Monday, January 31, 2011

Myelin dough (fermented dough).

Myelin dough to use baked for various products: large, cakes, various cakes, cakes, pies, cakes, doughnuts, buns, Klingerisi and much more. also for products with filling using meat, fish, eggs, cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, cottage cheese, apples, berries and other foods. Yeast /myelin/ dough is also called sour. The yeast dough used for leavening contains the sweeteners in flour, carbon dioxide and alcohol. At leavening dough from dough releases carbon dioxide and alcogol.  Among the great variety of studies and formulas, some dough production technology is one that differs in versatility, economy and relative speed of production.
Si formuluote gali buti cituojama, kaip svarbiausia.

Myelin dough - the main recipe

30-50 g of fresh yeast, 0.5 l of milk, 250 g of butter or margarine and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, 1-1 or 1-2 glasses of vegetable oil, salt (pinch), 700-800 g of flour. Yeast dough must be fresh. It is diluted with warm milk or warm water with the addition of sugar. Salty milk (water) inhibits yeast activity, and cold water leads to complete inhibition.
Milk and milk products (yogurt, curd, yogurt, sour cream, whey, etc.) are useful in the process, improve the properties of tesla, cutting back the duration of the process. Therefore, it is preferable to use dairy products instead of water. Fats give dough flavor to finished products. Test production of snack cakes (fish, meat, mushroom), can be making to chicken, pork and other dairy fats. To keep the dough cakes fresh longer, add vegetable oil.
There should be no fat in the dough container if it exceeds the set amount, because an excess of fat makes it difficult for the yeast to work, so sourdough process the dough is increases or completely stopped, protein flour for limited workability, the dough becomes harder to form, and the final product is not so tasty.
In a flour buns (as well as all bread products, except cookies and some others) should be used, only white, wheat varieties flour. Before form preparing  the dough, you need to sprinkle with flour it. Eggs (especially egg whites) make to hardness, resilience. In this way, products from this dough become obsolete quickly and therefore, it is not recommended to put an egg in doung. However, you can lubricate the surface of the molded product with yolks before baking it, then the cake will have a beautiful amber color after baking.

Preparation of the dough
Yeast dough is mixed in two ways: steamed and non-steamed methods.

Steamed way - this is old way.
It includes two stages: preparation with fermentation, steamtation and fermentation dough. Prepare from flour (half the norm), water (milk), and yeast. When after a stormy fermentation (about 3-4 h) it starts to dissolve, adding to it for baking (sugar, fat), as well as the remaining flour and knead with dough. The dough is placed in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours to ferment. During this period to pressing it . After that, the dough is cut, let it stand and, finally, baking. Due the duration of the technological process of preparing dough in this way, this method is practicaly not used today. For non-steamed metod need less time and more economical.

One more way - non-steamed methods.
This when dough not on one time is mixed with all the ingredients, that is for not one once. Yeast is bred in a small amount of liquid (1 - 2 glasses of milk or water) with sugar (1 tables/soup spoon) and put it in a warm place. Margarine (or other fat) is cut into pieces, put it in a large pot (4-5 l) or preferably a clay pot, pour the remaining sugar and salt into it, mix with the same circular motions. Then melt the margarine a little and mix it with the rest of the liquid. The water/milk should be warm, but not hot - 60C killing bactere yeast. Take half of the flour according to the recipe and sprinkle it (gradually, in parts) through a sieve into a pot (pan) with melted margarine. Sifted flour, when kneading, is enriched with atmospheric oxygen, so the tesla becomes rich and light. Carefully pour the yeast into the sifted flour, thoroughly mix it with the flour. Yeast cannot come into contact in melted margarine at the same time, it will reduce them activity. If the flour is sifted through a sieve In the test dough on the right and left side, everything is gradually formulated .
Use only wooden skewers or wooden spatulas. Mix the dough with rotation only in one direction, which is due to a complex physical and chemical process occurring simultaneously during the dough. When dough rotates in one direction, it causes the flour to swell and harden. The products from this dough are of high quality. In the end, a dough is determined by its consistency. The dough should be light, rich, viscous, elastic, flexible.

The dough must mix be sifted with flour. Cover the pot (pot) with the Dough with a linen napkin or a towel (but not the lid) and put it in a warm place for fermentation. Dough's fermentation temperature should be between 29-32 °C.

Crushing of the dough
When fermentation tests form bubbles of carbon dioxide, which begin accomuliate in masse dough. Too much carbon dioxide slows down in masse of doughthe fermentation process. So that the dough need is periodically released from accumulation gas and enriched with oxygen. For this purpose the dough need crushing. The first crushing of dough is produced 1-1.5 hours after the start of fermentation, the second 1-1.5 hours after the first crushing.

