Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jul 5, 2011 - Economic Ministry; causes, effects and future of Lithuania.

Oh, oh...  Having shares, and to be diller in any Japanese, European or American company is not the same as creating a company from scratch.  The creator of the capacity to produce any product or provide services must be a designer, engineer, entrepreneur, specialist in the field of the goods or services offered, and a dealer needs to be only a translator, retranslator. The mind of the creator and the translator is very different. The diller thinks only yes-no options, and the creator has a hard decisions on every question. Choosing the right decisions one is not so easy. The worst option to samples from one another method exception, best - when everything is calculated. There is another options, but this is, last the main one.
 It seems so to me.

 Exceptions to the method may incur additional costs, both due to financial reasons and time constraints. But if there is no specialist, no experience and time is pressed, due to preparatory work - it can be selected. You just have to always remember that this method is good because of a simple version and that not requiring answers to the questions why and how, such as specific knowledge in the fields of various sciences.
 That is, dealership is a deliberate degradation in the areas of scientific, economic, and public relations.

 Thats why I think that Rimantas Zylius is not a suitable candidate for the post of the Minister of Economic of Lithuania. He thinks very primitively, and can not find a suitable solution for positive for the development of scientific, technical, economic, social relations.  He is weak to find correct solutions, not to mention solutions elections with optimal amplitudes of positive propositions. Better, like Prunskiene, but I don't like for raider takeovers, expropriation and nationalization of promising property industries )

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