Friday, March 25, 2011

Mar 25, 2011 - What Lithuanian public and official person was proved ?

Lithuania, Lithuania...
How can you think about the future if there is no assessment of life activity in the present tense, and the past is more mythology than reality. By present time I mean the time period from the collapse of the Soviet empire to the next global upheavals that will change established today moral and legal norms either negatively or positively. Now we are somewhere in the middle or maybe at the end of this time period in this coordinate system. It's time to analyze the functioning of the Lithuanian jurisdiction as an self goverment and make adjustments to create favorable conditions for scientific, technological, economic, social and public development. question, who one will take responsibility for the stolen money from the closure of Ignalina, who one will take responsibility for the money stolen from the dotacions,  who will take responsibility for the money laundered from the sale of electricity at the expense of Lithuanian energy consumers in Belarus, and so on and on. Is it possible that the same this will not be repeated with period and also no one will be responsible for criminal activities on a particularly large scale and size ?

Personally, for me, Lithuania as a jurisdiction has clearly demonstrated to the unreliability of investments in its economy, both as an personal farming ever as business objects. this is punishable and morally, and materially. Why ? there is such the practice - may be taken away by repressive actions away permit, licenses, work materials, objects of farming, transport and for this 'servis' to you will have also to payng )

I don’t want to be unfounded, so I’m looking ahead 21 years and its already real, documented facts of life activities Rietavas self government on behalf of the Lithuanian jurisdiction:
- Part 1 
- Part 2 
- Part 3 
- Addendums 

As we see as incomes, positives activating from the active life of Rietavas self government - they no.
I see  here  expenses, intentional harm, discrediting moral and legal norms, and more others everything that makes it impossible to realize one’s abilities, upbringing, education on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania with optimal benefit for oneself, one’s future, the future for close persons, and therefore, and for my or other persons makes it impossible to living on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. therefore, and without an assessment of the past, the future is impossible.

Now the question is: will Lithuanian society, law enforcement agencies, and jurisprudence tolerate, assist, longuish the criminal activities of Lithuanian public figures and officials  is outside help needed to avoid a critical situation with very negativ consequences ?

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