Friday, August 5, 2011

Aug 5, 2011 Lithuania - Lukasenko's regime Fans and Friends.

Russian and baltarussian regims have in Lithuania no one  spy`s. They dont need,  because but there are many friends and admirers of the totalitarian social and legal system who help promote the propaganda of the regimes, and cooperate with representatives of all regimes of the former Soviet Union in the economic, social, and military spheres. This is  Fans or Friends, as the Lithuanian regime has and official a agreement with the Russian and Belarusian regimes. Thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania helps the Russian military to recruit high-tech specialists, officers, and others executive officers on its territory. Moreover, in case of refusal to cooperate with representatives of the special services of totalitarian regimes, moral, financial, material, and legal pressure is applied, up to and including the extradition of those who refused to cooperate and/or their relatives and/or close ones  the territories which controlle this regimes. For example, the issuance of documents confirming civil dependence on the totalitarian country of the customer, downgrading of status to temporary residence permit and deportation without cause, on the basis of confidential agreements of Lithuanian public and official persons with representatives of regimes, including Russia and Belarus. This all can include pressure causing critical losses object  in various ways to 'that it would be as difficult as possible to survive'.
​Today's politics in Lithuania are the same soviet communists/socialists who have caused and cause considerable damage and to their country and the European Union. There is also speculation with the same Lukashenko's electricity from the account of theyown compatriots, and laundered moneys, and the buidinged  and many other things... Of course, Kubilius is afraid, Palaitis, Adamkus, Prunskiene, Kristina Brazauskiene are also afraid. They are afraids charges of embezzlement of large funds, they are afraid of responsibilities for theyself conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior. As and Lukashenka, Putin is bye secretly, they safe. This can also be seen in the activities with the Golovatov case. Lithuanian authorities fear that the decisive conclusions in the case will be the conclusions of the examination, and not the false testimony of bribed witnesses, which in principle could not exist. The Russian side agreed with this, although it knew in advance the goal and ways to achieve the goal of Lithuanian justice as selfown an instrument of pressure on Lithuanian public official persons, jurisprudence sistem. This and is conflict !
and the outburst of Lithuania of claims against Austria is steam from a dish that has been simmering for a long time overing low heat. And what exactly does Lithuania accuse the Soviet military of ? Weren’t the residents of Lithuania Soviet conscripts and professional militers, procurators, judgers and did not participate in the Soviet regime’s crimes both within the Soviet country and abroad they ?
If so, then must be judged for every from Soviet Union inhumane act , including today’s public and official persons of Lithuania. Don’t they extort property, persecute, exert pressure, kill, albeit with the hands of their accomplices of other totalitarian regimes ?

Ok... goto Dec 12, 2022 -  Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Episode 3 / Addendums

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