Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct 24, 2011 - Commissars of the Internet... - 'Cui prodest hoc?'

Commissars of the Internet, Part Four
 Table of contents:
  - 'Internet Commissioners';
  - 'Brigade';
  - 'Criminal manner of communication';
  - 'Commissars of the Internet, Part Four...';
  - 'Cui prodest hoc ?'.

 # Cui prodest hoc ?
Is quite obvious the desire of the Russian, Belarusian, and Lithuanian authorities to take control of the media, including other regions of The Post-Soviet Space . The Internet is a new phenomenon, and the methods worked out in newspapers and on television do not work well there. You can, of course, try to take leading information sites and popular web publications in your region under your ideological control by purchasing or introducing your own people into them (which, in principle, is what has been happening lately, as and to take control a Law). But the absence of a single directorate on the Internet, the multiplicity and diversity of web publications themselves, the presence of interactive web forums where everyone can freely, outside the framework of political censorship, one can be participate in discussions, all this variety of forms, does not allow representatives of totalitarian regimes to impose audience (including the,,, others audience) strictly adhere to the ideological line, reliably control and ensure a centralized approach. and this we see conflict between what is desired and reality because it is necessary for each dictatorial regime to conduct propaganda and counter-propaganda in order to justify and legitimize its Criminal Activities!

Compared to Soviet times, the methods and methods of state propaganda have been greatly modernized. Budget funds are now not spared for PR, even without being privy to the details of “projects” such as: “Creating a positive image of Totalitarian regimes,” “Strengthening the information security of the regime,” and “Creating a unified information space for dictatorial regimes.” I believe that the propaganda of criminal moral and legal norms in order to justify one’s active criminal activity, one’s irresponsibility, impunity and permissiveness with various ideologies cannot but affect the Internet and, in particular, popular political forums throughout the post-Soviet space, as and at the post-Soviet zone of influence at former socialist republics, at now which each participant can write whatever he wants.  
 Moreover, the peculiarity of any propaganda is that it must be total. If zones remain somewhere free from the ideological influence of the..., then the effectiveness of any propaganda activities sharply decreases. Perhaps it was precisely this specificity of the Runet (including,, others wich administration loyales regimes) that led to the emergence of hundreds of similarly-minded, national-statist, “patriotic” (as they themselves like to put it) thinking characters, similar to each other, like soldiers of the same division.

...want to know more?

 Who in Lithuania to working for the Russian-Belarusian intelligence services and have immune from responsibility for their own conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior:
Part 1;
Part 2;
Part 3;

 Subversion and discredition European moral and legal norms and values:    
Sep 16, 2011 Part 1 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language - Uraaa, all Lithunianr puting Own Kids into a Caskets
Nov 3, 2011 Part 2 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language...;
Jan 21, 2012 Part 3 'Let's' from language Soviet Union trnslate in Now Soviet Lithuania language....


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