Friday, January 7, 2011

Ar if Flu ?

If you or your loved ones get the flu - you will be very lucky if you read this article. If you haven't gotten sick yet, also read, because for all kinds of complications, a simple persons it is a problem for the whole  to get antibiotics in all europa - and this knowink to you will definitely need it.
The first rule is not to spend money on Coldrex, Gripex, Actimel and whatever else. One hundred percent will not help. The symptoms may temporarily decrease, but you will get lot better... but a little later - It will get worse.
The second rule is that all home-made raspberries, honey, lemon, and warm milk are a very good option. But know that only then will you dress warmly, cover up and sweat. God forbid that after such a treatment you get a runny nose or freeze. Then you have to change your clothes and sit at home for a couple day. It doesn't matter that you feel better need time for incubacion period.
The third rule - remember that the flu is not as terrible as its complications, so God forbid you end up in the hospital. There you will be treated for the flu, but but most likely not do make the blockade  becaunt no due to politic and the equipment hospital. needed Antibiotics !!! Therefore, contact your family doctor and ask for prescriptions for Antibiotic before you get sick, running around clinics for a sick person is not a very pleasant experience. And if you live in the suburbs and have problems with public transport or transport schedules, this is definitely not in the interests of your health, the health of your children and loved ones. As parmoceftic preparat for feel complecation has proven itself well Ospamox, but there is an even better remedys... The first symptom of flu you need will make a blockade, but can start taking antibiotics with all the incubation period the flu. Remember your reasonable behavior you can save your, and cloused to you peopls life and get rid of the unpleasant consequences of official a treatment.

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