Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Draft 1 -

Pilot 1 - Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11

   Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Episode 3


Mokyklos 2, Labardziu km,  Rietavo sav 
 +370 60892925


Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit

Self goverment of Rietavas



I see that violations by the administration of self government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administative director Vitautas Diciunas -, as well from as subordinates public and official persons to them, of Lithuanian law inso articles how:
- article 285 - abuse of service;
- article 286 - illegal participation of a public official in the commercial, economic and/or financial activities of an enterprise/organization;
- article 287 - abuse of power;
- article 289 - official forgery;
- article 293 - false testimony, conclusions, explanations, translations;
- article 294 - failure to report a crime;
- article 321 - breach of trust in commercial, economic or other activities;
- article 227 - creation and/or financing of a criminal association;
- article 214 - arbitrariness;
- article 273 - extortion of property;
- article 274 - fraud;
- article 277 - make it harm to property by deceit or breach of trust; 
- article 295 - concealment of a crime.


October 27, 2021

 To the essence was clear the essence of my claims to the leadership of the Lithuanian regional administration Rietavas, am will first publish this document - Addendum AdditionalDokuments, CertificateAbsenceRussianCivilAffiliation -
This is the certificate from the consulate of the Russian Federation in Klaipeda, European Union, Republic of Lithuania.
Is written here:
Certificate of absence of civilian affiliation of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2018.
Hereby certifies that Korenevskiy Konstantin Eduardovich born Korenevskiy on April 15, 1965 in the RSFSR city of Krasnoyarsk never acquire or purchased the citizenship of the Russian Federation and, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on civilian affiliation, is not the subject of the Russian Federation.
This means that am did not and am do not have not only civilian affiliation at the Russian Federation, but also the Soviet civill affilication never not have; and did not address such requests to the representative office of Soviet and the Russian Federation.
And these documents were made on the basis of interdepartmental agreements between the Migration Department of Police Commissariat of the self-government Rietavas with representatives of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate without my personal desire, consent and participation - Addendum
AdditionalDocuments-PassRu - Issued this documents by torture, threats and lack of any alternative, and were used as moral, psychological, physical, material, financial pressure for the purpose of appropriation and extortion of material, financial resources and property by The Administration of Municipality of Rietavas.
But now we will deal with all this in detail.


Am want to emphasize again as the prologue, the following:

 actions of The Rietavas Self Government Administration in providing material, financial, legal, moral pressure were of the meaning nature in order to create conditions as unacceptable as possible for survival me, my family in administracine region Rietavo municipality.

 Consider the sequence of events from 2018 with references to the conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior of the administration of the Rietavo Municipality and of responsible services, officials of the Rietavas municipality administration that preceded that.

 To understand the content of the claim, am initially want to describe the general situation at that point in time. As well, but already in court, am want clarify the details and analyze the reasons for this velopments, because am sincerely believe that court experience cause and their consequences hearing is based lives experience.

 The month of July 2017. At thet date I did lived together with Grazina Korenevskiene and her young daughter Eduarda in the village of Labardzai, Rietavas municipality, and also am have worked in a closed joint stock company Termomontaz (Addendum  1-1 Labor ContractTermomontaz - ) paid taxes and took care of self and self not big family as best his could.

Am haved jobed low-paid of hard work, in this time fo me there had no opportunity to have something better. In any weather am had to walk seven kilometers from village Labardziai on foot to the small town of Rietavas, from where my friend who worked with me pickeds up on the way to work. In the evening in the same way, so as not to cause my friend additional inconvenience and waste, am was to returned home.

Am don't know that period of the schedule by which Grazina lived and looked after the child, but there were times when she did not return home after her nightly adventures, and i'm needed ed to go to work. Then am need was to go work with the young child on hands. I did to collected the essentials in baby stroller and in any weather am did to walk seven kilometers to Rietavas. In this case, during the day Eduada ( Addendum  1-1BirhSertificateEduarda - ) was looked after by girls from the accountry and in the evening, out of pity, sacrificing his time and additional expenses, my friend were do was bring us to house.

Direct actions to expusion me and reider takeover family property in the village of Labarzai, Rietavo self goverment did started as deportation me from the territory of the Republic of Lithuania to the Russian Federation began on 13 July 2007. Decision 2007 m. liepos 13 Nr. 44-SP3-M24-1 on behalf of the Senior Specialist of Migration group of Policia Comisariat of Rietavas Genovaite Rimutiene ( Addendum  1-3ObligationLeaveLithuania - ).

