Friday, November 25, 2011

Nov 25, 2011 - Frontal attack or does the enemy have your IP and access ?

 This article is intended for my friends who have an active lifestyle and are  to express their opinions on public forums, including those of the non-democracy kind internet resurs, who are almost completely dependent on various dictators and other criminal regimes...

 Today we will talk about what if your apponent has your IP — what he can do and how to disrupt his plans.
  First - need to know what to do when visiting a rezhimnyi forum, resources, and do not forget that professional chuckers can work behind your opponent. Who needs it, read my articles:
Commissars of the Internet -

 Secondly, when visiting unsafe resources, one Google option "incognito" is no enough and if your IP address is not currently visible in the public space, then the applicant's website has information about you from the archive, and they can counter hov your own detailed information from out time.

 Your opponent can also find out your IP and gain access to your personal information base using special software such as Sniffer. I will not deliberately analyze how to use aggressive software, we will only talk about what we can counter aggressive plans to get personal information from you, real threats of using such information and how to prevent the opponent from getting it.

 First of all, remember that how  you have any antivirus program initially, it cannot recognize the virus, and when it does recognize it, it may be too late for you.

Whay ?...

The most dangerous for you are keyloggers. What is it? Keyloggers receive information about the operational work of your computer, collect information about the buttons you press and transmit it to your opponent. Therefore, if you visit dangerous resources, download uncertified products or play uncertified games, try to work more with text code, more copy and paste  text, names, page addresses, etc. Secondly, special programs such as Firewalls can help you against frontal attacks.

what do The Firewalls do ? principle work Firewalls....

It checks all running processes on your computer. If there are any incomprehensible actions, it will ask whether you allow such a program to work. Well, I will say this, there are cases when I specifically give a trojan a little work to show the opponent that I don't have any useful things for it ))))))

When working with TMP category firewalls, it is better to block everything, especially processes - 19A, 19E, 1A2, 1AA, 1AC, 1AF, 1B1 and so on... The trash heap is located - Documents and status > Local settings, but there are exceptions.

Okay... but where can you get these firewalls?
I will present to you several models, but remember tha me no one will pay for this) as and no pay for films, oficial information from USA&UK&EU& Fance.... paying others peopls, others company, but you reading & waching me:

Sunbelt Personal Firewall - for those who do not want to bother their heads with all sorts of computer intricacies or children have access to your computer.

Online Armor Personal Firewall Free is a very good option, the free version is somewhat shortened, but if you like it, there is always the option to upgrade to the full version. .

ZoneAlarm - the free version is very limited, but for the abilities of hackers from the former Soviet Union it is quite sufficient.

It's better to download such programs via FlashGet...

Well, that's probably today all I wanted to tell you.

Do you know that in parallel to the official version of the Internet there are several other options, including for individuals? Who might find this useful, how to use it and more, will tell you later, if there is desire, time and resources )

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nov 3, 2011 Part 2 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language...

- Nov  3, 2011 Part 2 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language... 
English / On Original Language - The Lithuanian Language

Today we will finish the issue raised wich the conflict with The Rietavas Social Service (to looks Part 1 'Let's' from language of Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language) up to the limit when the state authoritys does not respond, but the crime has been the crime has been committed, proven , described with relevant indisputable, documented facts and the evidence of the crime and all transferred to the appropriate legal and judicial authorities.  
Regarding  publication the conflict, we received letters from the Ministry of Social Protection and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania, this the letter and it is as follows:

