Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Indictment for to District Attorney's Office Plunge, Lithuania

 in to District Attorney's Office Plunge, Telšių g. 1A, LT-90162 Plunge
from Konstantin Korenevskij, 36504151894, +370 608 92925,

The notification of systematic extortion by fraudulent means and ways with the provision of physical, psychological, material, financial pressure.

The organizers of criminal activity are mayor of self government of Rietavas -  Antanas Cerneckis and administrative director of self government of Rietavas - Vytautas Diciunas.
The accomplices of an organized criminal group are employees subordinate to the administration of self government of Rietavas of services, departments, as well as employees of enterprises with which the Administration of self government of Rietavas cooperate.

Data on the organizers of the organized criminal group of self government of Rietavas:

Rietavo savivaldybės meras Antanas ČERNECKIS
Tel. (8 448) 73 201
mob. tel. 8 698  49 693
El. paštas,  
Gimė 1959 m. spalio 13 d.;
1982 m. baigė Šiaulių pedagoginį institutą ir įgijo fizikos ir astronomijos mokytojo specialybę;
1982-1984 m. dirbo Darbėnų vidurinės mokyklos direktoriaus pavaduotoju;
1984-1985 m. – Rietavo Lauryno Ivinskio vidurinės mokyklos mokytojas, Taribine ptopaganda;
1985-2000 m. – Žadvainių pagrindinės mokyklos direktorius.
1990-1995 m. – Plungės rajono tarybos deputatas;
nuo 2000 m. Rietavo savivaldybės tarybos narys, Rietavo meras (2015 m. išrinktas tiesioginiuose mero rinkimuose).
1995 m. – Lietuvos centro sąjungos narys, tarybos narys; nuo 2003 m. – Liberalų ir centro sąjungos narys, LiCS Rietavo skyriaus pirmininkas;
nuo  2014 m. – Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdžio narys, Rietavo skyriaus pirmininkas;
rusų kalbantis.

Rietavo savivaldybės administracijos direktorius Vytautas Dičiūnas;
Tel. (8 448) 73 202
El. paštas
Gimė 1960 m. lapkričio 14 d. Kaliningrado m., Rusijoje;
1976 m. baigė Tauragės 1-osios vidurinės mokyklos 8 klases, įstojo ir baigė Smalininkų žemės ūkio technikumą;
1980 m. įstojo ir 1985 m. baigė Lietuvos žemės ūkio akademijos Mechanizacijos fakultetą, įgijo inžinieriaus pedagogo kvalifikaciją;
nuo 1986 m. gyvena ir dirba Rietave. 1986-1990 m. – Rietavo žemės ūkio technikumo dėstytojas;
1990-1995 m. - Rietavo apylinkės viršaitis;
1995-2002 m. – AB „Hansabankas“ Rietavo skyriaus valdytojas;
nuo 2002 m. iki šiol dirba Rietavo savivaldybės administracijos direktoriumi;
siuo metu yra Lietuvos liberalų ir centro sąjungos Rietavo skyriaus pirmininko pavaduotojas;
1999 m. apdovanotas Sausio 13-osios atminimo medaliu.

Additional Information:
Vytautas Dičiūnas - graduate of the higher school under the Central Committee of the Communist Party, collaborated with the KGB and later The Main Intelligence Department of Russian Federation, rusu kalbontis, active agent.

Also are especially active in the criminal  their close circle, as well as close circle of state and socially significant officials, whose relatives work in child protection services, social services, utilities, on which and through which funds are written off for fictitious activities.

With from 2004 The Organized Criminal Group deliberately engages in sabotage activities in various ways, blocking the economic and social development of the region, deliberately squanders subsidized funds on criminal activities, unjustifiably and knowingly sabotage increases the cost of maintaining self-goverment infrastructure, discredits European moral and legal norms.

The total damage caused from the operational activities of The Organized Criminal Group of self government of Rietavas - more than 20,000,000 (twenty million) Euro.

Examples and description of criminal activity:

we are talking about material and financial extortion based on fabricated conclusions of child protection services and social services with the infliction of moral, material, financial, physical harm.