A week before that Grazina by agreements, the details of which she does not speak, when I was at work, she to leave my house and left in an unknown direction together with her young daughter Eduarda. Upon returning from work and not finding them at home, am tried to find out what happened and where they are, but Grazina did not answer my calls. And in thay time without my consent and knowledge, the police officers of the Rietavo Commissariat maked at the Russian Consulate through the mediation of employees of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate make to me russian pasport and decuments on that then they basis am should leave the Republic of Lithuania and go to the Russian Federation.

Am want would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the decision of 2007 july month 13 Nr. 44-SP3-M24-1 Genovaite Rimutiene not just his duties as a senior specialist of the Rietavo Policijos Migration Group of the Commissariat, but and according to fake documents from the Russian Consulate initiates legal prosecution on behalf of Rietavas Municipality Administration. Am also want to emphasize that this is possible did maked only with the cooperation of the Social Service, the Child Protection Service and the Migration Group of the Rietavas Municipality. This is important, because farthen am will prove that the aim of the persecution by the Administration of Rietavas Municipality was the raid seizure property of my and my family in the Labardziai village, Rietavas Municipality ( Addendum  AdditionalDocuments-PassRu, illustration 2 - ).

According oficial judgment from to fraudulently made documents from policia comisariat of Rietavas the way back to the Republic of Lithuania was closed to me. And only after a few months am managed, by the instrumentality of my relatives and former colleagues, to first return under European justice and later in Lithuania from the side Poland, through Germany.

  Am think about the cooperation of the Lithuanian law enforcement agencies of The Administration of The Rietavas Municipality with the Russian Services of The Main Intelligence Directorate, am to provide documentary substantiation of this incident at a separate open court hearing.

    On the way to lithuania, am to called the Grazhina several times and learned from her that both she and Eduatda are in the village of Lazu, Kedainiu district. The first thing am did was to visit them.

Grazina was pregnant. Returning home to the village of Labardziai, Rietavas self-government was is dangerous. So we decided some time to lived by her mother in the village of Lazu, Kedainius district, study the general situation, improve the financial do and only then return to the village of Labardziai, Rietavas municipality.

For me everything folded it good lucked and managed and attracte attention to my projects not only of local entrepreneurs, but also partners from Britain, Scandinavia, Local Europe, also succeeded described the situation of  conflict with self goverment of Rietavas and also file a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

 In 2008 was borning Ernestas ( Addendum  1 -4BirthCertificateErnestas - ) and because of the poor household conditions at her mother of Grazina, she it was necessary to return to the village of Labardzai, Rietavas municipality. And me for security reasons and others, had to stay in Kedainius distrigt. From time to time was I visited to Grazina and children, gaved her money for living and improving living conditions for her and the children in my house. After a while Grazina notified me by phone that she had found another man and was planning to live with him. for my part, I tried to find out from Grazina the reasons for such a decision, but only got attack organized by the Rietavas Municipality of the Police Officers 'Commissariat on my and my partners' production located on the territory of Kidainius district. Did be very lot evil, losses, expenses to all participants of the enterprise, but no incomes, or utility for the Republic of Lithuania in this event did not be. As for Grazina with her partner Gedrius Pundin and Eduarda and Ernestas, the situation was critical to the threat not only to health, but also to the lives of children. This opinion were sharing by all the villagers of Labrdziai and my letter in to Plunge District Court of 2008.07.29 confirms of this ( Addendum  1-5ResidentsPetition - ).

 Zibute Mieliene, an employee of the Rietavas Child Welfare Service, in her official conclusions into the courte writes a lot about my social trouble and the assignment of a status to me in the person of her service as asocial element. But, am want to draw your attention to the fact that according to the events outlined, we should not talk about my asociality, but about the asociality of conditions, actions, the conscious moral, material, physical pressure of the Child Protection and Social Services for the purpose way extortion in fraudulent way of movable and immovable property, as well means of earning income. 2008 June 06, Plunge ( Addendum  1-6Judgment2008birzalio06 - ) District Court by decision first deprives me of earning opportunities, sources of income, means of subsistence, and then, as an alternative method of detention, by decision, transfers me to the Registration Center for Foreigners. Children Eduarda and Ernestas stay with Grazina and her lovepartner ( Addendums  Susivaidije tevai vaikus perka ir parduoda uz alu ir cigaretes - Plunges zinios, 2008 m. rugpjucio 22 d. - ,  Teismo posedis, del bendravimo su vaiku tvarkos nustatymo - isvados Žibutė Milienė - ).

