests, who fucks whom and how and what substances they use, and why people cannot figure things out without priests, is unclear. An example of imposition are the edits of the Orthodox  this article, made with unprecedented idiocy and the dull persistence of cattle fanaticism. It would seem that there are plenty of resources where they can express their point of view and write whatever they want (non-Orthodox points of view on such sites are cut out immediately). No, they come here to insert their comments into the text of content that is clearly unfriendly to them.  And all this is because the PGMs in a dispute, due to the limitations of their mental abilities, are not adequate.
- Against public health:
A clear example of the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on health is observed in the Vilnius region. For those who do not know, this region is ahead of all of Europe in introducing the 'Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics' in schools, which were introduced there back in 2002 to replace 'a Satanic' principles of family planning. The results were not long in coming: over the past seven years, the number of schoolchildren with venereal diseases has increased 14 times.
In addition, priests sell for money 'holy water' that causes intestinal infections.
'In the Ursuline monastery there is a bottle with the milk of the Virgin Mary, which she allegedly gave to Christ to drink, and in the orphanage near Beneshoz they brought Lourdes water, and these orphans got such diarrhea from it, the likes of which the world had never seen.' — Yaroslav Hasek.
 In principle, the Russian Orthodox Church has a pretty good theoretical basis for this in the BDSM style:
 The Lord often sends us temporary illnesses in this life so as not to punish us for our sins with eternal torment, and in the slow (and sometimes fast and strong) fire of these illnesses, sins burn away if we patiently endure suffering, turn to God and ask him for forgiveness... In order to save us from sins, the Lord sends us a cross - illness, suffering, death of loved ones.
So the more illnesses - the stronger The Faith.

- anti-educational activity:
Schools are cutting back on physics and chemistry to reduce the load on the brain, and with the other hand, religion is being introduced. Lithuanian Charch does not need educated people, Lithuanian Charch needs parishioners. The needs of self Lithuania and the EU are not taken into account. And what needs could a banana republic have? The only thing that the Lithuanian metropolitanate has really achieved in the field of education is that everyone understands that changing the school curriculum is a real opportunity to get a good drink of European dotaciy.

- National projects:
With remarkable persistence, Lithuanian Charch proclaims itself the guardian of the spiritual traditions of the Lithuanian people, which is extremely true if we follow the definition of the 'Russian people' given in the textbook by A. I. Borodina: 'Russian' means 'Jew', 'Catholic of Lithuania' means 'Soviet Jew'. In this case, the logic is impeccable.
In fairness, it should be noted that in the treaties of Prince Igor with the Greeks in the 10th century there is a direct opposition: 'Rusyn or Christian'. However, given the flexibility of the PR strategy, it becomes clear that the Lithuanian Charch is of little interest in the national and political composition of the parishes and clergy - money does not stink; and the game on nationalism is just a game.
Throughout the history of Rusian Imper as and Lithuanian Republic, The Lithuanian Ortodox Catholic Charch / Russian Orthodox Church has been under the power of the Varangian baptizers, the Guns, and the Soviet and German Nazis, today JSC 'ROC' wich furers V.Putin, pravoslavnym ateistom A.Lukashenko i iudeem V.Lansberges.

 Cultural activities:
 Theatrical production of Pushkin's "The Tale of the Priest" is not approved by filial JSC 'ROC' of Lithuanian Charch for the same reason that rabbis do not donate money for the production of "Shylock", and muftis do not agree to the publication of O. Fallaci's "Wrath and Pride" with the note "The choice of the council of muftis!" Lithuanian Charch cut out "The Tale of the Priest", "Shylock", and "Wrath and Pride".
But Lithuanian Charch is actively agitating and demands rights of monitor and censored - which it has been doing more and more often lately.
Among the obvious successes, one can note:
Lithuanian Charch censored 'the gospel of john', removing sedition and heresy from the dubbing version in Lithuanian language;
 Kaunas Ecclesiastical Province has banned the production of the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar". From time to time, Lithuanian Charch also organize shows for promotion Nacizm, Rossizm, Sionizm as like tipe Great Lithuania from Baltic befor Black Seas;
Lithuanian Charch closed the Museum of Normans. However, the museum is still open.
In addition to Oddin, Lithuanian Charch also looks askance at Sant Claus are all, no matter how you look at it, a pagan heritage. But the patented keeper of Lithuanian's traditions has banned the abominable burning of an effigy of winter on Maslenitsa;
 In light of these examples, statement "about the artificial escalation of contradictions between culture and Lithuanian Charch" looks especially vinrar.

