Monday, June 20, 2011

Jun 20, 2011 - Raimundas Palaitis, preparing for global corrupt bribery...

The Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania is calculating how to improve the material situation for their public and official persons, and offering the officials of the ministry of Lithuania can offer collegs of belarus asylum services to such countries as France, England, Germany.
Why but not from youself account ?
What so nexst?

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Jun 18, 2011 - national crime of Raimundas Palaitis...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

East Prussios Republic

Ar you know, the Republic of Lithuania with the Bolshevik regime could and not have existed if the population of the territory from Vilnius to Klaipeda had been a little more reasonable.
Remember the History in 1918 ?

The revolution of the Russian Empire, the Bolsheviks came to power, the country's civil war.  Many famous families from all corners of the collapsed Russian empire under the yoke of the Bolsheviks tried to find refuge in Vilnius and Kaunas.  At that time, Lithuania was like the one remaining fragment from the Russian Empire. Behind Lithuania is East Prussia, a parliamentary monarchy, a stable and strong economy with hundred percent loyalty residents.
There was no reason to communicate with the Soviet Communists.
Lithuania could let into the territory all the Russian Imperial Army - Denikin, Wrangel, Kolchak. They could to transform their military forces here and join East Prussia. The Red Army then simple chokes on its own blood at  border and the fate of Lithuania was different.
I don't understand why there is so much talk about Lithuania's independence if etnic Lithuanian peopls it is  Poles and Prussia and they are souls and blood of Lithuania. If Russian Impire it is Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp - , why Lithuania did caned not give place and be the heir to Imperial Russia. Why give the reason today's Russian Federation see itself as the heirited from Bolshevik regime, and Lithuania as subjekt the Russian Federation. What, there is not enough space, because of the Russians and Polish genue? But here is the intellect, the future, the future of children and their place in this world, not as slaves, but as a full resident of Europe. And who needs this in Lithuania? Today, Lithuanians are only Soviet Peopls who came to replace who were sent to Siberia and are hiding in their true nationality, in dependence on their was did a civil belonging. everyone else sticks to their own ethnic clans and groups Zhemaitis, Poles, Austrians, Russians, Dzhuks and other. Therefore let there be Prussia, the East Prussian Republic. Then the demand for compensation for the Russian Bolsheviks, and the claims from the occupied Prussian territory and other reasons are understandable.
Why not? isn't it worth a try ?!

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The Flag of East Prussia, EasterReich
Soviet Holocaust in East Prussia

 Memel Land, East Prussia /Klaipeda Lithuania/ today:
Klaipedos apskirtis, Lithuania - The Crimes committed from administration of self government of Rietavas / Lawsuit from 2022.12.11

Jun 18, 2011 - national crime of Raimundas Palaitis...

 Well, me interested ar Raimundas Palaitis never gets tired of lying? What happened to this Azerbaijani - hiattracted to a warm and luxurious life or escaped from Europian justice? Why did Lithuania decide to hand over young people to the Azerbaijani special service? Mayby a hysterical woman from a Caucasus for reasons a luxury vacation?) This is a crime?
 But for me an even bigger crime is the murder of witnesses in a pedophile case under unsolved circumstances. The real effects of the pedophile case are also unclear, as it is unclear why, because of you, are many children, people forced to leave Lithuania, where their children are raped for the benefit of social service employees, child welfare services, and employees of orphanages. This is secret hand public and oficial persons of Lithuania regulating the activities of police, prosecutor's, justice office ?
 Oh, maybe you will answer the question, How do you manage to engage in counterfeiting in institutions on the books of Lithuanian justice ?

 I still have a lot of questions, but only one thing is important - Lihtuanian public and oficial persons really deserve prison !

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Jun 20, 2011 - Raimundas Palaitis, pasiruosimas pasauliniam kiseninkavimui.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jun 14, 2011 - dangerous games...

 Dangerous games this I'm talking about populist games of public and legal persons of Lithuania. We all are living people and its cliar all peopls have human factors, emocios. This everything depends on the circumstances, presentation and perception of this or that information, manipulation of public opinion is obvious, but there is no direct violation of the law. But the responsibility of consiquences  is peuops who use emotional aspects at the level of innate instincts to promote the interests of self directed against scientific, technical, economic, and social relations progress. Am understend so: if you driving too fast - you have to pay fines, if you have committed a criminal offense - go to jail. The laws for every body are the same everything, but to exempt from administrative and criminal liability because of a significant public or official position is stupidity, which will have even more negative consequences than the crime already committed. But I don't can say the same about what in Lithuanian hooligan driving is called.  If a person drift on a car, and has not had a single accident in 20-25 years of experience, let him continue drifting. What is wrong here ? It's scarier when drunk peopls to fly around the village at 100 kilometers per hour but self goverment police are not responding to this because this persons have  public or official important position.
  I agree it's really necessary to recall the driver's license for life, due to the circumstances, irresponsible driving. Irresponsible driving here need understending, due to time and place. If a person flies 160 on a straight, empty road, he is dangerous only to himself. This is the body is his, and the money is his! Let him fly if dangerous only for him, and not for others.
 This written and in the Lithuanian constitution and with all the amendments and additions it sounds like this: a person independently assesses the danger for himself and independently makes decisions regarding his life, health, property.
 From all this it follows: populist games are very dangerous, and no good peopls should not lose their jobs, just because they drove faster on an empty road, as stipulated in the road traffic rules or crossed a completely empty road at a red warning signal, etc..
Well, that's my opinion...