

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Вдоль по Дону Батюшке. Стихи Виктора Попова. Казакам Кореневского Куреня посвящается.

Вдоль по Дону Батюшке скачут казаки
Стелются над травушкой кони даньчаки
Шашки к бою наголо, ветер гривы рвет,
Сила молодецкая лавою идет...

Разлетелись вороны, гул стоит в степи
Скачим в дальни стороны, топчим ковыли
Шашки к бою наголо, ветер гривы рвет,
Сила молодецкая лавою идет...

Конники с лампасами, ветра вы быстрей
Вы родились вольными, соколы полей
Шашки к бою наголо, ветер гривы рвет,
Сила молодецкая лавою идет...

Эй, Казачки-Станичники, ай-да защитим от красной нечести
женушек молодушек да детушек несмышленышей!

Шашки к бою наголо, ветер гривы рвет,
Сила молодецкая лавою идет...

Кореневские ветвь от рода Шляхты Речи ПоспоЛитой (Korczewski позднее Korecki, Karniccy).  Курень это Прусское слово, обозначает место для костра, привала, постоя. Казаки Кореневского Куреня верой и правдой служили Прусской Короне и охраняли интересы  Гольштейн-Готторпской Династии от Новгородских земель (от сюда и Kariai Nevos, Корни Невские) и степей Запорожья, до Кавказких Границ Империи Российской. Это профессиональные военные, Варяги (Викинги) ведущие свою родословную от дружин Рюрика. Кореневские Казаки с честью выполняли свой долг в рядах РОА на полях сражений Второй Мировой Войны против Большевизма в России.

Вечная Слава Солдатам Великой Империи и пусть земля будет пухом павшим.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


 I'm a target for my conscience, but I don't want to run from this. And it's not self-masochism, I'm just trying to understand myself. A thought is nagging at the top of my head but it's sorry to waste time on the obvious. With who will argue with? With who will agree with? I simple will write you'l what I own mind!
 I found Something... - which is hard to name, see - all simple, but it's boring to explain. Everyone must realize for themselves, what is you, your family, your peopls, etnic group, country is griat, what they are insignificant in.
 But before I somewhere drop some own poison, let me see who's next to me... your'l social pozitions in your'l worlds. Who will I offend if I measure like this? Only what I see - only I believe in it!
 I see strange things in the world, a animals like people and people like cattles, who were taken away from their mother's udder, family and who hired idiots on the role of nannies.
 No one is offended - take any tribe, their feelings are poured in the form blood and seed. Again liders lie to, again everythink tear throat, they again killing they own hands own of clouse peoples and all in for freedom of dirty word, cases, negativ consequences from own word and do.
 Strange feelings - in this family even art in the form of a remake. All this is fine for children fun, but there is also concrete eviling stupidity in the worlds.
 I will tell my children so that my grandchildren will know, through what troubles, through what torments our forefathers brought us their will, so that life give us a better share.
 And now what and for what reason, a reptiles have sprawled on my bed ? Because leader of the herd is evil - I do not soung deferambs to him.. and him voice from hell for evel to me cries out to God.
 Whoever limiting to building borders? If all world is depersonalized by the mask of a killer. The difference of religions, languages, cults simbol, persons divides everyone. And what? Is there where there is intrigue, lie, fraud - everything to will go.
 Different religions, languages, cults symbol, countrys, have different dogms for own pastvas - one persons goto battles, others to pogroms. Each lider drags the wretched into his own corner, thus to quartered the general moral and law norms.
 Happy are the devils - the world is maim, by the death machine whose engine is eternal. The colors of all religions, languages, cults symbol, countrys - believe it me or not -  This one and same lying masks of Grandmother Death.
 The terrible thought became very specific:
- That only Death is Immortal in our world?!
But what about everyone, me, you and everyone who breathes:
 - we don’t hear each other... then who will hear us?
 It's not hard to immerse all us in Joy, when everything is possible, except nastiness! Only the evil - the cult of any opinions, again will bring all world to its knees.

