Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jul 27, 2011 - Soviet Terrorism, Lithuania, Mikhail Golovatov

 I don’t like Soviet Union, and I don’t like the executioners standing behind the shadow of the Red Empire, but.... “Alpha”, carrying out the order to clear the Vilnius television center, really did not have military of ammunitions. There were victims, but at whose expense? If this is the fault of the special forces, the persons responsible must certainly answer to the fullest extent of the law for military actions against civilians. This is, I think, the main question to which I would like to receive a clear and reasonable answer. But there is another version. If we assume that the lethal fire was carried out not from an automatic weapon, but from a hunting weapon... What then? Will the Lithuanian government be washed off and will it be anathematized as a deceitful and two-faced progeny of the Soviet terrorizm? Or maybe, before making accusations, we should assemble a competent international commission and study this issue? Why won’t either side turn to an expert examination that would put an end to this matter? wounds from hunting buckshot are good of distinguish from military ammunicion of sturmgewehr.
 And in general, I don’t understand why cowardice is designated as heroism. There is no heroism in the tragical events, just as there is no heroism in throwing down a weapon, burying your nose on the floor on command and allowing yourself to be eliminated. Liquidate, not shoot, and this is not a war crime - an order, take no prisoners of rebels. In my opinion, such cowardice is tantamount to betrayal, and the times are not so far gone when people were shot for such offenses by court-martial verdict. What has changed today ? promoting/propaganda negligence, irresponsibility, impunity ? On what basis - social, ethnic, clan, diaspora, place of residence or others ?

2012 sausio 16 - auku sarasas 1991 sausio 13 - Israsas teismo-medicininiai tyrimai 1991 m. sausio 13

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jul 6, 2011 - Social Service of Protection of Children of Lithuania

 Lithuanians... I one raising two children, one is three years old, the other is five. I sit at home with the children. Lithuania has caused me a lot of losses, a lot - for no reason, without responsibility and without remorse. Do not think that I am a dependent, my work experience in companys of Americ & Europen is more than threty years. Today, official I don't get very much money from the state of Lithuania. This official income I don't have enough for food for children, and I don't have relatives who could help me, I don't have a secret treasure, and in my yard not falling money from the sky to.

But... But, I help another woman who lives with me under the same roof with a child. The girl is only one year old. I took she to live with me, from a outdoor. Everything from me - warmth, hot water, food, and clothes. I am not complaining, her situation is understandable, she receives only 315 litas /90 euro/ from the state, she has no education, and the child's father is a drunkard. I understend - need to help people... but why all from my acc ?

 Annoying not this. do Annoying, as a social service, children's services not care about living conditions childrens. Well, todai as telking wolkers of social service of protection of children of Lithuania we live in the basement, but with such conditions as the circumstances allowed us not bad, and we take care of children. We all live like this, I provided housing for both the children and this woman to the best of my ability, of my account. It is known that we want to live better, but there are official objective circumstances. At some point, I and may be children can go to concentration camps as illegals immigrants, or be sent to Russia, or generally they will start financical, material, moral pressing us stronger how maked today. Because we need to have a living area, like a safe, so that all our property will not be stolen in I absence, but today I can’t make another separate room for my guardians. And this problem.

 And what I don't understand.... Children's services, social services, city administration, they care about the conditions where the children live, but so far they have not done anything as a pozitiv for me, this woman, this childrens from self account. They, everyone wants to be good, but only from my account. It seems to me that if you really care, contribute to the financial support of this small family, ask myself who and how can help to arrange a separate room for them, if you do not know how to suggest they something better than me. This will be fair... Oh, otherwise, who needs these social services under the administration anyway. To keeping alcoholics? It seems to me that if you have neither the energy nor the desire to help, then you must be satisfied with the conditions I give, and for that, you must be grateful. It your Lithuanian woman and Lithuanian childrens !

 In addition, from document whith to me maked Rietavo self goverment in Russian consulate of Lithuania I am a Russian citizen, a person who need deported and who need is tortured by the Lithuanian Government. But see I help your people, I save you and children from hunger, from senseless suicides... Your people are pressing me, and you are watn... Oh, what a pity?!

Well, it seems so to me... I see it so this.


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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jul 5, 2011 - Economic Ministry; causes, effects and future of Lithuania.

Oh, oh...  Having shares, and to be diller in any Japanese, European or American company is not the same as creating a company from scratch.  The creator of the capacity to produce any product or provide services must be a designer, engineer, entrepreneur, specialist in the field of the goods or services offered, and a dealer needs to be only a translator, retranslator. The mind of the creator and the translator is very different. The diller thinks only yes-no options, and the creator has a hard decisions on every question. Choosing the right decisions one is not so easy. The worst option to samples from one another method exception, best - when everything is calculated. There is another options, but this is, last the main one.
 It seems so to me.

 Exceptions to the method may incur additional costs, both due to financial reasons and time constraints. But if there is no specialist, no experience and time is pressed, due to preparatory work - it can be selected. You just have to always remember that this method is good because of a simple version and that not requiring answers to the questions why and how, such as specific knowledge in the fields of various sciences.
 That is, dealership is a deliberate degradation in the areas of scientific, economic, and public relations.

 Thats why I think that Rimantas Zylius is not a suitable candidate for the post of the Minister of Economic of Lithuania. He thinks very primitively, and can not find a suitable solution for positive for the development of scientific, technical, economic, social relations.  He is weak to find correct solutions, not to mention solutions elections with optimal amplitudes of positive propositions. Better, like Prunskiene, but I don't like for raider takeovers, expropriation and nationalization of promising property industries )

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Jul 3, 2011 - Experience from the past.

 I am listening to former president Valdos Adamkaus today. I don't know what he's braving about. All current problems of Lithuania were not born today. this hir administration did launderd money from investing in the closure of nuclear power plant units of Elektrines - next to this, money laundering from reconstruction the Valdovu Rumai  - children's pranks, corruption in the Ministry of the Interior and the Prosecutor's Office, also this is his merit. What's next?... Thousands of people left Lithuania, because they did not find an understanding of their problems, no opportunities to realize one’s abilities, a education. The unfulfilled promises to Polish administration. What  today's are the consequences conflict of Lithuania with peoples etnish diaspor of Poles inside Lithuania and with the state of Polish ?  

 Today, this man is teaching us how to live, and he accuses us of not wanting to beg in Lithuania, when We don’t want to beg, while the Lithuanian administration builds its material well-being on humanitarian financial and material assistance that has not been paid according to acts and agreements. We don't want to risk the future of our childrens, if doesn't know why and what. He says that the lost childrens schoolchildren are not a great tragedy for Lithuania, and all questions about regarding missing Lithuanian children he calls it a manifestation of chauvinism. Why ? This is today Lithuanian moral norms ?  

 If you'll of now believe to him, to administration of Lithuania you see what happens after that... I don't think it's good !