Friday, May 27, 2011

May 27, 2011 Lithuania - Temporary residence permit...

Well... Today Lithuanian administration gave me  to temporarily live on my houm  and they  humiliated me that I living at a lithuanian children, and not the children live in my house, bought with my money and my family’s money.. I live in a house that I bought with my own money, am  to biding, I alimentation these Lithuanian children, who are of no use to anyone but me, from my own funds and those of my family, in addition to this, I pay for health insurance for me and them, and even under these conditions we are denied any medical services, even emergency ones. I live temporarily, and am dont have lithuanian civil belonging, have only citizen in Lithuania, but children there living for me are Lithuanian have and citizens, and civil belonging. I'll put it simply, Lithuania embezzled our money from health insurance, just as they embezzled my pension savings. The children will have to be prepared for school next year, and we do not have elementary morale, finanse, materiale, life stability. I do not want to continue working in Lithuania under the conditions of simple being robbed, just as I do not want to allow myself to be buried like a slave of lithuanian public and oficial persons tape Lithuanian administracia. I don't know what to do... It hurts) Looks like me need will have place. I am seriously looking at Poland, and this year I plan to ask for political asylum. Today Poland is contrversia in Lithuania. If am add that I also financially help a Polish families, which as and I for unknown reasons being financially pressing, persecution from Lithuanian administration and, I think this will be an important reason.
 What can I say, today's Lithuanian government is a gang of pedophiles, thieves, scumbags who do not want and cannot be responsible for the consequences of their own conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, as well as for their own and self state obligations. This is legally to excuses and therefore legalized. Am think this must be understood this way - any active criminal activity on the part of Lithuanian public and official person  is legal !

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