 And me no need for Idyll life from steals: Money, Love or even the Royal Throne.
 All a imperors and a kings, who once conquered the world walked and fell, in the form of a carrion into the endless abyss of time...
 Or maybe it was worth beating the bloodsuckers, this it idill was worth building only for those; who to live do not strive, and all rest normal of the world to need to Bless the Dictatorship of FREEDOM! Where there is no meanness and crime, there is ones God, ones  language, ones moral and legal norms for everyone - and without stupidity!
 All are happy... all are lovy... all are beautiful and not imaginary!
 FREEDOM is not a right, I have to live FREEDOM! only by it I am connected to humanity and I understand all this best, when I cook something for people and eat it with them.
 Only FREEDOM  me the truth will show,
Only FREEDOM all vices will punish !
I think soon  even children will  understand what in the world there is no injustice: - All what you believe in is not in vain!
-  only what you able do - youdo cool!
For example, even the simple nature of debauchery maybe for me is high ART!

We need, we can all live caressing each other with our soulss only realized that only together, believe me - only together,
We will find both LOVE and IMMORTALITY!


May be you will have interest:
Soviet Holocaust in East Prussia;
The Tale of the Revolution and a Personalitys - from marerials archive of cases of State security Soviet Union.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aug 1, 2013 - to you ruined the site - let's try to solve this problem.....

 Good Time of twenty four hours to all.
 This information is for everyone who works with information technologies in the post-Soviet market.
 For hosting administrators I will only say that each commercial direction is created by a self highlight, it can be erotica or a gaming site, it does not matter... but the direction is attracting clients by category of commercial information.
 It is usually better to place such sites on free hostings, since there is no guarantee that working in a commercial direction you will always be solvent, and some national, territorial specificity of the hosting plays a role.
 Then, when you are sure that your income will cover the costs of maintaining the hosting, the placement of commercial information can be paid, but again, you need guarantees that your site will live and years of work will not be in vain - this is a headache for everyone who works in this direction.

What am talk at?

 Recently my site was moved from narod.ru to ucoz.ru. First the server crashed for two weeks, and then the ucoz.ru administration decided to finish off to me with their advertising:

The worst thing there is that ucoz banners are not removed. Crosses, other bijouterie  other all hours up wherever you click...

Well, I think we shouldn’t expect any new surprises, such as pressure on American and European providers  working in the former USSR. Don't try to transfer the site on other resurs, this bad  just download it to your disk, easily with FileZilla https://filezilla-project.org/download.php and edit accordingly.
 Let's see where it can be placed....
 I like hosting like 1freehosting.com https://www.1freehosting.com/. Honestly, I don't have the resources to pay for hosting services today - I don't have a house, documents, money, I'm very poor and this will be for a long time. but this my realibe - for you maybe other situation.
 It's clear with the hosting, now it wouldn't be bad to change the domain on better biutiful. It would be good if it was something first-hand.
 There is such a real opportunity with the help of our Chinese comradens - www.dot.tk http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en

It's all simple...

.... and so on according to the meaning)

Now we place the site in Google.
http://www.google.ru/intl/ru/addurl.html for so here fill out a simple form:

With Yandex everything is clear - http://webmaster.yandex.ru/addurl.xml
Rambler will pick up from Yandex and here we are in search engines on Narod and Ukoz. Let's make all this also mail.ru.
Mail.ru - http://go.mail.ru/addurl.

Now let's implement a redirection at to your hosting, using a simple logical come in HTML:

 Instead of 'http://grazuteroom-pazintys.tk', in writed your own address.

 Will look like this:

 And here we are again, ahead of the rest of the all world)

 Thank you for your attention and good health and at any time of the day to all, and let the Nazis of fashists soviet clone of Zionists from YouTube and other Nazi resources swallow dust. 
