Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jul 27, 2011 - Soviet Terrorism, Lithuania, Mikhail Golovatov

 I don’t like Soviet Union, and I don’t like the executioners standing behind the shadow of the Red Empire, but.... “Alpha”, carrying out the order to clear the Vilnius television center, really did not have military of ammunitions. There were victims, but at whose expense? If this is the fault of the special forces, the persons responsible must certainly answer to the fullest extent of the law for military actions against civilians. This is, I think, the main question to which I would like to receive a clear and reasonable answer. But there is another version. If we assume that the lethal fire was carried out not from an automatic weapon, but from a hunting weapon... What then? Will the Lithuanian government be washed off and will it be anathematized as a deceitful and two-faced progeny of the Soviet terrorizm? Or maybe, before making accusations, we should assemble a competent international commission and study this issue? Why won’t either side turn to an expert examination that would put an end to this matter? wounds from hunting buckshot are good of distinguish from military ammunicion of sturmgewehr.
 And in general, I don’t understand why cowardice is designated as heroism. There is no heroism in the tragical events, just as there is no heroism in throwing down a weapon, burying your nose on the floor on command and allowing yourself to be eliminated. Liquidate, not shoot, and this is not a war crime - an order, take no prisoners of rebels. In my opinion, such cowardice is tantamount to betrayal, and the times are not so far gone when people were shot for such offenses by court-martial verdict. What has changed today ? promoting/propaganda negligence, irresponsibility, impunity ? On what basis - social, ethnic, clan, diaspora, place of residence or others ?

2012 sausio 16 - auku sarasas 1991 sausio 13 - Israsas teismo-medicininiai tyrimai 1991 m. sausio 13

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