 Getting the population drunk and smoking:
The Lithuanian Church takes an active part in the import and distribution of 'humanitarian aid' - commercial alcohol and tobacco, thereby financing the dictatorial rezimy of Russia and Belarus. Due to the absence of duties on the price, the cost of church booze and tobacco is slightly less than that of private sellers. Today, the Lithuanian Church is practically a monopolist in the commercial import of alcohol and tobacco products from Russia and Belarus, and the trade in these goods, so 'useful' to the health of the nation, is a serious source of its income.  Thus, in 2009, Lithuanian Charch represented the Orthodox laity of the Moscow diocese at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, which elected Metropolitan Kirill as Patriarch.

 The Metropolitanate of The Lithuanian Catholic Church is a brand of JSC "ROC" - KGB, NKVD, Cheka, and plus the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate, and in the case of Lithuania, legally operating throughout the European space and financed from the European budget ! Three million killed, tortured, deported residents of Lithuania, millions of broken lives, billions in losses for the Lithuanian and the EU economy!

 What is the Lithuanian Catholic Church ?

 The Metropolitanate of the Lithuanian Catholic Church is a solid, successful, well-established state corporation operating in the Soviet, and today The Exsoviet services market. Thanks to the consistently high quality of services, such its the ROC brand, centuries of experience and traditional high quality, the company continues to actively expand: thus, offices, branches and customer service points are currently developing in all regions countres of the Lithuania, Rossia, Belarusia and on all continents of the globe, including Antarctica. The first office was opened in 1925, at the same time a state contract was concluded for the perpetual provision of services.
 The Metropolitanate of the Lithuanian Catholic Church of ZAO ROC, its a recognized leader in the development and implementation of complex methods of work with the population, adheres to an original PR strategy, an example of which is the fruitful cooperation with ZAO Kremlin. 100% of the authorized capital is owned by the Lord God, on whose behalf the chairman of the board of directors acts on this sinful earth. The charter of this state corporation consists of two world-famous mutually exclusive paragraphs - the so-called "old testament" and "new testament". Also, in the practice of the organization, various interpretations of the elders on the charter are often used to improve efficiency.
 Until December 2008, the joint-stock company JSC  was headed by Alexey Mikhailovich Ridiger, an experienced employee of the Critical State Security, a real leader who managed to bring the company to a qualitatively new level of development: at the moment, it acts as a state monopolist on Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam in all territories of the former Soviet countries. However, Alexey Mikhailovich was not only a true fan of his business, but also just a good person: thus, friends and comrades remember him from memory with an invariably warm, sincere feeling. Recently, Alexey Mikhailovich left for the Biblical land, and the Committee, after a competition, accepted a new chairman of the board: Vladimir "Kirill" Mikhailovich Gundyaev. Vladimir Mikhailovich is known as a specialist in effective management, who has proven himself in operations and smuggling into the European space in the field of tobacco reselling.

 How which it to fight...?

 The open struggle against the Metropolitanate of the Lithuanian Catholic Church of the Russian Orthodox Church has little prospects.

 The Authorities to  Metropolitanate of The Lithuanian Catholic Church of The Russian Orthodox Church provides all possible support (up to open donations in their favor from the state budget, including the Lithuanian one) to carry out tasks of national importance: raising a meek herbivorous population.

 Therefore, at present,  The Authorities to  Metropolitanate of The Lithuanian Catholic Church of The Russian Orthodox Church, with the help of controlled (including “narco-”) business and considerable real estate capital in the form of, has achieved absolute financial independence, so it absolutely doesn’t give a shitp at all.

 The Metropolitanate of the Lithuanian Catholic Church is an ideology of domination of the worst, the backward over the better and progressive by means of moral, material, financial and physical pressure. The Metropolitanate of the Lithuanian Catholic Church is the endowment of public and official persons with fictitious properties and qualities, the redistribution of property, income, rights and privileges in their favor. All this leads to the distortion of moral and legal norms with the consequences of the creation of cults, forceful control and tyranny!

 I think Lithuania needs modernization from 'the bottom up' for progressive social, scientific, technological and economic development - otherwise will be the end the banal catastrophe will up and this is not some distant future, it is real perspectiv today, with a time lag there no be more a Twenty / Thirty Years.

 Halt! The page is fenced off from RP zombies.
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