2015 - double claims against one court decision, both from the bailiff and from the child support fund, through the same bailiff, and one did not exclude the other and also the claims from by the child welfare workers Zibute Miliene and the social service Virginija Norvelene of selt goverment of Rietavas, to receive additional income from me in addition to the claims from the bailiff and the child support fund in favor of Grazina for tryst with the childrens.
This should be understood as blackmail for the purpose of extorting money, where children are hostages of the material claims of the administration of self government of Rietavas.
As evidence use in of the criminal activities of child welfare and social services from the persons mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - of self goverment of Rietavas, there is a document where they state their claims in writing signed by Zibute Miliene from 2015.01.21 Nr VTS-16 ( Addendum 34ZibuteExtortionIllegalIncome - ).
Pressure regarding the extortion of money from me was also from the district administration of self government of Rietavas on behalf of the social worker Dalia Jucene, which proves her involvement in criminal actions organized by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - of self government of Rietavas in my  address.
Into that period of time, duo to operational actions of employees of self government of Rietavas to Zibute Miliene, Dalia Jucene, Virginija Norvelene who, by their own admission, followed the instructions of mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - of self government of Rietavas, am at all  don't had to incomes.
And only at the end of the year, with great humiliation for me, gloating and mockery against me by the administracion of self goverment of Rietavas and with great difficulty, did I manage to get myself the small subsidy if except for the forces and means spent on receiving it (Addendums 36IncomeStatement2015 - ; ).
2015 in October, at my request to by court order and on a permanent basis, to establish a schedule of visits with children, on the part of the employees of the Ocult Crisis Center and the social worker for working with associal disadvantaged families Virginija Norvelene of the Social Center of eself goverment of Rietavas, in the presence of children, I was insulted  , humiliation, bullying, gloating and pressure in order to arouse in children disgust in my address and thereby induce in them a desire to break off relations with me.
Before my eyes, they did also abuse children, humiliated and mocked them, demonstrate their dominance and that I can’t help them in since mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administative director Vitautas Diciunas - of self goverment of Rietavas sankcioned they legal immunity and complete permissiveness and IMPUNITY  ( Addendums 35BeatimgTerminationCommunication - ;  1BreakingCommunicationChildren - ; )
Police and Prosecutor's office did not respond to my complaints. The situation was HOPELESS.

UAB "Telšių regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras"
Legal status - Join Stock Company (JSC)

The Status implies that this is a commercial enterprise where the shareholders include individuals or other commercial organizations where some individuals are their or owners, or founders, or shareholders.

In order to avoid any speculation with deliberate manipulations with fictitious publics opinion, I declare that I did not authorize on my own behalf to enter into any transactions or dispose of my and my family's property, whether it be partnerships or any other commercial and public organizations. Am also do not use the services of JSC "Telšių regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras" and am have not entered into any contractual transactions with them, and have no legal obligations towards them or their shareholders.

But am have financial claims from The Joint Stock Company "Telšių regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras" -

JSC "Telšių regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras" has a contractual relationship with JSC 'Rietavo komunalinis ūkis', where mayer Antanas Cerneckis - of self goverment of Rietavas and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas -, as well as their close circle are shareholders or owners of JSC 'Rietavo komunalinis ūkis'.

UAB 'Rietavo komunalinis ūkis'
Registration code171668992
Manager Alvydas Rojus, direktorius AddressKvėdarnos g.  4, Vatušių k., Rietavas
Phone +370 448 68122
Mobile phone +370 699 37367
Fax +370 448 68122
Social insurance taxes10,973.07 € (2022-09)
Sales revenue2021: 989,477 €
Net profit2021: 10,473 €
Transport2022-11: 8 cars (owns)
Authorized capital 1,597,317.76

The majority of the authorized capital of join stock company was transferred below the residual value from the balance sheet of self government of Rietavas where mayer Antanas Cerneckis - of self government of Rietavas and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - and their relatives are shareholders of Join Stock Company 'Rietavo komunalinis ūkis'.

But am also do not use the services of JSC 'Rietavo komunalinis ūkis'  and am have not entered into any contractual transactions with them, and have no legal obligations towards them or their shareholders.

It means that the claims documented against me on behalf of JSC "Telšių regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras" are an act of fraud extortion of funds using official position mayer Antanas Cerneckis - of self goverment of Rietavas and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - of self goverment of Rietavas.
It also means that through established commercial enterprises with some big names, money is being extorted from the inhabitants of the region without any moral and legal basis in favor of some organized criminal group with the participation of public and officials.

If no action is taken on these facts of gross violation of the law, this will mean the justification and legitimization of any unfounded claims by any commercial enterprise or organization with the status of Join Stock Company against any individuals in the Plunge region and also particular in the self goverment of Rietavas.

Which in turn is an act of legitimizing any extortion by fraudulent means with the use of violence - moral, material, financial, legal pressure and with the participation of significant public and officials, as well as their close persons.

1. investigation of crimes of an organized criminal group on the basis of Rietavas municipality -
2. documentation confirming the composition of the crimes of an organized criminal group created and existing under the guise mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas, of Rietavas self-government:

3. financial claims from The Joint Stock Company "Telšių regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras" -

Note !!!
If no action is taken on these facts of gross violation of the law, this will mean the justification and legitimization of any unfounded claims by any commercial enterprise or organization with the status of Join Stock Company against any individuals in the Plunge region and also particular in the self goverment of Rietavas. Which in turn is an act of legitimizing any extortion by fraudulent means with the use of violence - moral, material, financial, legal pressure and with the participation of significant public and officials, as well as their close persons !

wich respect from von Constantine.

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