Saturday, April 2, 2011

Apr 2, 2011 Lithuania - How the Ministry of Lithuania of the Interior destroys the future of young Lithuanian.

Me It is not easy this to write, but today the Lithuanian officials are using state opportunities for funding, complete with good technical conditions and energy support, they are still fighting how to appropriate property from living for me minor children, who have who have social guarantees from Lithuanian jurisdiction as citizens of Lithuania. The Ministry of Lithuania of the Interior sees them as a future the victims of lawlessness and permissiveness public and official persons of Lithuania,  without a roof over their heads, the victim for claim Belorusian's and Lithuania's pedophiles or for oficial persons of Children Service of Lithuania sell a Lithuanian's Childrens to them
These are extraordinary accusations, but are logical it even now, I will prove them.

You know, we FolkDoutschers, did live in Russian against our will,  in this contain,  prisoners of German Second World War are very different from the Polish and Russian citizens of Lithuania. They consider what for Lithuanian contry they better than us, becaunt a them grandparents and great-grandparents, grandmuters didn't go through the concentration camps of the Soviet communists. For they as them telking us, has Lithuanian citizenship and a little more knowledge of the Lithuanian language. For this reason, when a Lithuanian communists/socialists beig persued, pressing, kill us, they do not see anything, the Lithuanian propagand machine as the press, television, and radio every working against us.
Of course we understand that throwing mud at us, our family and friends, during the Soviet-Lithuanian occupation of East Prussia became a tradition. Such a public, official opinion was imposed on the Soviet people as a popular norm of behavior, morality and law. None of the former Soviet populiation ever asked why, they simply took it for granted. This is the doctrine of Soviet fascism. Why ? Maybe becaunt why they to fear us ) They, soviet public and oficial persons fear a Democratic reforms, fead to lose control over the system of distribution of material assets, they are afraid of losing the right to irresponsibility and impunity for their specific criminal activities !
If it's about me, it's an honor for me that I can prove with my suveren status, and a soviet civil belonging, which the Lithuanian public and official persons made me, that my relatives passed through Russian communist/socialist concentration camps, that I was born and was broughting up with truly noble foundations, which neither Russians nor Lithuanians like so much to the communists/socialists of Soviet. They us count the children's of criminals.... Let them so count, but not us, but not our fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers never stole, they did fight, it was honor  and they did not betray either their spirit, either their own country, either people close to them!

It is understandable that the Sowiet public and official persons  persecuted us and according to theirown black (unofficial) laws we not can have qualification work, only job as slaves, we must be kept away from education and not allowed to live anywhere permanently. Why ? Because we are the inheritors not only of Vilna but also of East Prussia, where we there were real etnish residents, not only in citizenship, but also in etnicity, and this even before Stalin of Soviet's migration reforms. Take a look at today's Klaipeda, ago Memel, and you don't need words to understand it. But all these Soviat etnos groops people today have Lithuanian citizenship and consider themselves the lokal etnish groop.

What are we left with?
A soviet peopls are was being attacked us every time then for counter-revolutionary activities, for anti soviet agitation, today for subversive-sabotage and espionage in  favor of the USA&EU&UK government.  All the time, under various circumstances, former Soviet activists and propagandists are blocking us legal residence on our ethnically territory, causing moral, material, financial, and physical harm through their active activities in favor of the Russian-Belarusian Main Intelligence Directorate /ГРУ/ and State Security Agencies /КГБ/. As exthample am only got a temporary residence permit after 16 years of illegal lifes in Lithuania. I am not hiding, I live permanently in the one  same place in real estate purchased with my own money, am pay taxes, and I have more than more 30 years of official Europian seniority, with me living childrens - one is three years old, the girl is five. I want to live a full, active life, but my rights are limited and my actual existend social guarantees and rights declared by Europian law do not apply to me. Today I am raising children who living for me, who are citizens of Lithuania, but I pay for their medical insurance with my own non lithuanian money to Lithuanian heroic officials, and until today, with my living me children, young children, I was charged  with a debt/fine of about one thousand litas for month. This is about 300 Euro, Very nice!

But it's not the scary. It's scary, well, if we will not be able to cope with the obligations imposed on us beyond our financial capabilities, which will lead to the loss of real estate for the children, since according to the joint will on the part of my sister&me as  owners of the property, these children are the legal heirs it.  Am goto "To the end"  that will not be opposed to the interests of this children, and not in way of understanding Lithuanian officials: For They "no person - no problem" - and today they are trying to get rid of me so that there would be an opportunity, with the assistance of the Lithuanian child care service, to appropriate the my family property.
What add else? Everything is very logical. They keep us on a short leash and all the time impose increasingly difficult financial and material obligations, what would force me out of Lithuania, to send the children to children's homes and for fictional reasons, artificially created conditions, ago to write off debts, to appropriate our property. There is a complaint to the European Court about this today, but the Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior is responsible of Lithuania, and it is capable of paying for the loyalty of the European Court in relation to both Soviet activists, propagandists, and colleagues from Soviet, from of Security Committee. Other words to persons wich  today occupying significant public and official positions on the basis of departmental solidarity. It follows that regarding me, my complaint to the European Court will not be considered positively and, as the consequence of this, we should expect increased pressure on me and my family.

We are being killed... killed behind doors tightly closed by censorship and all sorts of agreements so that there would be no public outcry from crimes already committed or planned to be committed. The same scheme as with the Kedzis case, but I already talked about it ten years ago.
If someone thinks that this is only our problem and it will not affect him in any way, he is deeply mistaken. The whole point is that the Soviet moral and legal norms of distribution of property, income, and privileges are being legitimized on a social basis, where everyone whose abilities, understanding, education is higher than the norms of wretchedness and stupidity generally accepted for the region are victims and are subject to expulsion or destruction. This is the doctrine of the Soviet social consciousness. First, this will be a scam like the exspropriate  of land, later they will start cutting your necks and take awey vitally necessary financial resources, as and us..  .

I don't know what awaits I'm, but we won't be selling anything, there is an option to ask for asylum other Europen Union state, the children need to study and they need conditions for studing language and other  circumstances. All the debts that your officials came up with for us, we will pay off the fees for shipping containers as well such. If me manage to get asylum in another country and protect children from jurisdic Lithuanian we will never return there again, neither we, nor our relatives, nor people close to us... there is neither the desire nor the need to live there, and for us necessory no point in maintaining the rabble of Soviet criminals living on the territory of modern Lithuania.
and 12 years later...

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