Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Draft 14 - https://christianconstantineroothut.blogspot.com

Draft 14
As I mentioned earlier and according to another one more medical examination statement dated 2019.01.02 Nr 000032 I have limited physical abilities ( Addendum 39MedicalCertificate - https://korenevskiylt.blogspot.com/2022/11/draft-14-httpschristianconstantinerooth.html?m=1 ).
Based on this, without any good and justified reason, I cannot commit actions, the consequences of which can further limit my physical abilities and become critical for health, especially since the high-quality services of a neurosurgeon in my position are practically inaccessible.
Therefore, all the claims against me stated in the conclusions to the court from the child protection service, social service, self goverment administration and mayer Antanas Cerneckis - https://www.rietavas.lt/go.php/lit/Savivaldybes-meras/4 , self goverment administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - https://www.rietavas.lt/go.php/lit/Administracijos-direktorius/7 of Rietavas are unacceptable.
As can be seen from official statements, conclusions, decisions, actions, they want to use psychological, moral, material, financial, physical pressure in order to correct actions that will result in the impossibility for am taking care of themselves on am own and to them obtain material benefits through criminal of fraudulent means and satisfaction  they have ambitions both for me and for the children.
But this them plans, and I have other plans for my life.
Very difficult, under moral, material, financial, physical pressure, am managed to collect the necessary amount from subsidies for poverty and taking away from the self government of Rietavas with competition a small room of administrative building for the implementation of my project of imaging services.  ( Addendums 40HairdressingSalon - https://korenevskiylt.blogspot.com/2022/11/draft-14-httpschristianconstantinerooth.html?m=1, https://youtu.be/svUQQz-iFEg ).
Having a reason to visit the public health center in Plunge, am revoked the hygienic passport certificate from the premises of hair servis that Grazina and her partner Algerdas Ignasas took over in 2013 ( Addendum 4InterruptionValidityHygienicPassport - https://korenevskiylt.blogspot.com/2022/11/draft-14-httpschristianconstantinerooth.html?m=1 ).
From take the competition from self government of Rietavas small room, am to maked equipped with a small office for the provision of hairdressing services, such small image service center ( Addendums https://youtu.be/1piR81QGQQ0, https://youtu.be/MyClSoCiJ1A )

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