Sunday, January 23, 2011

The internal politics of Lithuania or a question of what The Lithuanian Public Persons wants from The Dictator Lukasenko...

What do Lithuanian parliamentarians want in a country with an authoritarian regime and a structured criminal group? How is how the current state of Belarus and oficial Lithuania can be relationship ?
In order to answer this question, it is necessary to analyze the Lithuanian public persons and oficial characters who approach management through the social structures of Lituania. What is social structure ? Social struktura this is redistribution of social status, income, privileges, property not according to abilities, upbringing, education, but according to social characteristics such as race, ethnicity, clan, diaspora, party, etc.. Today in Lithuania public and oficial persons thisn is klan/partia soviet communists with fake education as Soviet Party Shool. And former Soviet activists, propagandists with legalized Soviet  a technical, a humanitarian False of Soviet Educationin leading public and official positions in Lithuania are being added every day.  There are more communists with or without fake education. That is, in leading public and official positions in Lithuania, more officials are being added every day who build their well-being on the misfortunes of other people in accordance with their morality and legal norms legitimized by and Lithuanian, and European justice.
 And they does not only think of communist, racist, nacist regimes with fascist systems of manipulation of public opinion, but also sees himself in such a system. It will not be a surprise if tomorow or after some time them should not realize itself in Lithuania as a European control system to realization of demands by terrorist methods together with some dictator or with some authoritarian regime.
This is It's not only scary, what terrible and disgusting how organised crimes group of lithuania as public and oficial persons clane have no crime activ limits, to them legalised oficial complete impunity and permissiveness:
Yesterday they did attacked the Poles, German residents in territory Soviet Lithuania, today on me. The reason justifying and legitimizing criminal offenses in this case is ethnicity and race. That is, in the Lithuanian language itself, the understanding of the relationship between any ethnic group, diaspora, clan and person is understand in civil belonging, as and russian languach - piletine Priklausamibe/гражданская принадлежность or of other words Slavery. But to me, against my will, made Russian Civil Belonging by the officials of the Lithuanian self-government themselves through the official Russian representative office in Klaipeda. And this can understend as akt of represion, persicution and about this the act today am can telking as act genocide against the rezident of Lithuania. Why?
 Because in my case this is a justification for already committed and planned criminal offenses for the purpose of misappropriation of property through extortion, fraud, persecution, as well as physical, moral, legal, financial, material pressure.
They need loyal circumstances to ligalisation sovjet rezima in lithuania and so today's understanding Lithuanian as a nation is not suitabled. And its plans, importing human resources from Belarus in Lithuania for all managerial positions, as a more loyal them system.
Why do I think so? Only because financial provision, redistribution of property, income resources for Belarus is planned by the autoritar government, and civil have to paying to them for ownself and to paying to them for ownself lithuanian peopls don't want today. Why?
Only because politics this is way to achieve a goal, not a goal and no one don't need to make fools of us anymore!
So example taking me:

Criminal Action:

Documentary Justification - Addendums to Documentary basis.

That is, here, in this example, we see a deliberate, conscious blocking of economic and social development in the region and, for this purpose, causing moral, material, financial, physical harm in a particular case to me, my family, and to close to me people.

I could add more, but I won’t overload the article with a information - this is enough for timely conclusions and reactions !

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