Immediately after the second obminki, the formation of the dough maked in the dough. The dough must be elastic, flexible, soft. It should not stick to the hands. What you need to know before kneading dough on the table, a table need sprinkle with flour. If you want the dough not to stick to the table when you turn, periodically "raise the ruler." To do this, take an ordinary thin wooden ruler with the edges down, gently press it against the doiugh to be rolled out, and with short movements away from it, and along the layers of the dough. Then dough will not stick to the table, it will not very stikly and it will be easier to work with him. The surface of the dough also cannot be too loose, so sprinkle the surface with flour. Dough can be formed on closed and open pies, snacks, cakes, buns, dumplings, cakes, pies, pies, rolls and more.
Using a variety of containers, together with a variety of ways of forming, gives the bread products a variety to ready made variant it  to thans always been famous to hospitable of East Prussia, South Germany, Nord Franch.

Be pagrindiniu, yra ir kitu receptu mieliniai teslai.

Myelin dough (2nd recipe)

4 glasses of flour, 500 g of butter, 50 g of yeast, 4 eggs, 1 - 2 glasses of fine sugar or powdered sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 - 2 glasses of milk.
Melt butter or margarine, remove from heat, cool a little, add egg, pinch salt, mix everything well. Then pour flour on them, add yeast, dissolve in a small amount of milk or water, and knead with dough to make it homogeneous. Pour water into the dough at room temperature so that the water covers it 2 cm thick, cover it with a linen napkin.
After 15-20 minutes, when the dough rises, drain the water, add 1-2 glasses of fine sugar or powdered sugar to the tesla. Then it mix with the dough and immediately shape into a cake. Profing need make the cake at a temperature of 180-200°C

Myelin dough (3nd recipe)

3 glasses of flour, 200 g of butter, 200 g of sour cream, 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 50 g of yeast, 1 - 2 cups of milk.
Melt butter on fire... Melted butter, remove from heat, cool a little, add sour cream, egg, salt, sugar, mix, add flour, pour milk (1 - 2 glasses) with fresh yeast and knead dough. From dough to make cakes with immediately, using a variety of ingredients: meat, fish, cabbage, apple, etc. Profread the cakes eggs and bake them.
Mieline tesla (4-oji dalis)

Myelin dough (4nd recipe)

3 cups of flour, 200 g of butter, 200 g of sour cream, 1-2 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 50 g of fresh yeast.
Melt butter in a clay pot or another pot, remove from heat, add salt, sour cream, egg, mix well, then add flour and add diluted milk (3 glasses), yeast and sugar and knead dough to uniform. The mixed dough dones't need  stick to your hands. The dough should be semi-liquid, consistent, so that you can apply it as a thick cream. Cover the Tesla with a towel and store in the refrigerator. When the dough rises after 40 minutes, you can use it for buns, cakes, pies, rolls, using all the ingredients. Pies baked from this dough are sweet, with a soft crust, not stale.

Useful tips for preparing The Dough:
So that the yeast dough does not stick to the table during the process and formation, you should periodically sprinkle the table with flour.
In order to achieve this goal, according to the tesla layer, it is necessary to stimulate from time to time with a thin wooden ruler with diminishing edges, and move up and down arrange the lines according to the tesla layer.
Yeast Dough, it is better to prepare a large portion at once. Then Dough is better: because there is a lot of it, and it heats itself. All processes take place completely, there is a place and time for distribution (mass height), and cakes from this study are tastier and more fragrant. If the test is small, this process is not completely energy, suffering, and the cake will not be strong and tasty. Check it out, then so start baking cakes. Maybe with it's a cake, you'll come to me to visit ! How do I know ?)
Any cake is tastier if it has more filling or it has less dough. The ingradients of dough recipes are provided on a provisional basis, this ratio can be changed according to your taste and desire. In the basic recipe, the components on 1.8-2 kg of dough. from it We can make two or three cakes, for example: meat, mushroom, apple (berry) - everyone has their own taste.
For flour cakes, sift the yeast dough through a sieve during its preparation, even if the use has been checked just before job. Then the tesla will become rich, airy, light, and the finished product - very tasty. Egg for pie dough, it is better not to add egg, especially squirrel, because the yeast dough is hard and heavy, and also it speed up the flowering products.
For dough It is better to use large ceramic pots, because they are reliable and retain heat for a long time. In inside room, where the yeast dough is, you can't open the window or air vents: the yeast dough is "afraid" of the draft, but because it must be kept in a warm place, and even wrapped so that "dough to doesn't get coldin".

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