Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Draft 8 - Elections of self-goverment of Rietavas, 2023.

The Right...  

What is a any language in the broadest sense - in the broadest sense, it is a way to exchange useful information, collect and preserve life experience and investigative links. 
The ethnic languages ​​- are  very small languages, it's impossible even to get an education in them... Not available, understending a knowledge corresponding to the generally accepted norms, nor the possibility of prospects, development of to taked knowledge availables. A regional languages, a little more but they also have their limits. No one cared about them and often they were used for other purposes such as:
Ways of influencing public opinion by stuffing fictitious, false, untrue information, and this society, in view of the primitiveness of its thinking and a inability to compare this with analogues, perceived what was received as reality. Here one must understand that the more primitive a society is, the easier it's to manipulate to popularism, pr marceting metodics it by isolating the society from reality by linguistic censorship and immersing it in some kind of subjective reality that does not correspond to reality - and we see this is a dead end characteristic development  for a mayority regional languages.
 We also see the pattern that in order to manipulate public opinion in primitive communities, unconscious symbolism is used, where an intuitive reaction to a combination of colors, letters and symbols is developed by the method of punishments and rewards, regardless of the understanding of content and of meaning loads.
thus society loses an objective way of thinking based on the analysis of cause-and-effect relationships and it is easy to manipulate it based on the instuctive reaction to subjective factors of loyalty demonstration like others pets.
Such the society does not develop and there is  haved excess of unskilled offers and, accordingly, a shortage of qualified ones.
The desire to satisfy the ambitions of self-significance and replenish the benefits of civilization at the expense of others leads to various kinds of aggressive ideologies and, accordingly, leaders endowed with fictitious properties and qualities, as well as unfounded their promises and from them expectations. This leads to the creation of a mass of ideologies aimed at the mythical image of social exclusivity not by abilities, upbringing, education, but by subjective factors of racial, ethnic, diaspora, clan belonging and to rights to redistribute rights to territories, resources, incomes, privileges, etc.. Such ideologies are always based on one to dominance and exploitation by force by right, for example, of the majority of the less developed over the more developed.
In order to provide themselves with more favorable conditions for competition in the right of the exclusive right to distribute privileges, benefits, rights in the territory of influence, resources, leaders of primitive communities and their close environment begin to persecute and limit the possibilities of everyone who is above their mad understanding of reality and undermines the authority of their fictitious properties and qualities, and often deny reality as such, replacing it with the desirable.
 Such the society will not develop. It does not the conditions for development, self-provide and self-sufficiency. That is, if we want to live in a dynamically developing state of the European Union, then we must take care of bringing moral and legal norms to positive analogues with positive experience in the development of the economy and social relations in both understanding and interpreting in existen declared legislation. I think that here it is necessary to turn for experience, discussion, help for adjusting to acceptable values ​​and understanding of moral and legislative norms from partners and colleagues in other United States where it works positively.

Economic activities of Rietavas Municipality.  Major mistakes and how to fix them.
 The first thene am want to say that inflating the public use of mono-mentalized engineering structures is a bad practice, since it leads to many endless expenses for their maintenance, which non expand the possibilities of self-government but absorb all free funds and don`t leave a income for the economic development of the region. And here it is necessary to understand that self-goverment incomes are made up of taxation, and taxation is made up of the real incomes of the inhabitants of the region. In this case, from the income of the residents of self-government of Rietavas. That is, before budgeting the costs of maintaining public engineering facilities, they must be compared with the needs and capabilities of self-goverment residents. that is why it is so important to have, first of all, a legal basis for the development of economic social relations and take care of the possibilities of self-realization and, as a result, the income of the residents of self-goverment. Unfortunately, the practice of real relations with the administration of the self-government of Rietavas is the opposite - https://korenevskiylt.blogspot.com/2022/12/pilot-1-notification-of-crimes.html?m=1.
One of the available ways, for example is independent or collective, based on internal agreements, the production of services and goods and their subsequent implementation outside the self-government, state, united states of Europa and America. And the possibility of promotion of such proposals for the external market really exists. The problem is the sufficiency of such proposals to contain the infrastructure for their realisation.
Whan am see to needs to be done to make this to work :
1. Initially, am would like to draw public attention to the social sector. Am was specifically did interested in this issue and what we have here. The general situation is this - basically the inhabitants of the self-government of Rietavas have very poor content.
for the most part, this is due to the lack of demand for their services and great competition for unskilled types of jobs. For the most part a qualifications of the local residents of self-goverment of Rietavas are either low or they don't have it at all. Therefore, most of the inhabitants of the region, officially receiving small subsidies, are forced to unofficially provide services to local farmers and entrepreneurs for very small remuneration simply in order to somehow make ends meet. Sometimes, there are cases due to corruption in the self-government, they have to provide such services for free, just to get subsidies for poverty and this is being practiced. 75% of the individual housing stock in the self-government of Rietavas is ruins and only the owners of enterprises and households that are either from the balance sheet or on the maintenance subsidies of the municipality can take care of the renovation of sewerage, water supply, termo insulation, roof and others. This is not available to other residents of the region, since as a expences, even in the event of subsequent compensation of part of the costs, are not real. Therefore, the majority of self-goverment residents try to compensate for the lack of funds by many time spent on household chores. in order to free up to their time for the possibility of development abelities including the satisfaction of economic demands, a network of social services is needed that would actually be available with adequate expenditures on its receipt of incomes of the population. This means that in residentpoles for 400/500 inhabitants there should be inexpensive, accessible, perhaps even pole public baths, self-service laundry and others.
2. Guided by the real possibilities of the region am did my own marketing research and found out that many people from the United States, Central Europe, the United Kingdom involve in high-tech services and production and they need of primetive services and goods and residents of self government of Rietavas can meet to them expected needs. But to meet such needs, it is necessary to have the necessary abilities, skills and capabilities.
I think that initially the proposals should be formed on the basis of the cultural center and should take the form of a hobby, some kind of interest circles in the village branches of the center where people can try, learn, exhibit their work for evaluation and their to implementation. Subsequently, the implementation can be carried out by means of an electronic store from a local business center, which must also conduct constant monitoring of the market fo marketing research. 
3. Am also consider it necessary what would self goverment to working a studio that would make reports about the life of the region and publish them in a social network in an accessible way, with feedback, which would tell about the opportunities, prospects, proposals, conditions of participation in the social and economic life of the region.
4. Do energy sphere, where every inhabitant of the municipality could participate both individually and collectively me would like to see one of the main, specialized activities of self-government as passive high-tech sources of income. Here we must understand that in order to attract the necessary specialists, priority will have to be given to legal and social guarantees in the region, as well as the work of the municipality, infrastructure, social services, and the police in the mode to common of European language. Us will need a system where residents can not only consume, but also give electricity,  system of terminals will be needed that can be passively involved in the overall energy structure of the region with the ability to export to other Lithuanian municipalities and beyond Lirhuania. This will enable both the residents and the self-government of Rietavas itself not only to save on electricity consumption, but also to earn passively on its implementation outside the self-government.

This is all for now, and if we manage to implement at least most of the planned, this will be a big step in the evolution towards the prospects of self-goverment of Rietavas!

I sincerely hope for understanding, cooperation and participation of all residents of the region, including public and officials persons !




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