Monday, November 4, 2013

My thoughts - family, children, home, work

I have a complicated situation. The rest do not give a thought...
At the hands of two kids. Should look after them and send to school, and meet children at after school, plus son it only next year in school.

With time so...
little daughter to collect and send to school, school bus - 7-30. Before this time
I can not plan its time. Raise from bed, gather, feed.
If a boy in kindergarten it is 8-00 and Only, with my car.
Child from school must meet. Bus - 1-30. She can not cope with fireplace. With the heating furnace the same cannot cope. This theory, of money I do not have on furnace and for a small child all the same it is not safe. So at this time I need to be home.
By another not obtained.

 Let theoretically this problem I decided to. Theoretically, because with my children for free, no one will to mess. It's worth the money.

Now the boy....

Kindergarten terminates at 17-00. This means 17-00 I have pick up the baby.

Now let's see my ability to earn money.
Better to first consider, how much we need money. From the condition of minimum, I have already calculated the and described in his article - "Kek reike tureti min lesu, kaip progiventi menesi..". This is in Lithuanian. Translate to human language I do not want. Who are interested to translated by.

Comes out to about 911 litas general expenses. And to this must be added nutrition,
transportation costs, toiletries, necessary medical (antiseptic, patch, thermometer, financial resources in the event of illness and so on), the necessary means to maintain order in the room and so on.
It turns out that to live a month we should have 1,600 per month. It's about $ 600.

Nothing be done about it - Europe.

Now let's see our options...

Today we can only rely on child support payments, from the fund - 400 litas ($158.10). This is 130 ($51.38) litas for each counting with me and 200 litas ($79.05) not including me.
Lithuania considers self-sufficient LTL 350 ($138.33)per person excluding me. This means that if I earn 150 litas ($59.28) then we are not entitled to extra help.
I described the situation in bad Lithuanian here - "Sunku situacijos".

That means I have to earn not less than 1200 litov if I sit at home and not less than 2400 if working full-time. Just enough to live, inferior limit. Sitting with the kids, independently 1,200 litas I do not can earn. Could make the biggest but needs investment and time. Neither one nor the other I do not have.

Therefore we consider other options...

In Lithuania, I am a foreigner and have only a temporary residence permit. Therefore, I can only rely on unskilled, low paid wage labor. Such working in our village and the nearest city do not get enough money that would support themselves and their family. Them pay extra out of self-government, but I can not count on it. I still has a budget deficit from 350 LTL in a big way. The real deficit will be about 600 litas. Lacking half of our budget.

So it is necessary to look for work away. With the road, work in Klaipeda takes the time from 5-30 to 19-00. But is also no proposals for me  exceeding the required minimum. And so... and so....  need financial assistance, that us do not rely.

Need to look more than realistic options. The only thing I'm sure no quarter will be.
The best option for me own business in the nearest town. I'm important  children so that there they could wait for the end of my working day and together to return home.

I would learn to be a hairdresser and open some sort of small salon this would solve the problem. children after school could gather there and together we could go back home.
But this is just a dream .... not have the opportunity to learn.

If you can help me I can share his with you income. It's not a lot of money, but may...
Really need help. I do not have that kind of money ...

My requisites:

Vardas: konstantin korenevskiy
Šalis: lietuva
Adresas: labardziu km. rietavo sav., plunges raj.
Pašto indeksas: LT - 90308
Telefonas: (8-448) 59 979

RIB: AB SEB bankas, Gedimino pr, 12, LT-01103 Vilnius, Banko kodas 70440
IBAN: LT77044000227640642

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