The Compensations is are understandable, but the contract will notbe ,  because so she needs to write an agreement with me, and I only have a temporary residence registration. I can't give a single penny to get me I cannot finance my own persecution, pressure, extortion from I, from my family and from people close to me. (see "Rietavos - My last FIGHT'). You know , no one has right to claim our property... so if we have to move out of our house, we dont back to it! Oh, if that's the case, the contract can be a month before the end of on I and children the residence registration. And here Lithuania cannot be the fair Juidition Guarant, because it not  support legal istatment of own State. Why ?  in deklared legal issues (see 'EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS' ) a appeals to legal courts to consider violations of the declared moral and legal norms for the region of Lithuania that to relevant this region - blocked by public and official persons of various government departments and authorities, which in itself is a serious the criminal offense ! Today there are no courts in Lithuania that regardless of any authoritarian opinion will accept your claim and will fairly consider the claim. This is has been checked! But I to even more has been done, but my accusations at have not been investigated and this can be seen from the decision. Will violations of moral and legal norms by Lithuanian publicl and official persons be considered and who will consider such violations in The European Court of Human Rights ? Therefore, you will accept it as an axiom - Lithuanian public and official persons do not bear civil and criminal liability even for their own conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior. There are also no government departments and authorities responsible for their operational activities. And, for these reasons, the contract for Grazina, onthe rental living area, and utilities from me cannot  be issued before the end of a month. But for now this is only my problem, because I one understand the reason and consequences of the decisions of these responsible persons, bodies, departments.

 But now I'm more interested in this:
'Social Support and Servise Department of Rietavas Municipality Administration informed that social assistance was only given to children until 08/01/2011, i.e. until going to court to determine paternity and awarding material support to the child.'

But, I'm sorry, I can prove that the appeal to the court is not wich 08/01/2011, but from 07/29/2010...
See this Search:


Here are the certificate:


Here is the court's decision:

here is an extract from this court decision:

'Giedrius Pundin, personal code 37801121183,  sentenced  maintenance daughter Helena, birst 2010 on January 11, after 250 Lt per month from the time of filing to the court on 08/04/2010 until Helena comes of age, this amount is indexed every year according to the procedure established by the Government, taking into account inflation, so wanted by Grazina Korenevskiene.'

Now the questions:
- who is lying?
- why?
- who is this is income/avail for?

If the Ministry of Social Protection is unwilling or unable to resolve this issue, we will try to examine the reasons in The Court of Publick!!!

>>>  Jan 21, 2012 Part 3 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nov 2, 2011 - Lithuania, Rietavas - my last fight....

Today is very bad day, black day... i losed to lithuania EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS !!!

They write me :

That is, in this example /in this principle/ and according to the presented documentary basis, we see that the encouragement of permissiveness and impunity, the legalization of criminal groups in the former Soviet space within the framework of jurisdiction comes precisely from Strasbourg.

Whay ? potomu cto idet podmena realnosti na kon'jukturnoe zhelaemoe, a eto v svoju ochered promotion organizovannyh criminal groop uzurpirovavshih organy justicii po vsemu regionu vostochnoi i lokalnoi Evropy ! '

and I know what will happen next !

At first there will be very strong financial and material pressure, which will be difficult for me to cope with.

They will restrict my access to income, cash savings and block all income resources, in the zone of their influence and access.

then they will demand from us payment for services that will be imposed against our will and knowledge, payment for utilities that exceed our actual expenses, so that it will be impossible to pay for all this and not live, and it will be extremely difficult for us to survive. When we have nothing to live on they will take our children away from us and make claims against my property and the property of my family.

Further, Lithuanian public and official persons plan to exercise their criminal  against me through the Russian Office of the Chief Intelligence Directorate and without any legal grounds, based on falcified documents and personal affiliations of Lithuanian and Russian officials, the Klaipeda Consulat of Russia, and transfer me to the hands officials of the Russian Office of the Chief Intelligence Directorate.

In this way they plan to receive my social savings, my social package, my and my femil's estate and real estate, my investments in the Lithuanian economy, my business, my income.

Also a Lithuanian public persons through his relatives and closed them person want to plan has receive income from the maintenance of the remaining as a result of their operational actions without legal, moral, material, financial support of children and from the beginning of their independent life !

Tell me, is this criminal?!
Yes !, this is criminal and Strasbourg, through its own decision, has been justify and legalized and  criminal activity by active Lithuanian public and official persons, thereby furthering criminality in EU regions such as Lithuania !

The other crimes with documentary evidence on the part of the Lithuanian regime real exist, but which the official Strabourg does not want to talk about and investigate it, including high treason, sabotage by official Vilnius in relations with the EU and with the democratic community as a whole:
