

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Oct 20, 2013 - The Open Letter to Andrius Kubilius.

Dear mr. Andrius Kubilius,

 My name is Constantine,
I understand that you are very busy and would not allow myself to disturb you without a good reason. But I really need your help. I live in Lithuania temporarily, I do not sing your anthem, I do not worship your idols and like them, I do not make attempts to imitate loyalty to your social and legal system, my knowledge of the Lithuanian language is very limited, but I believe that this is not a reason to torment me and my family, harm my business and limit, block my opportunities to be independent from your goals and paths into it that I do not share.  But you benefit from my investments in the economy of your country, taxes and my social savings. Maybe it is not so much, but it is a years of my life. And to insult me ​​and my relatives, believe me, is not beneficial neither to Lithuania, nor to your partners, nor to a families of your public and legal officials.

 In order for you to understand me better, I would like to draw your attention to the following my articles:

 And further where I documentarily and substantially show that the Rietavas administration, social service, child protection service not only cares about the well-being of the residents and their children of the Rietava municipality, but also causes great damage to in my face and my family with the aim of humiliating me and my loved ones through pressure, extortion, raider takeovers, falsification of documents and deformad reality for the sake of their naturally desired criminal interests:

 As suprantu kaip nora pridariti man nuostoliu del noro pasalinti mus is Lietuvos arba pazeminti iki ligio, kai bus galima isnaudoti mus kaip vargus. As siulinau jusu vyriausybei issiskirti su manin ir mano seima, kad kompensuotu mums pridarytas jusu vyriausybes nuostoalius, kompensuoti musu lesas sumoketus i socialinius fondus, musu nekilnojama turta, kurie po musu likimo jusu pareigunai be abejoniu pasisavintu ir nemaisyti musu suieskoti sali, kurie mums duos prieglobsti nuo jusu (Lietuvos)  ir rusu.

 You understand, I have no desire to fight with your municipality in the name of nonsense ideas of oppressing their criminal actions, impunity and as a consequence of oppression and permissiveniss of all this illegality. I have children and I am not young, a veteran and I want to live in my family, in my home and enjoy life together with close of me persons and  making my life and they better.  I don't live to live twice, and the way your government wastes years of my life, how it destroys my life and my family, assigns my estatment and money to losses that are not comparable to my and my family's, income habitans countres income and suffering, does not meet the requirements for the positive development of your country, either in the economic, scientific or social spheres.

 Therefore, I ask you to either compensate me for my losses and give me and my family the ability to lead a normal, independent life without the legalized criminal activity based on the ideological nonsense of your public, legal and official persons both in my relations with me and my family, or to compensate all the losses from our relations with the Lithuanian Republic and give us the ability to leave your country with honor. In our case, the consequences actions of your self-government, in your contry  justice for us is impossible.  Today's tolerance of active criminal public, official, legal persons of Lithuania not only does not help to preserve the achieved development achievements, but also destroys those already achieved, and if the state institutions of Lithuania have no moral boundaries and the reason for this is the desire to come back into the moral and legal norms of the public  relations of the Soviet Union for The State EU, then for us this is not acceptable.

 I want believe in your integrity and desire to resolve conflicts using common sense and guided to good intentions.

 Thank you for your attention, with respect Constantine.

 My pretensions to Lithuanian Republic at Lithuanian:
First Part - https://www.facebook.com/share/r/14ZnBCGuzK/
Second Part - https://www.facebook.com/share/r/19ohZw6cNf/
Third Part - https://www.facebook.com/share/r/18Fs7yE1Sv/

Maybe you also will have interest:
 1. 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3;
 2. Oct 20, 2013 - How does the Children's Rights Service of the Rietavas self government regulate communication between relatives
 3. Notification of crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Indictment / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
 4. Appropriation my movable and immovable property on the territory Lithuania, EU. 

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