Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Aug 9, 2011 - Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania, question of Russian Belarusian agreements of Lithuania.

 Today, I want to explain, as an example, how the Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania cares with Russian and Belarusian special services.

 Many people live in Lithuania who have temporary and permanent permits on live here, as Russian or Belarusian civil belongers. There seems to be nothing criminal except for the fact of their residence on the territory of Lithuania, including persons who have lived here all their active lives, in direct dependence on opinions the intelligence services of Russia and Belarus. Why? It seems simple to me... In order to live in Lithuania, people have to ask the Russian or Belarusian embassies to issue or extend their own travel documents. In outside, this is the reason for recruiting Lithuanian residents from Russians and Belarusians of Criminal Special Service of Russia Belarussia. Outwardly, it seems that the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs has nothing to do with this, they are not the ones who suggest contacting the Russian and Ukrainian consulate, and even in the case they when people are forcibly brought there. This doing no  openly, officially, but secretly.  And this the process is arranged so that the Russian or Belarusian embassy must give permission to Lithuania to make a decision to issue or not to issue a residence permit to Lithuanian residents. There is also an official decision of the Russian-Belarusian legislative body that all persons who lived or had family ties in the territory of the former Soviet Union can fall under the civil dependence of these countries. That is, potentially all residents of Lithuania have civil belonging of Russia or Belarus, but this is used public and official persons of Lithuania selectively for the purpose of extortion, misappropriation of property, income, intentional harm, pressure and other criminal activities. And this dirty work, commissioned by responsible public and official persons of Lithuania in agreement with Russian-Belarusian colleagues, is being carried out today by the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In other words, today in Lithuania the Russian-Belarusian consulate decides to change or not change, issue or not issue a travel document and can actually take at any person  they need on the territory of Lithuania .
 That is all Soviet officers, social activists, officials, specialists in the field of deferent technology, dissidents located on the territory of Lithuania are potential prisoners of Russian-Belarusian camps for a period of seven to here from nine years of imprisonment.
 And who are our former high-ranking Soviet figures in Lithuania today? correct - Lithuanian officers, social activists, officials, specialists !
The Circle is Closed !

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