Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011 and for all nexts... Bloody sunset of Soviet Russia !

This country it's strange Russia and people living now in Russia is strange...
 It is clear that on the territory of modern Russia nothing remains of the old, Tsarist Russia. This territory today is inhabited by people who can rightfully call themselves Russian only on a territorial basis livinger. And they need to get it into their heads very well that they have nothing to do with the achievements Russia before 1917 and are not the heirs of that old Russia as and not the heirs Golstein Gottorps dinasty. There is no need to disgrace the noble past old Russia with dog blood. This is just like the noble families of past eras have nothing to do with Red, Bolshevik Russia. Not only do they have no relationship, but they are also opponents, not traitors, but precisely opponents of the existing regime on all territory old Russian Imperia in whatever bizarre forms it is integrated and interpolated  into today on ex Soviet Space.
 Yes, it’s simple, no one has yet anathematized the scoundrels who completely destroyed what today they want to appropriate as heritage another scoundrels. How can a murderer and thief be the heir of someone whom he destroyed as a class and appropriated his property? How to explain that not a single executioner from 1917 to the present day has been anathematized, not a single one has suffered a fair punishment, not for the acts of masse cutting out the civilian population about the NKVD order for the destruction of the social strata of the intelligentsia, clergy, employees, as well as famous persons who served old Russia Imperia in soul and body, which are was its pride and integral part.  Not a single Soviet Executioner one has suffered a fair punishment criminal actives , not for the violence, robbery and murder during the Second World War between Red (Bolshevik) Russia and Germany.
 I want emphasize again Modern Red (Bolshevik), Soviet and ex Soviet  Russia cannot be the heir to the glorious Russian heritage of the past before 1917, just as it cannot be the heir to the achievements of the Prussian /Deutsche people, neither in its national compositions, nor in its contribution to the glory of this regions.
 Today the Red Army celebrates its victory over Germany.  Was this Victory a victory for Soviet peopls ? What did she give to the children of the Red Commissars and peopls lojal for Soviet Rezime ? Another 70 years of agony of Soviet rezime, dictature, millions more legalized murders, still millions of lives ruined in the fight against hunger, poverty, bigotry and looting for the benefit of unknown fanatical ideas and beliefs?
For the good of what? For the benefit of a bunch of idiots who, suffering from a lack of self-worth, put forward schizophrenic nonsense about a great past and a bright future for a great national idea as idea way of one's own well-being ?
 But this is not a goal... The goal is simply to live, raise children, plant trees, build houses: The goal can be selfrealization, progress but no building your own well-being on the misfortunes of others. and if generally accepted moral and legal norms correspond to the development of scientific and technological progress, economics, and social relations - the civilization, technological progress, they comes on its own, like Glory. You don’t have to work specifically for this, it is a product of quantity into quality, a simple human principle of analyzing and adapting the surrounding reality to solve any problems that seem interesting to a particular individual/community for a certain period of time.
 Today we all see what Red (Bolshevik), Soviet Russia lost the Second World War, and with each passing year, the awareness of this to the descendants of non-humans who slaughtered more than a third of the noble , educated, decented class people  of Russia and no less in other regions of Europe then was within its zone of influence will be clearer and clearer.  
 Yes -You lost....  and for some reason the entire ex soviet regimes on ex territory sovietunion of today reminds me of the regime of Gadaffi, I think its fate will be similar and it will last exactly as long as the population takes to the streets because they see neither real prospects nor goals for their development . Today Goals of ex soviet regims no for the good of society, no for the good of Russia of populations, only for the good of Putin or others dictators or/and leaders of criminal regimes are only for fanatics and fools. This is not a goal, but self-deception, self-consolation when the victim gives his last shirt to the robber, but at the same time wants to console his pride, conscience and importance with delusion in which he so wants to believe because of his own weakness, inferiority and because of the lack of other soil-based self-justifying motivation.
 Happy Victory Day to you, Comrades, and may the blood of our ancestors will be as a lump in your all throat !

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