Saturday, December 10, 2022

Draft 18 -

Draft 18
As the result of the legalization of knowingly false accusations from employees of the self government of Rietavas, from the persons of mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas -, I lost the opportunity to receive a referral from the Labor Exchange for training under the JSC 'Vlantana' program for obtaining a driver's qualification 'C' 'E' category  because of the long time spent under arrest in a correctional institutions ( Addendums 12JudgmentCriminalCaseAboutEdute -, 13ReplacementRestrictionLiberty - , 11Vlantana - ).
Meanwhile Grazina with the blessing of the administration of self government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - with the assistance of the social worker with disadvantaged families of self government of Rietavas Vida Bukiene by the judgment of 2017 November 21, civil case Nr e2-1982-  669/2017 of the lawsuit Nr 2-33-3-01398-2017-2 once again they deprived's me of the rights paternity by the regulation to basis is desire to exclude my participation in the life of children on an ongoing basis ( Addendums 9UnspecifiedDeprivationParentage - , 1BreakingCommunicationChildren - ).
Due to the operational actions of the administration of self government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas -, I was subjected to legal, moral, material, financial pressure for a long time, in a mocking form, in order to appropriate and to extorted of my material property, financial resources and income.
Using official and public position for the purpose of direct and indirect extortion of material, financial, resources and income, the administration of self government of Rietavas created conditions in various ways from forcible expulsion from the jurisdiction of the European Union for direct raider seizure to pressure for create conditions unacceptable for life, business  , social activities what to one degree or another, with a different amplitude of activity, continues to this day.
In this analysis of illegal actions, from attempts at appropriation to extortion of material, financial resources and income, am see violations by the administration of self government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administative director Vitautas Diciunas -, as well as officials and public persons subordinates to them, violations of Lithuanian law  like that:
- article 285 - abuse of service;
- article 286 - illegal participation of a public official in the commercial, economic and/or financial activities of an enterprise/organization;
- article 287 - abuse of power;
- article 289 - official forgery;
- article 293 - false testimony, conclusions, explanations, translations;
- article 294 - failure to report a crime;
- article 321 - breach of trust in commercial, economic or other activities;
- article 227 - creation and/or financing of a criminal association;
- article 214 - arbitrariness;
- article 273 - extortion of property;
- article 274 - fraud;
- article 277 - make it harm to property by deceit or breach of trust;
- article 295 - concealment of a crime.

On the basis of the legal acts of the European Union of 2004 May 1, as well as additions to the constitution of the Republic of Lithuania by the act on the membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Union of 2004 July 13  Nr IX-2343, to article of the Administrative Code 6.272 liability for damage caused by illegal actions of officials  and article 127 of the current legislation on compensation for damage caused by illegal actions of state authorities - The administration of self government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative Director Vitautas Diciunas -, as well as officials of self government of Rietavas subordinate to them to maked must compensate me for the damage and to compensate work  to identify, describe and submit to the appropriate authorities documented acts of their illegal actions.

According to the foregoing and had the case been dealt with earlier, am would have limited myself to the following the claims:
1. Unpaid self goverment of Rietavas financial obligations - 21693 Euros 61 cents ( twenty one thousand sixteen ninety three euros sixty one cents ).
To them should be added, as in my cases, 21%, which corresponds to 4,338 Euros 72 cents ( four thousand three hundred and thirty eight euros seventy two cents ). Accordingly in total 26 032 Euros 33 cents ( twenty six thousand thirty three euros thirty three cents ).
2.  Pretens to Grazina Ozalaite ( Korenevskiene ) and her cohabitant Algerdas Ignasas regarding the initial investment in the hairdressing business that they was appropriated from me - 1030 Euros 67 cents ( one thousand thirty euros sixty seven cents ) and as in the first case with 20% total 1236 Euros 80 cents ( one thousand two hundred thirty six euros eighty cents )

Further I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all participants in illegal legal, moral, material, financial, physical persecution for the purpose of misappropriation and extortion of material, financial resources and income by criminal methods from 2008, and also previously did received monetary rewards in the form of wages from self goverment of Rietavas,  they were compensated for all the costs of illegal activities from self goverment of Rietavas and they used resources, office and other equipment from self government of Rietavas in the course of their illegal activities.
All participants in illegal legal, moral, material, financial, physical persecution for the purpose of misappropriation and extortion of material, financial resources and income by criminal methods or their closed associates as a bonus for participating in knowingly criminal activities according to the staffing of the self goverment of  Rietavas had additional income for declared but ignored official duties, which, according to the documentation of the self goverment of Rietavas, in the process of exploiting unskilled labor, were performed by people from socially unprotected or vulnerable strata of the residents of self government of Rietavas for some prolongation of receiving subsidies for poverty.
I believe that there are no socially useful actions in the exploitation of public interests and the redistribution of funds for the purpose of personal well-being from approval, support, loyalty of the deliberately criminal activity of the self goverment of Rietavas in the faces of mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - - no! This limits the development of the region an opportunity for the residents of the self government of Rietavas as blocking their abilities, self-development, self-realization, prospects. Moreover, the consequences of such actions for the development of economic and social relations are negative, and this discredits the public institutions of both The Republic of Lithuania and The European Union. On based this therefore, am believe that persons involved in the illegal activities of the administration of self government of Rietavas are obliged to compensate me for the time spent, expenses, amortization of funds on the detection, evidence base and investigation of the criminal activities of the administration of self government of Rietavas. for the period from 2008 to 2019 for deliberately burdening the conditions of life, work, survival by the administration of self government of Rietavas, such as slander, decisions, actions with a coefficient of 2.4, this is 253 440.00 ( two hundred and fifty three thousand four hundred and forty euros 00 cents ).
All person participants in illegal legal, moral, material, financial, physical persecution for the purpose of misappropriation and extortion of material, financial resources and income by criminal methods and their associates for the period from 2008 to 2019 must compensate me 280,709 euros 13 cents ( two hundred eighty thousand seven hundred nine euros thirteen cents ).
Due to the fact that despite my repeated appeals to the Lithuanian justice, the activities of an organized criminal group created on the basis of self goverment of Rietavas by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - with different amplitudes, aggressiveness, periodicity is manifested to today, and I am for the crimes committed  on behalf of the administration of self government of Rietavas, there were no apologies to my address, no one caused to me compensated for the damage unmateriale and material, senselessly spent life time and to today (December 2022) and taking into account the time, effort, and finances spent on preparing a reasoned complaint about the operational  activities of the administration of self government of Rietavas to the responsible institutions of the European Union, I had to reconsider the composition of my charges and the amount of the claim against the administration of self government of Rietavas at the time of December 2022 amounted - 20,000,000 Euro  (twenty million euros).
I ask for my claims from being carried with understanding since because of the illegal actions of the Lithuanian justice as inaction, justification, legitimization of the criminal activities of the administration of self government of Rietavas as persecution, raider seizures, extortion and other, I to lost the lot of material and financial resources, income and  the most important life time (2004/2022) that he must somehow compensate in order to have time to self-realize his abilities, upbringing, education. From the claim funds, am to would like to improve my living conditions to an acceptable level, as well as to realize my abilities, upbringing, education in the field of creating independed a regional infrastructure for alternative energy.
Am need this money in the general interest !

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