By the judgment of June 27, from the Registration Center for Foreigners without a cent in my pocket I was to deported to the Russian Federation in the direction of Kaliningrad... Konigsberg ( Addendum 1-7Deportacion2008birzalio278 – )

 Am believe that these actions can be qualified as complicity in criminal extortion, appropriation, seizure of my movable and immovable property, sources of income with the purpose of their further redistribution between participants in legal, moral, material, physical persecution.

It's clear that those deported to the territory of the Russian Federation first of all had to face representatives of local police and criminal structures. It was very difficult and difficult for me to find mutual understanding, support from their side, to obtain Lithuanian Shangen visa for the travel document fabricated by mutual agreement of representatives of the Rietavas Administration and the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate, the so-called passport. Here it is necessary to understand that the rest of the life to live illegally, without a permanent place of residence, social guarantees and savings, in an unacceptable public legal format would also not be right for me.

Am understand so - if the administration of Rietavo local government decided on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania that my presence or residence on its territory for any reason is undesirable, then it was necessary to force them to behave towards me at least decently with the return of my social package, investments in their economy, compensation for the property remaining on the territory of Lithuania and changed of place of residence. From that time there with me left remained mutual understanding, trust, good business relations in the public and legal environment hostile to my beliefs, upbringing, education. then it all ended like this - Grazina and am officially terminated our relationship, on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania, as an obligation to the European Justice, am received residence permit, and the children to stayed lived with me ( Addendum  1-8Divorce - , 1-9DecisionChildren - , 1-10PlaceReside - ).

The consequences of an attack organized by the administration Rietavas municipality mediated by the Russian main intelligence department with the aim of embezzling my property, social savings, investments in the Lithuanian economy and means of income are not only material - three months with the children of Eduarda and Ernestas in hospital. To all court hearings am to went from the hospital with children (Addendum ).

Eduarda has rickets, Ernestas has a severe concussion and pneumonia. May be the child unable to drive vehicles on his own in the future - strabismus, disabled. My own money for that period time am did not have. Rietavo self-government in represented a all services were having only complaints, but did not help in any way and did not participate in any way. Without any requests from my side, knowing our plight, my friends, former classmates, colleagues, relatives from local Europe, America, Nord Europe helped us. The blockade was breaked. So that in the future Grazina could no is present any claims to us, am took receipt from her she their no have ( Addendum 1-11GrazinaHasNoComplain - ).  After a while, we began to receive, albeit not in full, but small subsidies, payments of subsidies for the maintenance of the children Grazina's and her loveboys stopped. there was no point in blackmailing me about this, and Grazina became unnecessary for not her lover or manlovers.

Of course, it's indecent to count the cost of children but in this case, these additional costs to eliminate the attack of the Rietavos municipality administration, the activities of its operational and executive services were might could having not been. Moreover, the child may or will remain disabled for life. Therefore, the consequences of the attack by the administration of the municipality Rietavas are 20,000 Euro, and also the child should decide for himself in the future whether to sue administration of self goverment of Rietavas for health reasons at perfectum fature time.

This is not the first and not the last wave of persecution of me on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Total losses and expenses from conclusions, decisions, actions from name Lithuania of Republic amounted to about forty thousand euros at a cost price. In my case, when after each wave of persecution am have to start living with of anew- this is a lot of money.

Am estimate this case as the cost stay in the territory of the hostile state without roof over your head, financial resources, sources of livelihood, without legal documents and the possibility of obtaining them and the cost return to the legal space of the European Union, purchase of real estate, a vehicle, necessary household appliances , means of communications, transfer to the place of actual place residence of the social package remaining in the Republic of Lithuania, recall of my investments in the economy of the republic of Lithuania and taxes paid, compensations for forced change of residence, search and creation of sources of income. As should also add moral and legal bullying, humiliation, pain, loss of people close to me - children and other.

 Total - am estimate this wave of persecution at a million euros, and the unwillingness of the Lithuanian jurisprudence to cooperate in identifying the means and methods of legal, financial, material, moral, physical persecution in order to obtain benefits for officials in a criminal way another million euros - only two million euros (2 000 000.00 Euro)


  Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Episode 3













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